Which Becky is it?Catching up on the episodes tonight. Still a great show. Becky and Darlene don't look too bad either...
Which Becky is it?
She's still somewhat trashy and lazy in the show, but there are some interesting ideas beneath the fluff. And I enjoy that I can watch it with my wife and she just laughs at the humor and I get to sit back and consider the morality play going on in front of me.Never cared much for Roseanne back in the day, found it kinda trashy and lazy. Like a less grotesque Married with Children, which I also didn't like much.
@kc78 has me thinking about giving it a shot though. I enjoy politics and don't mind it wound into my sitcoms, sports, etc... so why not.
I've actually been surprised. I thought it was going to be an overt appeal and dog whistle to Trump voters due to Roseanne's political affiliations lately. And while they touched on it in the first episode, they actually handled it in a really good way pitting Roseanne against Jackie and both made civilized appeals to why they voted how they did, why they were angry at each other, and how they found common ground. I was surprisingly uplifted by it.
Since then, they deal with social issues and find a way to actually get across both points of view with the Connor's taking a more conservative approach while the rest of the family seems to argue the other side. This might actually be the show America needs right now as it shows these two camps disagreeing on a lot of big issues, but then finding ways to still come together as a family and be there for each other when they need it. And it's still funny.
They just pretended like that whole last season was a dream. They referenced it once or twice in the first episode.Did they bring Goodman back or leave him dead? I haven't watched since the original series ended oh so long ago.
Catching up on the episodes tonight. Still a great show. Becky and Darlene don't look too bad either...
He was banned, but if you send out a food/entertainment tribe symbol a guy who knows him might respond.Speaking of Roseanne...what happened to Tribe?
He was banned, but if you send out a food/entertainment tribe symbol a guy that knows him might respond.
He was banned, but if you send out a food/entertainment tribe symbol a guy who knows him might respond.
Had to expect this outcome sooner or later.Well that didn’t take long. Props to ABC for acting swiftly and without equivocation.
Had to expect this outcome sooner or later.
Catching up on the episodes tonight. Still a great show. Becky and Darlene don't look too bad either...
You should add the word, "Again".Rosanne's loud mouth got her in trouble. Imagine that.
Which ones and for what?ABC needs to cancel a bunch more shows if that is the standard.
ABC needs to cancel a bunch more shows if that is the standard. Funny thing is if she said it on the show or during a stand-up routine it would be acceptable to say.
Which ones and for what?
How many people lost their jobs due to the tweet? Rossanne was not the only one working that set.
Which ones and for what?