You wouldn’t see too many Prequel characters in the Force Awakens/Last Jedi as that’s decade after the original series which is decades after the prequels. They did have at least three prequel characters in Rogue One which is set just a few days and ends minutes before Star Wars (A New Hope which I refuse to call it by, it’s just Star Wars to me) as Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and Sio Bibble were in the rebellion at the time of Rogue One (plus there were characters from Star Wars Rebels in Rogue One as Hera Syndullah was referenced as “General Syndullah” over a loudspeaker as well as her ship Ghost being in the rebel base and C1-1OP or “Chopper” was a droid seen in the Rebel base).
So as for me I was fine seeing Darth Maul. He was featured prominently in both canon tv series (Clone Wars and Rebels) and Solo is only a few years before Rebels so clearly Darth Maul had to be running around doing SOMETHING in between the prequels and Rebels.
But as a side note, I hated the mother of dragons in Solo. I think she’s a terrible actress and have even hated her in GOT compared to what the character COULD be with an actress who 1) looked like the character, 2) was taller/more physically capable of doing action sequences, 3) was willing to do what the part actually called for (wearing the one boob exposed floppy eared dress discussed in detail in the novels, did the lesbian scenes as written, agreed to have her hair and eyebrows dyed when required and shaved when required, wear lavender eye contacts etc... and 4) was an actually good actress.
Basically don’t get a short (5’2”) dark skinned and dark haired actress (especially one who can’t act) like this one
When the character is described as looking like this (keep in mind all of her platinum blonde hair is burned completely off at two separate points so she only has long hair in the very beginning and in the middle).
They should have got actual platinum blonde actresses who can act like in Vikings.
Like Gaia Weiss
Katheryn Winnick
Ida Marie Nielsen
Ok rant over how miscast Emilia Clarke is in GOT is now officially over.