Probably bad customer service but ...

Perhaps if he didn't come off as an entitled prick she would have just given him the code. If not, I'm sure there was a McDonald's down the road.!3m1!1s0x89c6c62f177a09d5:0x4eed6723fce6bb7d

Based on the location, looks like probably a store that got a ton of foot traffic, I can see how they'd be sensitive to non-customers taking advantage their restrooms. Again, this isn't at all uncommon. Most Starbucks in downtown/high foot traffic areas are pretty territorial over their pissers.
Eff that. I piss at places almost daily in which I don't buy something. What harm does it cause?
Odd, I can literally almost never get away with that.
So much so, it's become second nature to find the cheapest product on the shelf, buy it and then ask for the restroom code.
I would assume this is the case in any real city - which Philly (barely) qualifies as lol.
No it can't because the overwhelming response on this board is cop sucks he was in the wrong. If you can't see the stupidity in the fact that dude just needed to pee and some self righteous chick decided to play her power move then we can't have a discussion. Yet of course when this chick gets mugged she will expect 15 cops to be there in 2 minutes.
The overwhelming response, which has been summarized already by several, including myself, is that the cop comes off as a douche and the barista shoulda let him pee. Both sides could have done something better.
You don't know enough about the situation or her to assume she pulled a "power move" or that she'd expect 15 cops in 2 mins if she were mugged.
And to play devil's advocate we don't know how he initially approached her for the code -- maybe he was a d*ck? I mean, it's not like we've never heard of a cop being rude to a civilian for no good reason, the idea isn't out of the realm of imagination.
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I can sympathize with the cop. I had two cheese steaks at Jim's on South Street back in '93. About a hour later I was close to soiling myself because I couldn't find any place to relieve myself I downtown Philly. I ended up walking several blocks back to Jim's where I was holed up in the bathroom for 45 minutes with people constantly knocking on the door needing to use the restroom themselves. So it's more of a Philly problem in my opinion.
She should have let him use the restroom. But for most of us it is common practice is to buy something if you use a store's bathroom. Police certainly deserve an exception because they are out there doing a tough and dangerous job. Who knows what the attitude was on both sides?

Good response.
My take is she should have let him use the restroom. When she refused he should have asked for a manager instead of his Facebook rant.

I work part time at a City beach park and cops and retired out of state cops come in all the time and badge us to attempt to get in free. We used to let them, but the city said no more. So now I get yelled at by cops all the time. If they are in uniform, or in their cruiser, I let them in.
I would let him use the bathroom and offer him a free coffee and danish because i know how much they make and what they risk for doing that job and i would thank him also. In return he remembers the nice people at the establishment and would probably come running if you ever needed him. Not only am I thankful and respectful to them and in a self centered way I know I cant have enough cop friends.
I would let him use the bathroom and offer him a free coffee and danish because i know how much they make and what they risk for doing that job and i would thank him also. In return he remembers the nice people at the establishment and would probably come running if you ever needed him. Not only am I thankful and respectful to them and in a self centered way I know I cant have enough cop friends.

What if you were a Starbucks employee and your manager gave you instructions "restroom for paying customers only"?
I would let him use the bathroom and offer him a free coffee and danish because i know how much they make and what they risk for doing that job and i would thank him also. In return he remembers the nice people at the establishment and would probably come running if you ever needed him. Not only am I thankful and respectful to them and in a self centered way I know I cant have enough cop friends.
You would unilaterally give away free food and coffee b/c you've unillaterally decided that cops don't make enough?

