Let me give all you "Florida will destroy us" and "We are terrible" people a little perspective... We may not be FSU 2013 or 14 but consider this:
We are 4-0 and Miami is up next, a very winnable game. We have a transfer QB learning a new system and we haven't had 1 turnover this season. Let's just play ball, this team will improve we just can't shoot ourselves in the foot with 10 penalties for over 100yds
- Who is GREAT this year!?!?
- Ohio state has struggled every week, Indiana (Who wake almost beat) gave them all they could handle TODAY
- Michigan State has struggled weekly as well. (barely beat a Oregon team that got destroyed by Utah) struggled with Purdue today
- I'll get to the SEC in a moment
- TCU & Baylor haven't played Defense at all and Minisota took TCU to the wire
- ND is losing to Clemson
- UCLA is losing to ASU who was blown out at home by USC who lost to Stanford at home
- NOW to the "All powerful best conference of all time" SEC... THEY ARE OVERRATED!!! Stop listening to the narrative and drinking the "SEC IS THE BEST" KoolAid FACTS:
- Old Miss... beat Alabam due to Bama having 5 turnovers. The game was still VERY close and came down to the last min. They got LUCKY. They almost lost to VANDY last week. THEY ARE OVERRATED they never deserved #3.
- Florida... Squeaked out wins vs KENTUKY, ECU and Tennessee. Tennessee got beat by Oklahoma and is in a battle with a horrid Arkansas team.
- LSU... Beat a god awful Auburn team at home then struggled on the road with ACC Syracuse and most the game struggled to beat Eastern Michigan
- Georgia just got exposed by Alabama
We are 4-0 and Miami is up next, a very winnable game. We have a transfer QB learning a new system and we haven't had 1 turnover this season. Let's just play ball, this team will improve we just can't shoot ourselves in the foot with 10 penalties for over 100yds
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