Random thoughts while stuck on a conference call


Veteran Seminole Insider
Mar 29, 2002
Roseville, CA
1. Conference calls are nearly always a waste of time.
B. Took the kids to the circus this weekend, what an interesting slice of humanity you see when you go to see the circus. No, not the performers, the audience.
III. Speaking of the performers, now I know what happens to all those former gymnasts after their dreams of olympic glory faded. Lots of 5'1" 20-somethings in silly outfits acting really really excited while doing flips and stuff. I bet there is a LOT of acrobatic banging going on after those shows are over. What else is there to do in the Topeka Radisson midweek?
4. Ringling Brothers really is not the impressive show I remember as a kid. Feel bad for the animals now.

Part 2 - bathrooms here in the building
* We share a single bathroom on this floor with several offices. Too many offices for the number of dudes on the floor. Dudes are apparently still gross even when they are "professionals".
* I've noticed several guys let their suit pants drop to the floor when they are dropping a load in the stalls. That's just effing nasty. Nothing of mine except the soles of my shoes touch the floor of the bathroom. I walk in and see these pants just puddled on the floor under a stall next to the urinal. NASTY.
* Wash your hands dudes.

In conclusion - the conference call is still dragging on....
While I don't think that we are a top 10 team I'm not sure at this point who the hell is. Everyone looks like crap so far. Our o-line looks terribly inconsistent and Golson has yet to hit a receiver who wasn't his first read.
1. Conference calls are nearly always a waste of time.
B. Took the kids to the circus this weekend, what an interesting slice of humanity you see when you go to see the circus. No, not the performers, the audience.
III. Speaking of the performers, now I know what happens to all those former gymnasts after their dreams of olympic glory faded. Lots of 5'1" 20-somethings in silly outfits acting really really excited while doing flips and stuff. I bet there is a LOT of acrobatic banging going on after those shows are over. What else is there to do in the Topeka Radisson midweek?
4. Ringling Brothers really is not the impressive show I remember as a kid. Feel bad for the animals now.

Part 2 - bathrooms here in the building
* We share a single bathroom on this floor with several offices. Too many offices for the number of dudes on the floor. Dudes are apparently still gross even when they are "professionals".
* I've noticed several guys let their suit pants drop to the floor when they are dropping a load in the stalls. That's just effing nasty. Nothing of mine except the soles of my shoes touch the floor of the bathroom. I walk in and see these pants just puddled on the floor under a stall next to the urinal. NASTY.
* Wash your hands dudes.

In conclusion - the conference call is still dragging on....
While I don't think that we are a top 10 team I'm not sure at this point who the hell is. Everyone looks like crap so far. Our o-line looks terribly inconsistent and Golston has yet to hit a receiver who wasn't his first read.
I'm not sure how we dropped in the rankings and Ohio did not. They looked awful and had no idenity whatsoever.

How do you keep your pants up? My suit pants are light and are easily weighed down by my belt. Do you just keep above the knee? Or do you drop below the knee and then widen you legs and tighten you belt lol.
I'm not sure how we dropped in the rankings and Ohio did not. They looked awful and had no idenity whatsoever.

How do you keep your pants up? My suit pants are light and are easily weighed down by my belt. Do you just keep above the knee? Or do you drop below the knee and then widen you legs and tighten you belt lol.
Actually Ohio had a nice win this past Saturday although they are nowhere near the top 25.
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I widen my legs and keep them up at the knee. Not letting them stir around in that filth.
This. If your pants are lying on the floor of the stall you are a filthy human being. Don't even want to know what your work space, car or home are like. Disgusting.
* We share a single bathroom on this floor with several offices. Too many offices for the number of dudes on the floor.

I've read this four times and still not sure what you're trying to say.

(LOL @ Belem looking under the stall door)
I'm saying that there is only one men's room on the floor and that there are too many men that share it. Only two stalls for a lot of dudes, place is always packed.
As for looking under the door, you can see under the door when you walk in the bathroom as it's perpendicular to the door.

The other thing that goes on a lot is guys carrying on phone calls while taking care of "business". Just freaking weird.
I widen my legs and keep them up at the knee. Not letting them stir around in that filth.
so... you like a wide stance? are you ever worried someone will think you're trying some kind of signal?

someone had to say it...
(LOL @ Belem looking under the stall door)
I'm saying that there is only one men's room on the floor and that there are too many men that share it. Only two stalls for a lot of dudes, place is always packed.
As for looking under the door, you can see under the door when you walk in the bathroom as it's perpendicular to the door.

The other thing that goes on a lot is guys carrying on phone calls while taking care of "business". Just freaking weird.

I have a similar problem. I work at an A/E firm. I'm on an engineering floor, and noticed that engineers crap way more often than architects. If I'm not the first one to drop a duece that day, I'll head down to an architecture floor, or better yet, the marketing floor.
See...pants aren't on the floor. That's a good start. On the other hand, the guy coming under the stall looks like Finebaum...that's a deal breaker.
I wish there was some way to tangibly measure the loss of productivity attributable to conference calls. As noted, they are almost always colossal wastes of time. Generally, "everyone" feels like they need to say something -- even if it has already been amply said -- just so they can "contribute" to the call and thereby "justify" their participation (or employment).

Also, the corporate mumbo-jumbo on these things has reached new depths: things like (a) "we need to take a deeper dive on that", (b) "we are trying to get our head around it", (c) "we will get granular on it after we hear from legal," (d) "we will socialize this internally and get back to you," (e) "Kathy, will you 'reach out to' Bob and get __?", (f) "Steve, I'd like to recognize your group for working so synergistically with accounting on this," blah-blah-blah. Almost always a complete waste of time and energy.
Men are nasty and basically oblivious to any type of bathroom etiquette.

One day last week I had to drop anchor I go into the stall and there is piss all over the seat. That's a deal breaker. I go ahead and wash my hands because there is ink on them. Just as I begin to do this another guy comes into that same stall and plops right down-- heard no noises of him cleaning the seat.

Second thing is when I'm taking a piss and some guy comes flying into the bathroom-- basically running-- and hits the stall. Next thing you hear is the all out nastiness coming from the shitter a la Harry from Dumb and Dumber.

I asked my wife do women do these nasty things in the dumper and she says women are nasty in a different way.... Maybe some of the fine ladies err lady of the LR can enlighten us?
no way. Unless she's talking about the old squat move where some are being "sanitary" by not sitting on the seat cause they think it's germy.
So they get wee wee ON the seat and don't wipe it off, which is then actually a germ fest.
And smells so nice at day's end.
These are the same nasty girls who don't wash their hands.
I asked my wife do women do these nasty things in the dumper and she says women are nasty in a different way.... Maybe some of the fine ladies err lady of the LR can enlighten us?

Several years ago there was a thread from a long gone female poster about sitting next to the bathroom and having to endure her boss' loud pooping activities. I was a funny enough thread...until she divulged that her boss was a woman...then it went over the top.
Can the guy who said he takes pants off and hangs them on the back of the door chime back in again? Was I trolled? If so, good job...if not, 'splain yourself some more por favor!
Ah a poop room gold.......

laughing my ass off reading this stuff.....

FYI my office has a single restroom each for the male and female gender.....only difference is the sanitary napkin bin in the girls area.

We only have a half dozen folks in hear, so not so crowded.
Ah, thanks for bringing that up. Sometimes I'm in there working on a bit of business and here comes a guy into the stall next to me and sits down and there is no sound of him taking out an ass-gasket. Who the hell would sit on a public toilet without one of those things?
Remember one of our all time favorites who used to post hilarious stuff about such, er, bodily functions? He became an EMT?