Each state can have up to two statues in the National Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol and can change them anytime they choose (the California legislature is in the midst of approving Sally Ride to replace one of their current statues).
While taking a tour of the Capitol the guide ask the people from Florida to give a name of someone from Florida that would be a good replacement for either of the current statues.
Currently the state of Florida has:
1. a statue of Edmund Kirby Smith (1824-1893) a Confederate general during the Civil War which was given in 1922
2. a statue of John Gorrie the inventor of air conditioning which was given in 1914.
My 12 year old son and I thought Chief Osceola would be a perfect choice, what do you think?
This post was edited on 4/18 8:53 PM by covertwonole
National Statuary Hall
While taking a tour of the Capitol the guide ask the people from Florida to give a name of someone from Florida that would be a good replacement for either of the current statues.
Currently the state of Florida has:
1. a statue of Edmund Kirby Smith (1824-1893) a Confederate general during the Civil War which was given in 1922
2. a statue of John Gorrie the inventor of air conditioning which was given in 1914.
My 12 year old son and I thought Chief Osceola would be a perfect choice, what do you think?
This post was edited on 4/18 8:53 PM by covertwonole
National Statuary Hall