Scientology Documentary "going clear"


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2010
Anyone seen it? Just watched it last night. Messed up cult of a religion. The things people can be swayed into believing is f'ing crazy!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm not sure which one you just watched, but I watched one last week on ID and I think it was a 48 Hours special (might be a couple of years old) or something, but it showed how this one guy was in there for 27 years or so and how he tried to leave and was brought back, then finally left and they still pound on his front door harassing him because he left. Those people are total wack jobs.
I just think they're passionate about their beliefs. I've done some reading and they make sense to me. Hubbard doesn't seem like a crook at all and they definitely don't seem to need psychiatric help. Vote Xenu 2016
Originally posted by Manch.:
I'm not sure which one you just watched, but I watched one last week on ID and I think it was a 48 Hours special (might be a couple of years old) or something, but it showed how this one guy was in there for 27 years or so and how he tried to leave and was brought back, then finally left and they still pound on his front door harassing him because he left. Those people are total wack jobs.

It was on HBO. They interviewed a few high ranking people that left and they all said they were harassed. One guy recorded the people that came to his house. They are called squirrel busters and are sent to people that left and may cause trouble for the church
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by mbb07c:
Originally posted by Manch.:
I'm not sure which one you just watched, but I watched one last week on ID and I think it was a 48 Hours special (might be a couple of years old) or something, but it showed how this one guy was in there for 27 years or so and how he tried to leave and was brought back, then finally left and they still pound on his front door harassing him because he left. Those people are total wack jobs.

It was on HBO. They interviewed a few high ranking people that left and they all said they were harassed. One guy recorded the people that came to his house. They are called squirrel busters and are sent to people that left and may cause trouble for the church
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The one I saw was where a guy joined so because he was at his last straw with his brother, who had issues mentally and he figured he would try to learn what they were preaching so he could help his brother because they wouldn't work with his brother because he had previously had treatment for his mental issues. This guy ended up staying for 27 years and they wouldn't let him out of the compound to go visit his dying father. When he left without permission, they were at his father's bedside within an hour, harassing him to come back. The video they showed of the people pounding on his door showed them all wearing shirts with squirrels on the shirts.

I'll have to watch the HBO documentary!
That stuff is straight outta the book of dictatorial regimes.

The paranoia, the threat of physical harm, the veneration of the dear leader. Scientology reminds me of Joseph Stalin and the Kim dynasty in North Korea.

This post was edited on 4/20 12:06 AM by Archetype
Originally posted by mbb07c:
Anyone seen it? Just watched it last night. Messed up cult of a religion. The things people can be swayed into believing is f'ing crazy!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Could replace Scientology with any religion and most of it would still fit.


Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 4/20 1:37 PM by csklad
Originally posted by Noleguy06:

Originally posted by mbb07c:
Anyone seen it? Just watched it last night. Messed up cult of a religion. The things people can be swayed into believing is f'ing crazy!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Could replace Scientology with any religion and most of it would still fit.
Actually none of it would fit. Did you watch it?
I watched the ID channel show because I have never really watched or read anything concerning Scientology, and I am pretty ignorant on the subject other than knowing that Tom Cruise and John Travolta are members.

I have heard things about Scientology and wasn't that all surprised at what I watched.

When I watched Going Clear last night, I was like, WTF. Some of these people really have issues and I would agree that Scientology is more of a cult hiding behind a religion for tax purposes. They have $3 billion in assets, worldwide, most of it in property, all protected by the religious tax shield laws, and they have less than 50,000 members, that's $60K a member. How they get away with stuff like labor laws is beyond me (40 cents an hour or less for most employees/members), I know most members will testify that they are there on there own free will and that they are volunteering their time, and others will refuse to testify against other members. I know the FBI backed off when the courts ruled they were protected by religious freedom.

If anyone I knew ever joined, they would have to disown me, period.

I will not speak out against someone's beliefs or if you want to call this a religious belief, but this organization preys among the weakest of the weak and they do exactly the opposite of what they preach. People like Cruise and Travolta are basically stuck with them for life because so much damaging personal info would be released if they ever left, let alone left and spoke out against the organization.

If you are into Scientology and read this, good luck and good for you, but there are better options out there.
Originally posted by Manch.:
I'm not sure which one you just watched, but I watched one last week on ID and I think it was a 48 Hours special (might be a couple of years old) or something, but it showed how this one guy was in there for 27 years or so and how he tried to leave and was brought back, then finally left and they still pound on his front door harassing him because he left. Those people are total wack jobs.
That show wasn't about some just random guy from the Scientologists......that was Marty Rathbun. He was the 2nd hand man to David Miscavige (the leader of the kooks, now that L.Ron has been beamed back to the mother ship). He was, as an apt comparison, Heinrich Muller if Miscavige was Hitler. Rathbun's hands aren't clean in any sense, and his leaving wasn't as clear as that show made it out to be. After he left, he was still doing the stuff, but thought of himself as an independent Scientologist.
Originally posted by Noleguy06:

Originally posted by mbb07c:
Anyone seen it? Just watched it last night. Messed up cult of a religion. The things people can be swayed into believing is f'ing crazy!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Could replace Scientology with any religion and most of it would still fit.
LOL. Um no.

And im the farthest thing from a religious zealot.
There was a special somewhere that reported how Scientology bullied Social Security into accepting them as a religion in order to avoid taxes. All I can say is they ultimately believe in aliens. Fascinating report. It was on Discovery
recently I believe
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Take a cult, add the passage of time and you have a religion. Now, that's not to say that all cults become religions, clearly they don't all have staying power. But some do. Sorry Mormons, but some of your beliefs (mutiple universes with multiple gods, magic underwear-to name a couple) could be considered just as wacky as scientology. What's the difference? Scientology has been around for about 60 years, The church of LDS about 185. Give 'em both a couple thousand more years and maybe they'll be the 2 major religions battling to reign over planet earth. That is, if the muslims and the christians have left them anything to fight for.
Anyone seen it? Just watched it last night. Messed up cult of a religion. The things people can be swayed into believing is f'ing crazy!
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Can't help recall how a US(eless)F (it was useless for me) prof related to us a recent audit session he had at the "church" using that E-meter device. In that session, he discovered he was living a dual simultaneous life ... the one here on Earth and the other on some far away planet that is ruled ruthlessly by "heavy duty metallic people".

That was just one of several stories that prof as well as another US(eless)F prof told me.

It is anything but a religion and more so a behavioral modification course.

I will always recall how they moved into Clearwater secretly using another corp as a front and taking over the old Fort Harrison Hotel at one point shortly after moving in putting armed guards on the rooftop. Paranoid would be an accurate assessment of that supposed church.

With the purchase of numerous downtown bldgs they have pretty much killed downtown.

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