Some Drs need to face some type of sanctions or punishments for this issue also. In welding an injury that happens more than it should is called flash burn which is basically a sunburn on your eye. It comes from either watching the welding arc without proper lens or working in clos quarters with welders an can't escaped being catching arc flashes during the day. Like a typical sunburn you really don't realize it is happening or has happened until later in the evening. Unlike a sunburn in 99.99% of the cases the symptoms and irritating pain is gone by the next morning. Had a student last year who suffered flash burn during the day and went to the ER that evening. He was back at school and welding the next morning. The ER dr had prescribed him 30 oxys. He was kicked out of school the next week for trying to sell the pills. No way he should have been given those in the first place and even if a couple had been given to him he never should have been prescribed 30. My daughter is an ARNP and tells stories of patients who Dr shop until then finally get the opioids they are looking for. She says there are plenty of Drs who will write a 30 day script for even the most obvious fake pains.