Reporter and Cameraman killed on air

From WCTV's website:

A former WTWC employee confirmed that Vester Flanagan worked at WTWC in Tallahassee from March of 1999 to March of 2000. The station also confirmed that Flanagan had filed a complaint regarding racial discrimination against the station but the case was settled.

Meteorologist Nancy Dignon worked with Flanagan at NBC News 40 in Tallahassee in the late 90’s.

Dignon says Flanagan anchored the 6 and 11pm newscasts with her on the weekends.

“We are all in disbelief – and quite shaken by this,” Dignon said. “We knew he was volatile, but we never thought in our wildest dreams that he was capable of something like this.”

Dignon recalled an incident after the late news one night in which she pointed out a mistake Flanagan had made on the air. She said the disagreement “escalated so unexpectedly and so quickly … that he asked me to take it outside.”

Sounds like a time bomb with a 20-year fuse....

He asked Nancy outside; OK, that's normal.
Did she (Nancy) used to teach meteorology at FSU. I took that class and it was taught by a television meteorologist.
Did she (Nancy) used to teach meteorology at FSU. I took that class and it was taught by a television meteorologist.

I think she did. I knew some meteorology students who called her Nancy Dingbat. No clue if that was a personal or widely held opinion.
I think she did. I knew some meteorology students who called her Nancy Dingbat. No clue if that was a personal or widely held opinion.

I don't know. I recall thinking that it would be an easy A, and turning out to be quite (unexpectedly) difficult. The weather guy on Fox in the morning in Houston is a FSU grad.
It had a triggering effect for my PTSD. Had to go for a walk and do my breathing exercises. Probably won't sleep tonight.

I was actually contemplating canceling my fb and all social media because it. I was just thinking that enough's, enough. And then it hit me that I found the link through here. Annnd, I don't see me canceling wc. :/
I think she did. I knew some meteorology students who called her Nancy Dingbat. No clue if that was a personal or widely held opinion.

I think it was a name given by college kids being college kids. I took her class and found her quite sharp despite the bleach blonde hair.
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I was actually contemplating canceling my fb and all social media because it. I was just thinking that enough's, enough. And then it hit me that I found the link through here. Annnd, I don't see me canceling wc. :/
Sorry man.
I was reading a Twitter account from a CNN lady and she linked to the shooters Twitter page. I literally was watching him post those messages in real time and posted the link before the final 2 posts which contained the videos. When I first saw them, for a brief second, I thought they were reenactments from LEO. At least they only show her running after being shot...that's why I thought they were fake.
This is from TMZ which is why I won't post the link (no reason for more than one of us to give those clickwhores a click).

Bryce Williams/Vester Flanagan said the Charleston Church shooting in June spurred his homicidal rage ... which exploded this morning when he took the lives of a Virginia reporter and photographer.

ABC News in NYC says it received a 23-page fax from Williams this morning -- almost 2 hours after he had killed Alison Parker and Adam Ward. In the document ... he says he put a down payment on a gun on June 19, 2 days after the Charleston tragedy.

He wrote, "What sent me over the top was the church shooting. And my hollow point bullets have the victims' initials on them." He also addresses the Charleston shooter directly, writing ... "As for Dylann Roof? You want a race war (expletive)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE (expletive)!!!"

Williams also called out the Columbine and Virginia Tech shooters -- "Also, I was influenced by Seung-Hui Cho. That's my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold got...just sayin."

The document also includes a "Suicide Note for Friends and Family" ... where he says he suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and was attacked for being a gay, black man."
Yep. Every company has a few of these.

Reminds me of my first job. I was young and stupid. Now I'm only one of those things. Anyway, we had a guy there that was THAT guy. Always wronged. And you knew that he just wasn't right. Anyway, being young and stupid (stupid being the key word), one night after closing on a day when he had made a scene I crept back to the back office and jumped out and yelled "bang" at a couple of the friends working back there. I felt pretty bad with all the screaming I caused. Now we were in a secured building in the basement of the State Department so we weren't open to any outside threat. They were all sure I was the crazy guy back with a gun. I should have gotten punched in the mouth for that.
This is from TMZ which is why I won't post the link (no reason for more than one of us to give those clickwhores a click).

Bryce Williams/Vester Flanagan said the Charleston Church shooting in June spurred his homicidal rage ... which exploded this morning when he took the lives of a Virginia reporter and photographer.

ABC News in NYC says it received a 23-page fax from Williams this morning -- almost 2 hours after he had killed Alison Parker and Adam Ward. In the document ... he says he put a down payment on a gun on June 19, 2 days after the Charleston tragedy.

He wrote, "What sent me over the top was the church shooting. And my hollow point bullets have the victims' initials on them." He also addresses the Charleston shooter directly, writing ... "As for Dylann Roof? You want a race war (expletive)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE (expletive)!!!"

Williams also called out the Columbine and Virginia Tech shooters -- "Also, I was influenced by Seung-Hui Cho. That's my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold got...just sayin."

