Students are not sitting social distanced

Northvanole has revealed himself...Jim Acosta!
I was only commenting, to be more clear, that the school limited where you can sit in the rest of the stadium, including the Club, and did not do that for the students
My daughter was in the student section. They had "sit here" signs but many of the others were not following the rules. She wasn't near anyone outside her normal group so they didn't always have their masks but not many were. My daughter went home after getting soaked.
Hospitalizations and how serious you think it is or isn’t is completely irrelevant. The ticker just put a bunch of info along the bottom of the screen talking about the possibility of the season getting postponed. Schools have major outbreaks and it gets into the teams and enough teams start postponing games and you’ll see the season go bye bye.... hospitalizations or not.

FSU has just committed itself to forced testing using a test that is meaningless as to whether a person is infected or infectious or not. So, you might be right. Unless they go to the quick test like some schools which is less sensitive.
I just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks with Covid. Had it for a week before I went to the hospital. The shit almost killed me. Yesterday was an embarrassment. How did they let 19,000 people in there? Everyone with their mask hanging off their face or under their chin. Those students can stay the hell home. Florida State has to got to get its shit together on this pandemic.
I just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks with Covid. Had it for a week before I went to the hospital. The shit almost killed me. Yesterday was an embarrassment. How did they let 19,000 people in there? Everyone with their mask hanging off their face or under their chin. Those students can stay the hell home. Florida State has to got to get its shit together on this pandemic.
Sorry you were ill and I am truly happy you are now better. But I totally disagree with you. Statistics show show the students are at very little risk for what you went through. And again, I am glad you are now healthy.
No one was social distanced. Everyone was sitting where they wanted. No masks. Little security. All that work to keep people separated and it turned into general admission.

And I don’t care, I’m just making the point.
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I just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks with Covid. Had it for a week before I went to the hospital. The shit almost killed me. Yesterday was an embarrassment. How did they let 19,000 people in there? Everyone with their mask hanging off their face or under their chin. Those students can stay the hell home. Florida State has to got to get its shit together on this pandemic.

They’re outside in open air..and masks don’t work, they may lessen droplets your to 15%...You stay home and build your immunity by stop drinking alcohol, sodas, and poising your body with unhealthy foods. When you’ve done that, you can have a say (which should still be discarded) Not one student at any university of over 27k positive tests have needed a hospital.
I just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks with Covid. Had it for a week before I went to the hospital. The shit almost killed me. Yesterday was an embarrassment. How did they let 19,000 people in there? Everyone with their mask hanging off their face or under their chin. Those students can stay the hell home. Florida State has to got to get its shit together on this pandemic.
Were you at the game? I was...people wore masks until they sat down..spread out. I despise those that claim “science” but when cdc rules are followed(at least by non students) the outrage and panic
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You’re missing the point....if FSU has a big COVID outbreak on campus, we’re going to end up cancelling games. See VT. You can’t expect kids to keep masks on the entire game (or at all) so you space them out to mitigate the possible exposure. It’s the big picture that people miss when they downplay safety measures. Just do the right thing and we SHOULD BE able to have a full season.
Guess the administration was just dumb to limit crowd size and require masks.
I mean

even the article says they don’t know if Covid. Did you read it or just see it on

From one of the linked articles: Mr. Stephens’ death was initially believed to be from COVID-19 complications, according to a Facebook post Tuesday from Central Catholic. But on Wednesday, the school said it “mistakenly attributed his death without official confirmation on cause” and apologized for the error.
Hospitalizations and how serious you think it is or isn’t is completely irrelevant. The ticker just put a bunch of info along the bottom of the screen talking about the possibility of the season getting postponed. Schools have major outbreaks and it gets into the teams and enough teams start postponing games and you’ll see the season go bye bye.... hospitalizations or not.
The season will get postponed at some
Point. They have built time in for this.

