Spank or No-Spank

Spank or No-Spank

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I'm not against spanking, but it just wasn't effective. People from a generation or two ago like to say "I got spanked and I turned out fine", but in those generations everyone that DIDN'T turn out fine got spanked also. I'm very dubious of it's effectiveness.

I learned with my first one. I was a pretty young parent, remembered getting spanked a couple times as a child, and also seemed to work. I was disabused of that quickly. There was no way I was willing to spank hard enough to inflict enough pain to get results with my first daughter. And it was heartbreaking...she was troublesome, but too good natured to really even make the connection that I was trying to make her hurt as punishment. It was awful, and got no response later as a threat. Spanking is only working if the threat becomes the discipline after one or two rounds. Having to literally spank your kid over and over is no good, and quickly makes you miserable.

And then I stumbled quite on accident to the one thing that made an impression...she was raising hell in the car while I was driving one day, and at wits end, I just improvised that I would pull over to spank her on the corner where all the cars going by could see her. I hadn't spanked her for months, and had no real intention, but her reaction to that idea made me think I might finally have found my play. I pulled her out, screaming, and walked her to the corner of the intersection. Knowing I was setting myself up for arrest and child services, I swatted her so gently that it would be impossible for anyone to even know what I was doing, other than trying to control a screaming child. That was it...the public part of it was the key. From then on I never had to spank her again, just threaten to spank her in public. If she was behaving bad in the car, even just slowing down would get a reaction.

My second daughter was not too much trouble, maybe got one or two swats on the butt at most. She always has had her own mind, and I've never felt I had much control over her, and I'm not sure that has ever changed. She doesn't make trouble, and I don't know what I'd do if she did.

My last one, my son, we kept in control with a wooden spoon that never hit him. Somehow the threat of it was enough the first time I pulled it out. Took a couple swings at him once in a while and "just missed" and that was always enough...he was scared of the spoon. We also turned this lock around on his room, so we could lock him in. He could play in his room for an hour on his own, but if you said you were locking him in for 5 minutes, it was bloody murder to him. Those two things got us through.

I just found that you have to find the one or two things that get their attention. I actually think a real spanking is usually pretty far down the list. And the amount of escalation required over time to keep it a threat is just unendurable as a parent.

I think it is best reserved as the nuclear option for young kids who do something extremely dangerous. I don't think it's wrong to spank a kid for running into the street or biting another child or playing with the stove, if they are too young to really understand, and you need to impart a very clear "this action = pain" message. After having raised three, that's the only thing I would reserve spanking for.

Pretty much everything else is within limits for me. I did a few pretty, um, unorthodox things over the years to get results.
I have never laid a hand on either of my kids. They are teenagers now and about the most well-behaved kids you can imagine. There are better ways of raising kids that don't include hitting them.

I considered not posting in this thread because it never changes the behavior of those who think hitting their kids is a good idea. It's almost like they're proud of the fact that they do it. I just don't see how you can raise a child with the thought that you teach them that hitting someone is wrong....and then hit them yourself.
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The trophy thread has me thinking.

If you do spank your kids, at what age did you start, and when do you stop? What is your weapon of choice (that sounds awful, but not sure how else to put it). And for clarification, I'm not talking about popping your kid in the moment with your hand. I'm meaning more along the lines of, bend over, take paddle, and multiple swats.

If you don't spank, what is the punishment? Time outs? Restriction? A thorough talking?

Do the parents who do not spank still have hellions for kids?
Do the parents who do spank have kids that are timid and not confident?

Lots of questions here, I know.
My mom used a belt on me and could make that thing sing. I loved her till the day she died and don't believe it had a negative effect on me. It did make me think twice about doing SOME stupid things.

Me? Hand to butt, but never more than 3 whacks was a spanking. I've administered one swat on the backside more often but those were pretty light, more like an attention getter.
Usually started ~age 3 and never past 10 that I can recall.

I've got grand kids now and don't recall having to swat 'em even when they were living with us. Oh wait, I have one grand daughter that is the apple of her grand dad's eye. Can't remember what she did but was likely dangerous. I gave her one swat and she was just devastated that grand pa had to swat her. After she finished crying (not because it hurt but because it was grandpa) she came and crawled up my lap and we hugged each other for a long time. Never had to do it again. Don't know if I could do it again anyhow.

I do admit there are instances that I've regretted. Those were because I yelled though and not because I spanked.
She's the Pre-K ESE teacher. She'll tell you a good number of the kids don't have real disorders just lazy, sorry parents who don't properly discipline or spend adequate time with their kids.

Funny you say this. We just had back to school night for my 7th grader. You go and follow his day and meet all his teachers. He's in the gifted program and aside from PE and one other class it's all the same kids. Those classes were PACKED with parents. Standing room only. But the lone class that was gen-ed? Place was a ghost-town. Us and a few other parents of kids in the gifted program and a couple of others. But it makes you think. Perhaps those kids aren't in this program because their parents just don't care enough to drag their ass out one night a year and see what their kids are doing and who is teaching them.
Never. My daughter was raised respecting us because we respected her by never striking her. Of course we provided dicipline, but never even close to hitting her.

