While it looks silly, it's used a physical representation of communicating with the other side. Similar to ceremonial dances used by the Native Americans.

What would be the alternative? Meditation? Chanting spells? Sure, it looks silly, but that didn't bother me one bit. I realized that they needed some mechanism to move the story ahead, so it's really just a plot device (albeit maybe not the most elegant one).

My only problem with the ending was that the dance had no tangible effect on the shooter. And the OA being there contributed nothing. She got shot but served no purpose. If she hadn't run to the school, nothing would have changed. The outcome was not affected by her being there at all.

It's odd that people would take issue with something like the dancing, and not question more substantial issues ... like when did the OA learn to read if she had been blind her whole life and has been in isolation since she regained her sight? She came right back from being released from her abductor and yet she can use the computer, type on a keyboard, read, etc. She knows what the internet is, how to do internet searches, etc. How would she know what any of those things are if she only regained her eye sight after her near-death experience with Hap?

All signs point to her always having been able to see and the whole thing is a manifestation of her imagination, mixed in possibly with some government experiment/program due to her possibly having supernatural powers of some sort.

There may be no redeeming factor from the show, but I certainly see some interesting features from the show. If there was no season 2 and this was a stand-alone show, I would assume it was all either a dream/imaginary and her waking up in the white room was her coming out of the dream. At which the entire show was a waste of time.

Hoping Season 2 doesn't go that route, if there is no actual supernatural work at play, that would be very disappointing.

They should have clearly used wands.
While it looks silly, it's used a physical representation of communicating with the other side. Similar to ceremonial dances used by the Native Americans.

What would be the alternative? Meditation? Chanting spells? Sure, it looks silly, but that didn't bother me one bit. I realized that they needed some mechanism to move the story ahead, so it's really just a plot device (albeit maybe not the most elegant one).

Pulled out from your spoiler, because this is about as accurate and succinct a summary as I've seen:

"There may be no redeeming factor from the show, but I certainly see some interesting features from the show."

I don't have a big problem with the dancing. It looked ridiculous, but for me that was a feature, not a bug.

For me, the most engaging part of the whole series were her followers buying into her. Despite her story making little sense and having massive holes, I was most intrigued with the way these five people, broken in their own ways, were willing to accept her story and plan. Why? Was there something supernaturally compelling about her that was supposed to come through in the writing and didn't (I guess the dog thing was enough?). Were they just so broken that they NEEDED that, no different from people throwing in with a cult, no matter how ridiculous? To me that was the most interesting concept to chew on.

And they all seemed to become better people or find some measure of peace through their "work". To me, the fact that they all would, without question, learn and then do the "dance", as incredibly ridiculous as it was, and in a high school, the number one most image-conscious venue there is, I thought that it actually worked more for it's silliness.

I do have plenty of problems with the fact that they deployed it, and all thought and knew to deploy it simultaneously, in service of a situation that really had no relevance to the reason they were learning it. It would have made a lot more sense to me if they'd deployed it in a more analogous situation, say Prairie was in some kind of imminent danger, and they thought they could teleport her out of it.

The way it played out, it was if they spent weeks learning proficiency in battling with Samurai swords, and then saw someone drowning in a pool and all thought "Ah, our training has prepared us for this!" That just didn't make any sense to me at all (#647 on a list of things that didn't).
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Pulled out from your spoiler, because this is about as accurate and succinct a summary as I've seen:

"There may be no redeeming factor from the show, but I certainly see some interesting features from the show."

I don't have a big problem with the dancing. It looked ridiculous, but for me that was a feature, not a bug.

For me, the most engaging part of the whole series were her followers buying into her. Despite her story making little sense and having massive holes, I was most intrigued with the way these five people, broken in their own ways, were willing to accept her story and plan. Why? Was there something supernaturally compelling about her that was supposed to come through in the writing and didn't (I guess the dog thing was enough?). Were they just so broken that they NEEDED that, no different from people throwing in with a cult, no matter how ridiculous? To me that was the most interesting concept to chew on.

And they all seemed to become better people or find some measure of peace through their "work". To me, the fact that they all would, without question, learn and then do the "dance", as incredibly ridiculous as it was, and in a high school, the number one most image-conscious venue there is, I thought that it actually worked more for it's silliness.

I do have plenty of problems with the fact that they deployed it, and all thought and knew to deploy it simultaneously, in service of a situation that really had no relevance to the reason they were learning it. It would have made a lot more sense to me if they'd deployed it in a more analogous situation, say Prairie was in some kind of imminent danger, and they thought they could teleport her out of it.

The way it played out, it was if they spent weeks learning proficiency in battling with Samurai swords, and then saw someone drowning in a pool and all thought "Ah, our training has prepared us for this!" That just didn't make any sense to me at all (#647 on a list of things that didn't).

Yep, that pretty much nails it. I harped on that earlier about the 5 people she chose, and how they seemed wanted to believe in her. Needing to believe in something. They were all damaged and lost, each in their own ways. And, of course, her supposedly being an angel, there is a lot of absolute belief and suspension of disbelief required from their side in order for this whole thing to work.

All that, of course, assuming what we saw was real and actually happened.
Yep, that pretty much nails it. I harped on that earlier about the 5 people she chose, and how they seemed wanted to believe in her. Needing to believe in something. They were all damaged and lost, each in their own ways. And, of course, her supposedly being an angel, there is a lot of absolute belief and suspension of disbelief required from their side in order for this whole thing to work.

All that, of course, assuming what we saw was real and actually happened.

That actress went to Dr Phillips
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Ok I like the show. I have one more episode before I am finished with season 1. I would give it a B-, meaning good but not great.
Yes there will be a second season. I may have to let you watch it first this time because I'm not ready to commit so many hours to something I wasn't crazy about
I'm a little shocked it got picked up for Season 2. But good for them, like to see anyone trying to do something a little different get a chance.
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I am happy it got renewed for another season because I really need some explanation as to what the..... happened?!

Compelling story. Enjoyed the actors and the suspense. So many questions and so little answers.

I feel the need to take another hot yoga class.