Not a good look for FSU

“He denies the allegations and we are preparing for trial,” Jansen said.

Huh? I guess Tim didn't read the article...

When being questioned, Cramer admitted responding to the ad, knowing the child in question was a teen and sending the photo.
A few thoughts...

ESPN will find some way to report on the story and mention Jansen also represented Jameis

Penn State psychos will try to equate this to Sandusky

Why is Dept of Homeland Security involved in child predator stings?
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With all the charms of a woman
You've kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe you're old enough
To give me love
And now it hurts to know the truth
With all the charms of a woman
You've kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe you're old enough
To give me love
And now it hurts to know the truth

What is this??
Sea, you're showing your age. Dude is 73 now. But he still has "that" voice.
Saw him last year at an oldies show here in Atlanta, and for a few songs, still really had
Ha, lyrics from an old song by Gary Puckett & the Union Gap. It's a pretty catchy tune, other than the fact that it's creepy as hell.
Wait....was that "Young girl"? I was pretty young when that came out and even at a young age I thought "WTF"? At least when Donny Osmond sang "Go away little girl" he was 15 or something.

Was it The Zombies who sang "What's your name? Who's your daddy? Is he rich is he rich like me? Has he taken...any show you what to do?" There were some freekin creepers out there even then.
Sea, you're showing your age. Dude is 73 now. But he still has "that" voice.
Saw him last year at an oldies show here in Atlanta, and for a few songs, still really had

I was 5 when that song hit the charts, but I've always liked music from that era. The vast majority of the music I listen to is from musicians who've been drawing SS for multiple years.
Ha..yes, had to google it, and absolutely know the song. Very catchy and I would have never known the meaning it if not pointed out.

I will say older guys dating young girls in the 60s and before was much more accepted and practiced. Matter of fact, my mom married my dad when she was 16; dad was 20 years old. To get even creepier, my grandmother married at 14. When her oldest son, my uncle, entered kindergarten she was at the time the youngest mother to ever have a kid in school within the state of Georgia. There was a big write up with a picture of her and my uncle on the front page if the Atlanta Constitution, it was celebrated. No way something like that would EVER be celebrated today. Really amazing how much things have changed over the past 50 plus years.
No question it was viewed differently, and much more common/accepted, in previous generations. Shoot, when Elvis & Priscilla first started seeing each other he was a 24 year old star/soldire, she was a 14 year old schoolgirl.
No question it was viewed differently, and much more common/accepted, in previous generations. Shoot, when Elvis & Priscilla first started seeing each other he was a 24 year old star/soldire, she was a 14 year old schoolgirl.
That's sickening. I didn't know that.
He asked questions about whether law enforcement was involved and to determine a meeting location. When he arrived, he was taken into custody.

"Are you the cops?"


"Ok, sounds good, see you there!"

No question it was viewed differently, and much more common/accepted, in previous generations. Shoot, when Elvis & Priscilla first started seeing each other he was a 24 year old star/soldire, she was a 14 year old schoolgirl.

That is!
Sea, you're showing your age. Dude is 73 now. But he still has "that" voice.
Saw him last year at an oldies show here in Atlanta, and for a few songs, still really had

I haven't seen him in probably ten years, but saw him a few times in the 90s and 2000s, and his voice always sounded perfect. What a set of pipes that guy service of better material (and I do like his songs fine) he could have been a huge star. Not many popular artists had a better voice.

The thing that cracks me up about Gary Puckett is that taken as a whole, his hits really paint him as a pathetic loser. I don't know if there is any other artist who's catalog more thoroughly humiliates him...

"Woman Woman" - Explicitly states he knows his lady is cheating on him, and he can't satisfy her in bed
"Young Girl" - self explanatory
"Lady Willpower" - The woman he is with has no interest in sleeping with him no matter how hard he begs
"Over You" - Can't get over the woman he broke up with (so this one is pretty typical territory)
"Don't Give In To Him" - Begging his unrequited platonic friend not to have sex with her boyfriend because he loves her
"This Girl Is a Woman Now" - He just de-virginized a "girl". Would almost say "good for him finally", except in the context that he'd already hit with "Young Girl", it's pretty damn gross, and implies it's the same girl

None of those are "oh, well maybe you can interpret it that way." That is flat out the clear and straightforward explicit context of each song. Don't get me wrong, I pretty much like all those songs...but what other artist has made a career out of songs making him look pathetic? And he was a great looking guy with a great bizarre that he never told his manager, "Hey, how about one where I come off looking, you know, half-way decent?"

