Matt Baker Casting Himself as a Victim = Arsonist Burned

More Kirk Less Spock

Seminole Insider
Sep 9, 2007
After some thought - never mind / he doesn't deserve more clicks. That has been all these guys' motives all along.

This post was edited on 2/27 7:07 PM by More Kirk Less Spock
I'm not too up on current affairs, but I don't know who Matt Baker is, I just googled the name and it wasn't much more clear.. What is this all about?
He is the "journalist" who broke the story who

1) requested the TPD case file using the case # that only the victim and her attorney had
2) was/is allegedly friends with the "victim's" family.
3) allegedly had some family connection to the Pat Carroll's law firm.

I am unable to substantiate any of these assertions, but I am reasonably confident of #1 which seems to corroborate #2 and #3.

Also, his articles were extremely slanted and mentioned none of the exculpatory evidence/factors that argued in favor of innocence. If he had such connections to the family and/or her attorney, one would think the Times would have an ethical obligation to move his articles to the opinion section of their publication.

Again, because I know people will miss this or somehow imply I advocate the opposite, none of these things justify threats against him or his family.

This post was edited on 2/27 7:28 PM by More Kirk Less Spock
Again, my biggest problem with him like other so called journalists, is that he pretends objectivity. Also, could barely stand to hear Steve Duemig's response - of course FSU fans are awful to you, they are awful. He, like Baker, routinely denigrates FSU and then seems offended when FSU supporters take umbrage.

His [Baker's] lament was also picked up by One response in particular seemed to get to the heart of it.

"Two things here:
1. I don't feel sorry for anyone who reported in slanted fashion against Winston/FSU and leaving out pertinent facts in each situation during the witch hunts. You got what you deserved. Winston got threats also, and continues to do so as a result of this nonsense. Don't portray yourself as a victim when you are merely being ensnared in a mess of your own making.
2. Notice the reporters who covered the matters on the level have not been attacked like this.
Tell the truth and report evenly, you'll have no problems. When you resort to yellow journalism for page clicks, it's like jumping into the deep end of the pool with no lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk." I think his failure to disclose what many perceive to be the truth (that he is connected to and friends with the accuser's family) is really the source of most of the anger at Mr. Baker. I think most people would even understand his desire to pursue justice for them if he genuinely believes them wronged. It is objectionable, however, if he has such a connection and pretends not to.

One more time, just to be clear, he did NOT deserve death threats, but neither did Winston (assuming he is innocent which the evidence seems to support) deserve to be completely vilified by the media and the millions of others who seemed and still seem incapable of entertaining the possibility that he is innocent.

This post was edited on 2/27 6:59 PM by More Kirk Less Spock
This post was edited

This post was edited on 2/27 8:02 PM by More Kirk Less Spock
It feels strange and self-serving to me whenever a journalist writes about their own experience with a story. Matt Baker basically acted as a mouthpiece for the accuser. His reporting was largely a series of advantageous press releases. Now he's playing the role of martyr.

I don't like that our fans did that, and I'm sorry that people on the internet were mean to him.
Originally posted by More Kirk Less Spock:

2. Notice the reporters who covered the matters on the level have not been attacked like this.
Tell the truth and report evenly, you'll have no problems. When you resort to yellow journalism for page clicks, it's like jumping into the deep end of the pool with no lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk."
I'm sure this isn't true. The other reporters probably just filter their email or understand how the internet works. If you reach a wide enough audience, you will get terrible comments from the internet.
I think his point is that unfair reporting resulted in a much more negative response than more balanced reporting.
Guys, you all are being really insensitive, I mean, think about it... someone was either brutally raped, or endured being falsely accused of rape for two years while being trashed by the media, so let's not forget the real victim in all of this... the reporter who covered the story.
I feel no pity for Matt Baker and if I ever met him, I may be inclined to break his nose myself. You reap what you sow. He needs his typing fingers smashed with a ball peen hammer and his esophagus ripped out with pliers.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ncnole1975:
I feel no pity for Matt Baker and if I ever met him, I may be inclined to break his nose myself. You reap what you sow. He needs his typing fingers smashed with a ball peen hammer and his esophagus ripped out with pliers.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Well there ya go.
timing is suspicious, try to revisit the issue just ahead of the draft and pressure the Bucs not to take JW.
He is a disingenuous excuse for a journalist who was supporting his cause while pretending to be objective. His cause was/is very likely the persecution of an innocent young man. Despite this, offering violence, even hypothetical violence, proves him correct in his assertions that FSU fans are rabid beyond reason.

I do wonder, however, if anyone has the ability to prove his link to the family and/or his family's ties to the law firm. I believe i recall a post where there was some connection between his sister (also an attorney) and Pat Carroll. I believe this prompted her to take down her website.

I could, however, be mistaken in this so if someone knows/thinks I'm incorrect, please correct my misapprehension.
Originally posted by More K... Spock:

He is a disingenuous excuse for a journalist who was supporting his cause while pretending to be objective. His cause was/is very likely the persecution of an innocent young man. Despite this, offering violence, even hypothetical violence, proves him correct in his assertions that FSU fans are rabid beyond reason.

I do wonder, however, if anyone has the ability to prove his link to the family and/or his family's ties to the law firm. I believe i recall a post where there was some connection between his sister (also an attorney) and Pat Carroll. I believe this prompted her to take down her website.

I could, however, be mistaken in this so if someone knows/thinks I'm incorrect, please correct my misapprehension.