You think as an employee, that's your right?
1) there are many professions that don't have a restroom available to them- cops, delivery drivers, garbage ppl., and the list goes on and on. If a public business doesn't want people using their restroom then just put a sign up.
2) I personally know store managers of a few public businesses and I can't believe any place allows anyone other than employees to even use the restroom. People actually smear their crap all over the walls, floor, toilet seat, sink and anything they can reach on a daily basis. Not to mention trying to plug the toilet up by throwing trash into it.
2) I personally know store managers of a few public businesses and I can't believe any place allows anyone other than employees to even use the restroom. People actually smear their crap all over the walls, floor, toilet seat, sink and anything they can reach on a daily basis. Not to mention trying to plug the toilet up by throwing trash into it.
I have had the personal misfortune of being next in line for the men's room at a Starbucks and seeing this 'artwork' first hand. It's not at all surprising to me that a store manager would set a firm "Customers Only Restroom" rule for his/her employees to follow - at which point, the employee has to be 100% certain the manager won't get pissed if they get caught making an exception.

Perhaps the bigger question here is why are there not more public restroom facilities. What of the people who can't afford a bottle of water or tall latte every time they want to take a piss? They're left to soil the sidewalks at the risk of getting a citation - a catch 22 for them. Humans must pee, but those without homes or jobs really don't have many options.

NYC does have some self-cleaning public restrooms, but not many. If there were more of these, this situation as well as the daily hardships of our homeless citizens would be much more avoidable.
You would unilaterally give away free food and coffee b/c you've unillaterally decided that cops don't make enough?

You think as an employee, that's your right?

I pick up cops and military tabs from time to time when I have the opportunity, it makes me feel good.I would have a problem with any company that wouldn't let a cop use their rest room so i wouldn't be there long any way. My son in law is a cop, sometimes I call him to find out the cop on duty in our area, invite him to stop by for a quick dinner or give it to him to go.
I pick up cops and military tabs from time to time when I have the opportunity, it makes me feel good.I would have a problem with any company that wouldn't let a cop use their rest room so i wouldn't be there long any way. My son in law is a cop, sometimes I call him to find out the cop on duty in our area, invite him to stop by for a quick dinner or give it to him to go.
You didn't answer my question.
Should she have let him use the restroom? Probably, however I assume the location has had an issue with people abusing their restroom and so they have reserved its use for patrons only. Its probably more that she used poor communication and common sense in that policy, but its a bit ridiculous to jump to her being a cop hater.
What if you were a Starbucks employee and your manager gave you instructions "restroom for paying customers only"

That depends if you're the type of person itching to be replaced with a robot because initiative and critical thinking aren't "your thing".
That depends if you're the type of person itching to be replaced with a robot because initiative and critical thinking aren't "your thing".
Maybe she's just the type of person who's trying to keep her job and doesn't want to do anything to risk that.

Really it's tough to comment on this whole thing without hearing her side.

Regardless, this is a non-story in the first place. What's the headline here:
"Rude employee follows store policy. Cop, forced to pee elsewhere, states displeasure on Facebook"
That depends if you're the type of person itching to be replaced with a robot because initiative and critical thinking aren't "your thing".

So show initiative and creativity, overlook explicit instructions from your supervisor/management and be replaced with a human tomorrow.
Follow orders like a robot and be replaced by a robot in the future. As a bonus, you also get called a cop killer sympathizer.

Tough deal for that employee
I understand both sides of this argument, and I am a full grown adult today. However, when I was 18, I was the closing manager for a Burger King in Queens, NY. After we closed, 2 former employees used a back door to enter the store, pistol whipped my friend & I, locked my other friend in the walk-in freezer, and held us at shotgun point while one of our porters ran 2 blocks up Northern Boulevard and flagged down 2 cops inside a Dunkin' Donuts (Not joking:) Those 2 cops called the cavalry, and they ended up shooting and killing both robbers and probably saved my life & the life of my friend (both robbers were zooted on crack). I told the owners that any time ANY cop came in that store, I just would not accept their money. My brother is a disabled Marine, and I feel there is a respect due our men & women in uniform that comes from putting themselves in harms way.

Do I believe there is a huge problem with today's Police forces? YES Going from Blue uniforms to Black fatigues, military training, etc.. Even calling themselves "Law Enforcement", when in fact they have always been "Peace Officers".

The power hungry have brought this on themselves to a large degree, but I feel that in this case, that barista was trying to embarrass that officer with her deliberate taunts.

Let the guy use the restroom.

Just my 2 cents.