Originally posted by tommynole3476:
I haven't read the article, even though it wouldn't be much, I won't give it the satisfaction of my click. Based on descriptions, I assume it is a collection of tweets and letters that are filled with hate and vitriol towards Baker, maybe even some death threats?
That makes the story that much more ironic, in that, I would also assume there are no examples of tweets or letters Baker received that presented a logical, sound argument against Ms Kinsman's accusations?
I mean, any time there is a story as controversial as this, people covering it are going to get caught up in some way, because there is stupid everywhere. But there's also smart everywhere too. And I'd find it impossible to believe that Baker didn't receive one compelling argument, using the plethora of information available to us all, in favor of Jameis's innocence.
Which brings us back to why Baker received the brunt of the hate in this whole story, reporting only one side of the story to make one 'side' look like the victim, and the other as the predator. That's why in a year or two, when this has faded from the headlines, Mr Baker will go back to covering JV Girl's Volleyball, Jameis will be thriving in the NFL, and Erica will go back to chasing BBC behind her Dad's back at whatever community college she's at now.