if you think the stands were bad, you should’ve seen the kids partying on the streets before the game
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Sorry, but I am not going to wear as mask when sitting outdoors in my seat. Now when I enter/exit the stadium, go to concessions or bathroom, I have no issue with wearing it. Otherwise, no.
I’ll be honest..there was very little social distancing/mask wearing yesterday anywhere in Tallahassee. I’m not saying I saw a bunch of anti maskers because everyone that I saw did wear one into the bars in college town and the stadium. But as soon as you’re in it just comes right off. I know because I did the same thing. No way was wearing a mask sitting outside in that heat. Between yesterday and what I saw in Santa Rosa last weekend it’s obvious people are willing to accept the risk at this point. There was even big parties going on at several apartments/houses pregame and people hanging out in the intramural fields. All these rules are pointless because we have gotten to point that it’s obvious a majority of people are going to do what they want.
From what I saw yesterday, we will get maybe 4 to 5 more games before it is all shut down. On the drive in, potbelly’s was loaded with folks and not all were eating masks and were about 6 inches a part. Many house parties going on with no masks. Kids were all over the place in the student section and not wearing masks. It will eventually make its way to the football teams around the country and this will all stop. That’s my hot take from one game and knowing the spread that has already taken place on campuses across the nation.
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Fauci didnt wear one at the nats game, if this was deadly you would never see him without a mask or out of his house.
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Stop right there. Northvanole is a whole lot smarter than Jim Acosta.
Thanks. At the time I wrote my original post I had gotten to my seats. I used my club seats and the rules were strict. And I could see the chair backs in the main stadium. I saw no chair backs in the student section and “assumed” that the student section was moved to where the chair backs were. I was obviously wrong. I now read that there were signs on the seats where to sit. I didn’t write my post to debate the effectiveness of masks etc. I just thought the school would have done more to “encourage” the students where to sit. Without chair backs I thought they would close off every other row. Oh well. But that was all I meant. Trust me, few people in the club were wearing masks after the first quarter. I had to leave at half time. If I stayed to the end I would put on two masks to cover my face.
I see Students in the stands with their masks around their necks. Escort them out and send a message. If we want fans to attend, they should do what is necessary.
Seriously? Do you actually think our athletic administration has any actionable oversight instincts......?
Congratulations to the young and naive and the irresponsible out-of-town ideologues. Look for new restrictions before the next home game if there is a next home game.

Leon County commissioners chide flouting of mask ordinance at Doak Campbell Stadium

They may be isolated in Florida State University property while inside of Doak Campbell Stadium, but they spill out into our community all the time," outgoing Commissioner Mary Ann Lindley said.

"Our entire community is at risk because of the really thoughtless, selfish behavior on the part of those college kids," she added. "It was absolutely an embarrassment. Across the country people were seeing this, like ‘Oh, in Tallahassee, no rules apply.’ ”
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I just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks with Covid. Had it for a week before I went to the hospital. The shit almost killed me. Yesterday was an embarrassment. How did they let 19,000 people in there? Everyone with their mask hanging off their face or under their chin. Those students can stay the hell home. Florida State has to got to get its shit together on this pandemic.
I wore my mask. I saw many students and adults not wearing theirs.
I'm glad to hear you're recovering.
Some of you are so damn selfish. If you want to go to the game do what's asked. It's that simple. If not stay home. If there is a serious enough outbreak the season will be cancelled. Your personal opinions regarding that mean nothing. If you're not adhering to the guidelines you should be asked to leave and I'd fully support that.

By the way, I think a lot of what's happening is BS and driven by other causes. But I'm willing to do what is asked so there can be a season and these young men can play the game they love. End Rant.
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I just came home from the hospital after 2 weeks with Covid. Had it for a week before I went to the hospital. The shit almost killed me. Yesterday was an embarrassment. How did they let 19,000 people in there? Everyone with their mask hanging off their face or under their chin. Those students can stay the hell home. Florida State has to got to get its shit together on this pandemic.
First of all, glad you are home and my prayers for a complete and speedy recovery. Unfortunately it seems stories like yours are being washed away by the seemingly huge numbers of kids back in school that are having this deadly virus bounce off them as relatively harmless. The truth appears to be that the effects can be as simple as unnoticeable and as tragic as death. Until that is the universally accepted reality, the ridiculous back and forth will continue.