The document also includes a "Suicide Note for Friends and Family" ... where he says he suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and was attacked for being a gay, black man."

What a demented, delusional, narcissistic, cowardly waste of air.
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Me too. I wasn't sure what I was watching at first and then was in disbelief and then quickly hoped the version I was seeing would end before he pulled the trigger.

Was like watching someone playing a video game.

I managed to find it as well.....while it's not very graphic from a visual standpoint (no visible wounds), just knowing that it's video of a fatal shooting is quite unsettling...
Pretty sure you're wrong about that.
Apparently he knew them well.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search

That's a friend, not the shooter. Poor guy's picture has been making the rounds all day.
Sorry man.
I was reading a Twitter account from a CNN lady and she linked to the shooters Twitter page. I literally was watching him post those messages in real time and posted the link before the final 2 posts which contained the videos. When I first saw them, for a brief second, I thought they were reenactments from LEO. At least they only show her running after being shot...that's why I thought they were fake.

No man, not your fault at all. I was referring to all the psychopaths and idiots in the world who post stuff knowing that the world will see it. Kind of like ESPN :))
Disgusting. What the hell is wrong with people.

Lots of crazy bastards out there. Makes you realize how fragile life really is.....all you need to do is randomly intersect with one of these loons at the wrong time, and, boom, you are toast. You did nothing wrong, and there is nothing you could have done to prevent it. Sad.
Lots of crazy bastards out there. Makes you realize how fragile life really is.....all you need to do is randomly intersect with one of these loons at the wrong time, and, boom, you are toast. You did nothing wrong, and there is nothing you could have done to prevent it. Sad.

Indeed. My thoughts as well on stories like this. The random contact with evil/crazy people that costs innocent people their lives with no warning really makes you want to hug your wife and kids and appreciate what you have.
holy hell, I just saw the his POV vid. bone chilling....... he's sitting there just watching the interview take place pointing the gun at the lady and they don't see him. he puts the gun down for a sec then back up and fires away. from the newscast vid it looked like maybe he shot the camera guy first but no, he had his sights on the reporter and was shooting her first. good lord, just evil at it's core.
The POV is brutal I think because of him holding the gun at them for so long and then putting it down for a bit. Some say he was doing it to wait for the right time. I think it was because he came so very close to being unable to do it and just walking away.
The POV is brutal I think because of him holding the gun at them for so long and then putting it down for a bit. Some say he was doing it to wait for the right time. I think it was because he came so very close to being unable to do it and just walking away.

I can see that, but there was a side by side on youtube, and it appeared that he actually waited for the cameraman to pan around so that the newscaster would be on live TV when she was shot.

I am keeping a copy of the video on file (as bone chilling as it is) to use for a training aid for the foreseeable future.
Well if you notice he puts the gun back down as the camera man is panning to the right. He waits to shoot once the camera focuses back onto the reporter. It seems to me that he wanted the shooting to take place live on camera for everyone to see.
The POV is brutal I think because of him holding the gun at them for so long and then putting it down for a bit. Some say he was doing it to wait for the right time. I think it was because he came so very close to being unable to do it and just walking away.

When I saw it, my first thought was that the shooter was waiting on the cameraman to pan back to the reporter and interviewee, and the shooter wanted everything to be caught on camera.
When I saw it, my first thought was that the shooter was waiting on the cameraman to pan back to the reporter and interviewee, and the shooter wanted everything to be caught on camera.

That's exactly why he waited. There's little doubt in my mind he was hesitant, he knew exactly what he was doing and wanted it to make the biggest impact imaginable.
I finally saw the poverty video. It made me ill...
Do you think that the shots recorded by his go pro are the fatal shots? Or, do you think that he chased her down and continued shooting her? I can't see a fatal shot from the video.
Hard to tell. Most gunshots wont drop someone instantly unless a brain or heart shot. Most likely she was alive for awhile and bled out. But there were more shots off camera where he might have followed up with her on the ground.
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If the reporter had been as tough as the chick Dalvin Cook punched multiple times, she'd probably not even have a bruise.
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We still have idiots out there. Just one day after yesterday's events this kid decides to do the FHRITP act on live TV news shot

One of the few threads which demand respectful solemnity and prayer, and a reevaluation by Democrats of the merits of the death penalty.

Any perv who dares view this snuff video (if they locate it) must also must be considered a prime candidate for the death penalty.
One of the few threads which demand respectful solemnity and prayer, and a reevaluation by Democrats of the merits of the death penalty.

Any perv who dares view this snuff video (if they locate it) must also must be considered a prime candidate for the death penalty.
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looking at the "boyfriends" twitter, I am curious as to why he posted about what happened, 15 minutes before it did...

Also, looking at the video, if she was hit 3 times, there is no way in hell she could just take it, turn and run.

False Flag IMO.
Yes, we can see how effective these false flag gun events have been at taking guns away. Makes sense.


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