Gosh, it's amazing how I've managed to buy a house, pay it down ahead of schedule, pay for a lot of home improvement projects, carry zero credit card debt for several years, and have a credit score of over 825...without the help of a big, strong, wealthy man.
Yeah, my wife manages the money for our household and always has, and has been brilliant at it...was very strict and organized for a lot of years that managed to get us out of the poorhouse and kept us from accumulating debt. And she hates shopping and never buys anything for herself either, so we both keep ourselves on a very tight leash. I'm not a financial idiot or anything, but she's really good.
None of the things she does rise to a serious level, and they are nothing that really matters like financial things or argument inducing. I more think of it (or have learned to think of them) as the kinds of quirks than anyone has. "Pisses me off" is too strong a statement, none of these things anger me, but maybe make me shake my head sometimes...
1) Loses her keys, glasses, etc...but hers are not in the last place you'd look. 80% of the time they are in the first place she looked. Whenever she can't find something and asks for my help I ask "Where did you think they were?" Purse, table, coat pocket...wherever they were supposed to be, they always are, she just didn't look well enough. It actually makes it a fairly easy thing to deal with on my end.
2) She does like to tell/remind me things that there is no possible way for me to not know. So, like I start the dishwasher every night. About once every three or four years, I'll forget. So once out of 1000 times maybe. She still wants to remind me to start the dishwasher every night, and has had to actively train herself not to after I've mentioned it's annoyance a few times.
Or things that, even if I were somehow to do them differently, the consequences are so small as to be not worth mentioning...would rather make the occasional meaningless mistake 3% of the time, than be instructed 100% of the time. Like "Pull into the first entrance!" at a store or something. It's an obvious thing, but even on the odd chance that I did make a mistake and pull into the second entrance...who cares? Not worth her thinking about, mentioning, or me hearing.
She is just way more controlled of her own life than I am with mine, and bothered by the most inconsequential of mistakes, so that makes her want to constantly keep on top of all of us the same way, and it gets a little old.
3) She does like to ask me to do stuff at inopportune times, and expects (well, maybe not anymore) that I will remember to do it. Because her brain works that way...she can keep a calendar in her head, and make a mental note of something to do. But for the most part, that's a lot easier if it's YOUR own idea, need, whatever. And my brain is just not great that way anyway.
So like on a Tuesday morning when I'm in the shower, she might tell me "Can you get that box down from the attic this weekend." And if the weekend comes and goes, she will act like I've blown off doing it for her. But, there's just no way I can just file away a random (to me) detail like that.
We've gotten past that by a combination of me using my calendar on my phone, and her making a mental note for herself instead, to wait until Saturday to ask me, and then I just do it then.