Season 2 of The Wire


Seminole Insider
Nov 17, 2002
I always see a lot people that don't like it. Do you not like it because it seemed out of place? Or did you not like it for some other reason? I thought it was a great season with a great story to tell.
I think season 2 is better on a rewatch but it's a jarring juxtaposition in comparison to the themes of season 1 and everything else David Simon created (Homicide Life on the Street, The Corner).
I'm a fan of Season 2. I didn't watch the Wire until 2 years ago, and binge watched all the seasons in about a month, so that may have helped the show change feel less jarring. I also work with port operations at my job, so that aspect was interesting to me.
I loved season 2. Now that we saw the inner workings of the streets in s1, we get inside knowledge of a new facet of organized drug crime in how it's smuggled and distributed. Sobitka's "We used to build shit in this country" line was one of the most powerful lines in the series and his downfall due to his loyalty to the dock and more so it's workers was admirable even if illegal.
I liked it. Season 4 was the one I wasn't crazy about compared to the previous three, but there was still a lot of good stuff in it.
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It's definitely better on the re-watch. I think it made me appreciate season 3 even more and season 3 was my favorite.
It was my favorite season.

Yup, loved it and I agree with another poster that it had a lot of awesome characters. Every time that I see something that involves the port and when we had containers delivered to my work, I expected to find a Baltimore Police SUV inside!
I liked it but not as much as seasons 1 and 3.....One of my favorite shows ever but was disappointed with the final season and the whole serial killer/newspaper storyline.
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I really liked s2. It was a good change of pace from s1.

I just recently watched the series for the first time so it's fresh to me. I may have to watch again.

I will say, and it's not said very much in some of The Wire threads I've read, the kid actors absolutely carried this show IMO. Allot of the adults are cited as being their favorite characters, but the kids are woven throughout this series and are the backbone of the show.

If you watch it again, pay attention to the scenes where only the kids are in. They kill it every time. It gives you a really good idea of the plight of the inner city kid and what they face.
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I'd have to go back and research, but I read that some of the kids and some of the guys in the gangs were actually real life gang members at one time. Also saw an interview with the guy that played Bodie, and he said most of the younger actors were from NY and the Baltimore dialect was foreign to everyone, and they had no idea what a lot of the slang/street talk meant, so it was a challenge to them.
I'd have to go back and research, but I read that some of the kids and some of the guys in the gangs were actually real life gang members at one time. Also saw an interview with the guy that played Bodie, and he said most of the younger actors were from NY and the Baltimore dialect was foreign to everyone, and they had no idea what a lot of the slang/street talk meant, so it was a challenge to them.
I know that Snoop was the real person.
I know that Snoop was the real person.
Yeah, I think Snoop's spending a looooong time in prison.

Edited to add that I was wrong about that.

"She was sentenced to a suspended seven-year prison term, with credit for time served, and given three years of supervised probation."