I just want to see a ST more in the vein of TNG, combo of all the best parts of ST imo.
I think they would have been better served not using the Trek name and just creating and action based space series. Why? Because when the traditional ST fan abandons this show, they will need to rely on new viewers. The problem with people who don't watch ST is the stigma that it has. They will end up with no one.
@Banditking I am a conservative and have to be honest, I didn't pick up on any anti-trump stuff. If anything, the double minority main character was the one calling for proactive attacks.
It's the racial purity angle of the klingons. The director stated this, directly.
I'm a classical liberal. Some might see that as conservative, I don't know that I agree. I grew up watching Star Trek and reading the books. At one point, in middle school, I had read all that existed at the time. Probably even through high school. They had the IDIC concept. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. I thought as a morality play that Star Trek had a lot going for it.
And yes, Star Trek has always had a social justice spin.
I don't want to kill the thread but I do not see trump as conservative at all, not in the way I understand the term.
Also, I think our voting public is complex and though I did not vote for trump I think pitching people who did as the villains while promoting a particular brand of identity politics (what I view as the spark that lit the trump match, namely the division and preachiness of the extremist progressive left) is a bit rich. It also misses the point of the real danger of today's political milieu.
A person I know was very upset that trump was elected. She is half a minority category with a fairly terrible history of mistreatment in the us. Other half is white. She immediately joined the #resistance. She started going to protests. And she started going to organizing meetings. She quit. Why?
- when she showed up, her opinion was devalued because she looked white (kind of). Identity politics. Basically just overt racism from the victim crowd of the left.
- she saw the antifa part of the group overtly advocating violence.
These are not the classical liberal/secular humanist values at the heart of Star Trek. And, for that value to shift is disheartening because it is the core of Star Trek.