Just got this in an email from the Alumni Assoc.
Dear FSU Family,
FSU is aware that the publisher of the book “Champion’s Way” is due to release the book shortly. The author, a New York Times reporter who has written extensively about FSU, paints a mostly negative portrait of the football program, and wrote an article in the newspaper a few days ago as a way to promote his book. Here is FSU’s response from President John Thrasher:
“Demonstrating his lack of knowledge and understanding of both Florida State University and college football, this author once again has cynically mischaracterized our athletics program. His book does nothing more than retread ground that has been fully investigated by the NCAA or reviewed by the Atlantic Coast Conference. This is disappointing but not unexpected. Rather than offering a fair assessment of Florida State’s institutional commitment to confront the complex issues surrounding college football, this is simply more sweeping innuendo that misrepresents the university’s actions. We have every reason to be proud of our athletics processes and our people, and we’ve set a high bar for performance both on and off the field. We’ve moved on.”
John Thrasher
Florida State University President
*edit* Just saw the pinned article at the top of the TC. Nevermind.