Masks on during protests?


Feb 1, 2016
The question I have is why aren’t the anti-mask laws being enforced?

Don’t care which side of coin your on

But they in place to stop protesters, violence etc, including the kkk, correct?

Do you feel they should be enforced evenly across the board?
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If you feel so strongly about an issue why be reluctant to show who you are?
It’s like the idiots who still smoke. Why are you rolling your car window down and hanging your arm out with your ciggy in hand?
You still stink and reek and yes people WILL therefore classify you as lower class and kinda dumb.
Let your face show how proud you are about your feelings on an issue!

Makes you wonder why people cover up like they do

Enforce the law and unmask everyone, regardless of any group or side your on
The question I have is why aren’t the anti-mask laws being enforced?

Don’t care which side of coin your on

But they in place to stop protesters, violence etc, including the kkk, correct?

Do you feel they should be enforced evenly across the board?
What anti-mask laws are you referring to?
The ones that were established to unmask the kkk
Is this what you're talking about? I don't think the intent was to unmask the Klan.

No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.
Florida Statute 876.12 - Online Sunshine
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Specifically, no

But why would they lose the full hood?

I think it was written pretty good, it’s all inclusive
I'm still wearing my mask. Its one of those "balaclavas".... Got used to it after COVID and fell in love with the look, and I've been wearing it ever since. I put my mask on everywhere I go, sometimes I wear it in the house. I've actually got it on right now at work.

I put a little hole in so I can take a drag off one my filter-less Camels. Its great.
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The question I have is why aren’t the anti-mask laws being enforced?

Don’t care which side of coin your on

But they in place to stop protesters, violence etc, including the kkk, correct?

Do you feel they should be enforced evenly across the board?

WASHINGTON — In an unannounced demonstration through U.S. Capitol grounds and the National Mall, masked neo-Nazis issued a clarion call to their cause, as stunned tourists and neighbors looked on.
Members of the white nationalist group known as "Patriot Front" shouted chants of "reclaim America," as they crossed Constitution Avenue. Their yells echoed against the stately buildings of the government they seek to remove.
Wearing a mask while protesting is not illegal in my state, and I am appreciative of that being the case. I see clothing through the lens of freedom of expression and personal sovereignty. I do not believe that the government should be restricting the people's right to wear whatever clothing they choose to wear, from a burqa to nothing at all.

I also think that the justification for wearing a mask to conceal identity while protesting is apparent: protests are typically undertaken by a disempowered and/or oppressed minority against an empowered and/or oppressive state or majority. The latter typically poses a real and present threat to the former that concealment mitigates.
Nah. If you truly believe in the cause you’re fighting for, then one should have the courage to show your face while you publicly advocate for their convictions

If a person is so scared of retaliation and must maintain a cloak of anonymity to advocate their cause, people will question their sincerity and their motives.

Masks are too often reminiscent of organizations like the Klan, the IRA, or Hamas, etc.

I do agree that people should have the freedom to wear masks if they want to… but have to be willing to accept the consequences
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There's a difference between wearing a mask to conceal your identity and wearing one to protect yourself from germs.
People in Japan have worn masks during the flu season for years. Since Covid, you see that more often here among workers who whose job puts them in contact with a lot of the public. I see no issue with that.
Wearing masks to conceal your identity during any type of protest is a cowardly act. If you are so committed to your cause to be in public protesting, have the courage to show your face.
There's a difference between wearing a mask to conceal your identity and wearing one to protect yourself from germs.
People in Japan have worn masks during the flu season for years. Since Covid, you see that more often here among workers who whose job puts them in contact with a lot of the public. I see no issue with that.
Wearing masks to conceal your identity during any type of protest is a cowardly act. If you are so committed to your cause to be in public protesting, have the courage to show your face.
Definitely a full moon. I agree 100% with you and you shot down the premise of your buddy who you always seem to agree with lock, stock and barrel.