My 17 year old daughter has tried beer, wine and some mixed drinks without liking any of them, thankfully. BUT, at the FSU-Michigan game, a friend had vodka mixed with mango cranberry juice and she actually liked the taste of it. When I gave her a sip, and only a sip, she proclaimed, "You can't taste the alcohol!" Which i replied, "Exactly why mom is only having 2." I then explained that is how you get way too drunk, way too fast.
When we went into the game, there were some very drunk behind us. One was puking into the backpacks they were giving out and the other nearly fell down the stairs. Both of them were left by their friends for quite some time. She was appalled. I told her that is what happens when you drink too much and your friends are jerks. Don't ever leave a drunk friend alone, especially a female.
Hopefully she will remember that next year at FSU (fingers crossed).