And I love that Zombies song Time of the of the best songs of the 60s. It's only a little creepy. Remember many of those songs in the 60s were written by teenagers, for teenagers, to be sung from the perspective of a teenager (even when the artist was actually older). Even when they were written by older songwriters, those songwriters were trying to capture the voice of a teenager.

Puckett's "Young Girl" is a definite exception, as is Ringo Starr covering "She's Sixteen." But I don't think there was somehow "more" of that in the 60s than in the 70s and 80s when there were still plenty of examples, long after the fiction/premise of being "teen music" had passed.
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That is!

He's pretty normal compared to Jerry Lee Lewis. By the time Lewis was 22, he'd been divorced twice and gotten married for the third time - to a thirteen year old who was a daughter of one of his cousins.
there are so many ways a thread can go off the rails. This is a good one.

Ha..yes, had to google it, and absolutely know the song. Very catchy and I would have never known the meaning it if not pointed out.

I will say older guys dating young girls in the 60s and before was much more accepted and practiced. Matter of fact, my mom married my dad when she was 16; dad was 20 years old. To get even creepier, my grandmother married at 14. When her oldest son, my uncle, entered kindergarten she was at the time the youngest mother to ever have a kid in school within the state of Georgia. There was a big write up with a picture of her and my uncle on the front page if the Atlanta Constitution, it was celebrated. No way something like that would EVER be celebrated today. Really amazing how much things have changed over the past 50 plus years.
this explains everything.;):p
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So many songs have hidden meanings and are way worse than you think until you really listen to the lyrics.

And then there is ole Clarence Carter Strokin.
He's pretty normal compared to Jerry Lee Lewis. By the time Lewis was 22, he'd been divorced twice and gotten married for the third time - to a thirteen year old who was a daughter of one of his cousins.
Now that had to of been weird even for those times.
Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, please.

Another useless factoid about Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, because I don't have many opportunities to talk about such things, is that they were one of several groups in the 60s that had kind of a themed "costume". That was a thing for a while, and theirs was, appropriately enough, based on the Union uniforms of the civil war...


Paul Revere and the Raiders went with revolutionary uniforms:


The Rascals early on did the Little Lord Fauntleroy thing for some reason:


Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs were kind of on the nose:

Top photo resembles KA Old South photos from 1970. Bottom photo of STS brings back memories. I saw those guys in person as a young teen summer of '64.
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“He denies the allegations and we are preparing for trial,” Jansen said.

Huh? I guess Tim didn't read the article...

When being questioned, Cramer admitted responding to the ad, knowing the child in question was a teen and sending the photo.

I am sure the law has probably changed or maybe because a minor was involved but at one time if you asked if the person was LE they either had to tell or else the case was ruled as entrapment.
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the minds of optimistic criminals

Being an attorney who looks like he has been around the block a few times he would or should have some understanding of what is and isn't entrapment. He also asked the question so it isn't like he wasn't somewhat aware he could be walking into an arrest.


You didn’t use the word, but your question is centered around the legal doctrine of “entrapment,” but this term does NOT mean simply that you were tricked into getting caught. Entrapment means that the police persuaded you to commit a crime you had no intention of committing at the outset. In your case, you intended to buy the drugs all along. You just didn’t intend to get caught. There is no Constitutional right not to get caught committing a crime. What the police did was only to provide you with the “opportunity” to buy drugs, not to force you or convince you to do so.

If you had been approached by an undercover cop or civilian agent of the police and offered drugs, and you refused, but he came back repeatedly and urged you to take some, or used some sort of pressure or threats, then this might invalidate the arrest and result in the charges being dismissed. The reason behind this is that the law does not want police creating crime where there was none, in order to make an arrest.

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Soddy, you're post entirely disregards the old maxim, "Trouble follows when you let the little head do the thinking."
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I wonder what the defense will come up with in this case.

I'm not sure the Colonel thoroughly thought through accomplishing this mission. As an attorney, I'm guessing, he will invoke the "if there's grass on the field, play ball" defense. So, in summary, he failed as a military man, an attorney, and an overall human being. I hate to judge based on news articles, but from what I have read, throw him in the swamp with the gators.
"Seeing all the suggestive song lyrics above, I'm surprised no one mentioned:
When we stick ourselves together, make the sparks ignite.
Sky rockets in flight; afternoon delight."

Gawd, I'm embarrassed I remember that abortion of a song.

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