If you look up Uncle Pat on the website there is an endorsement from a lawyer named Marcia Baker. He has disavowed any connection.

His wife started a new job at Wiregrass Ranch HS this year. That HS is about 5 miles from EK. I have little doubt that is merely a coincidence.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The seriousness and nature of the allegation should have compelled him to balance his reporting. Not all stories deserve balance - the maniacs cutting off heads in the middle east, for example,don't deserve balance. But both the accused and the accuser deserved some basic level of respect and acknowledgement of the other side of the argument. Mr. Baker, like so many others, engaged in a one side effort to persuade rather than report on this story.
With all the crimes and other issues in this country and in the world I can't believe his wife felt entitled enough to call the FBI and waste time, tax money and manpower that could be spent on real problems.
When the f*ck is a journalist or publication with some influence going to print something with an actual timeline and facts that show the truth? Where is Jason Whitlock (he's the Christine Brennan of black causes)? Where's Al Sharpton of Jesse Jackson? Michael Wilbon thinks it's OK for blacks to say "nigga" but he must think it's OK to falsely accuse someone of rape. Wilbon thinks that the Patriots should have forfeited every game this year, without any facts being known, so I guess he's OK with convicting someone without all the facts.

I am completely dumbfounded how no one has stepped up to print the facts! This is completely amazing.

And to boot, the first one who does, will sell papers.
Thus far no major publication or media figure has invested their political capital in the issue. They probably fear being labeled misogynist. Due process and balanced examination of facts are a tougher sell than tapping into low level racism and a desire to tear down someone at the top.

Only a complete idiot could fail to see both sides if someone would take the time to show it.
Originally posted by Manch.:
When the f*ck is a journalist or publication with some influence going to print something with an actual timeline and facts that show the truth? Where is Jason Whitlock (he's the Christine Brennan of black causes)? Where's Al Sharpton of Jesse Jackson? Michael Wilbon thinks it's OK for blacks to say "nigga" but he must think it's OK to falsely accuse someone of rape. Wilbon thinks that the Patriots should have forfeited every game this year, without any facts being known, so I guess he's OK with convicting someone without all the facts.

I am completely dumbfounded how no one has stepped up to print the facts! This is completely amazing.

And to boot, the first one who does, will sell papers.
I agree 1,000% If he got charged it might be a different issue with them I guess. I still don't understand it though...
I haven't read the article, even though it wouldn't be much, I won't give it the satisfaction of my click. Based on descriptions, I assume it is a collection of tweets and letters that are filled with hate and vitriol towards Baker, maybe even some death threats?

That makes the story that much more ironic, in that, I would also assume there are no examples of tweets or letters Baker received that presented a logical, sound argument against Ms Kinsman's accusations?

I mean, any time there is a story as controversial as this, people covering it are going to get caught up in some way, because there is stupid everywhere. But there's also smart everywhere too. And I'd find it impossible to believe that Baker didn't receive one compelling argument, using the plethora of information available to us all, in favor of Jameis's innocence.

Which brings us back to why Baker received the brunt of the hate in this whole story, reporting only one side of the story to make one 'side' look like the victim, and the other as the predator. That's why in a year or two, when this has faded from the headlines, Mr Baker will go back to covering JV Girl's Volleyball, Jameis will be thriving in the NFL, and Erica will go back to chasing BBC behind her Dad's back at whatever community college she's at now.
Originally posted by tommynole3476:
I haven't read the article, even though it wouldn't be much, I won't give it the satisfaction of my click. Based on descriptions, I assume it is a collection of tweets and letters that are filled with hate and vitriol towards Baker, maybe even some death threats?

That makes the story that much more ironic, in that, I would also assume there are no examples of tweets or letters Baker received that presented a logical, sound argument against Ms Kinsman's accusations?

I mean, any time there is a story as controversial as this, people covering it are going to get caught up in some way, because there is stupid everywhere. But there's also smart everywhere too. And I'd find it impossible to believe that Baker didn't receive one compelling argument, using the plethora of information available to us all, in favor of Jameis's innocence.

Which brings us back to why Baker received the brunt of the hate in this whole story, reporting only one side of the story to make one 'side' look like the victim, and the other as the predator. That's why in a year or two, when this has faded from the headlines, Mr Baker will go back to covering JV Girl's Volleyball, Jameis will be thriving in the NFL, and Erica will go back to chasing BBC behind her Dad's back at whatever community college she's at now.
I can't recall in the article (I read it once last week) that there was any of that but in the comments one guy was coming on strong with all the facts and was, of course, attacked by all of the loonies out there...
I also seem to recall some mention of a connection related to him covering the HS volleyball team she was on.

My guess is he was an aspiring local beat writer who stumbled into a "connection" and tried to turn it into his own personal Watergate story, ignoring inconvenient facts and theories that didn't support the narrative he and the advisors were peddling. I'm sure there's a white knight aspect to this as well.
Originally posted by Formerly Rockymtnole:
I also seem to recall some mention of a connection related to him covering the HS volleyball team she was on.
Yes, he was the local HS sports coverage guy for the St Pete Times while she was playing HS volleyball
I assume that IF Mr. Baker has a connection with the law firm and/or the family the Times would have an ethical obligation to disclose that. If they are unconcerned with such trivialities, some genuine investigative reporter could probably get more than a little press by exposing the connection.

The guy who wrote the article about the Times trying to get Winston should receive an email pointing him toward the Tampa Bay Times as well.