I view hitting your child as weak and just asking for your child to not respect you and to rebel against you.
Never. My daughter was raised respecting us because we respected her by never striking her. Of course we provided dicipline, but never even close to hitting her.

I view hitting your child as weak and just asking for your child to not respect you and to rebel against you.

That's extreme don't you think? I was sparked and never rebelled against my parents.....well, that's not true. I didn't rebel because of spankings is what mean. It was the exact opposite.

I rebelled because I wasjust a bad ass like that :)
Funny you say this. We just had back to school night for my 7th grader. You go and follow his day and meet all his teachers. He's in the gifted program and aside from PE and one other class it's all the same kids. Those classes were PACKED with parents. Standing room only. But the lone class that was gen-ed? Place was a ghost-town. Us and a few other parents of kids in the gifted program and a couple of others. But it makes you think. Perhaps those kids aren't in this program because their parents just don't care enough to drag their ass out one night a year and see what their kids are doing and who is teaching them.

As a former teacher, I saw the same thing. The parents who showed up were the ones whose kids always did well.
I was spanked as a kid and it didn't have a positive effect on me. It just made me mad and I acted out even more.

My mom was the spanker and I always wanted revenge. She loved flowers, so I would always piss on them or something along those lines.

I was a bit of a little chit, yes.
I was spanked as a kid and it didn't have a positive effect on me. It just made me mad and I acted out even more.

My mom was the spanker and I always wanted revenge. She loved flowers, so I would always piss on them or something along those lines.

I was a bit of a little chit, yes.
She clearly didn't spank hard enough. I think that is key to spanking, if you're gonna do it, better make sure it's done in a way that the message is received.
I got spanked quite a bit by my dad. Kids were to be seen and not heard as far as he was concerned. So, if I made more noise than he thought was acceptable, I'd get popped. My dad was 6'4", 225 lbs, and country strong.

I got beat once with his leather belt. I would have been around 6 years old. Made me bend over and grab my ankles and he took the belt to my ass 10 times. Folded the belt in half and let rip. My mom and I had gone to the grocery and they sold these toys from the show MASH. I took the toys out to the car and played with them while she finished her shopping. When she came out she saw the toys and saw that I had stolen them. I didn't have any bad intent.....I just wanted to play with the toys.

We go home and when my father got home from work, she told him what I had done. He made me go with him back to the store and show them what I had done. He wrote the manager a check and I apologized. When we got back home......that was when the belt came out.

I don't have kids so I can't say what I would do or not do in regards to spanking. I can say that I never stole anything again after that and remember vividly the punishment I got. I'm not saying it was right for him to do that.....but it sure as hell made an impression. Here's the toys I'm referring to:

I just don't get it. I see hitting a child as strictly retaliation and venting of anger. After reading Funks post my guess is that his dad could have intimidated him through respect, gone to the store and paid the money and apologized, and disiplined with the same result... without striking the kid.

I just don't see the parents who have close, respectful relationships with their kid ever needing to hit the kid. It still seams weak to me.
I don't think spanking a kid produces the desired result. When it comes to a husband or wife, however, that could be a different matter.
False. It hurt, and it hurt a lot. Being talked to always worked better for me.

You make a good point. It really comes down to the child and how they respond. What works for one may not work the other and so on. Spanking should be last resort option, but I don't think it makes for a bad parent if that is punishment choice they choose for their child.

We have a 7 year old (my stepson) and we chose to spank when needed. It works MUCH better for us than time-out or taking away items that he loves most. He woll simple find a new item to play with, even if it's a stick or a card board box. We can't simply keep taking things away, we'd have to put him in a padded room with straight jacket on if that were the case. Also, when we hold him in for the evening for a much longer time-out (not let him play outside), he gets in even more trouble. He can't simply sit down and think about what he did wrong. He will start getting restless and board and won't know what to do with himself and inevitable ends up in even more trouble.

We don't want him in more trouble or to feel long periods of anger towards us or the world, plus he will stop remembering why he is in trouble in the first place.

The spanking fixes all that for us. It gets the point across and then he can quickly move on with his day and play with his friends. And don't get me wrong. It's not spankings everyday or anything. It's maybe once a month (two this summer). We do put him in short time outs, we will take away toys he is playing with away, and we will give multiple warnings. But he knows that a spanking will be next if he keeps it up. And the spankings aren't for the little things. Its for consistently being disobedient (don't do this, does it anyways), bold face lying, etc. It's for big picture stuff.

We don't spank out of anger either. He goes to his room so he can cry it out, think about what he did wrong, and then calm down. We are calm and cool when we give and talk with him about why we did after the spanking. We stay with him until he calms down and ensure him that we love him and that he is a good kid.

It seems to work, his mother can now get the message through when she needs him to stop doing something without having to tell him repeated times. And again, he can get the punishment and move on with his day.
You make a good point. It really comes down to the child and how they respond. What works for one may not work the other and so on. Spanking should be last resort option, but I don't think it makes for a bad parent if that is punishment choice they choose for their child.

Agreed, all kids respond to different things. I don't have kids yet, so I can't speak from any parenting experience, just from my own childhood.