Take Your Pills - Netflix


Seminole Insider
Sep 5, 2006
Far North Dallas
Anyone seen this one? Watched yesterday and it pretty much goes along with thoughts I've had for a while about big pharma and overmedicating 2 generations worth of people.
Anyone seen this one? Watched yesterday and it pretty much goes along with thoughts I've had for a while about big pharma and overmedicating 2 generations worth of people.

Haven't watched it yet. These Netflix muckraking science and health documentaries have a pretty bad record of dubiousness on a lot of claims, but like all of them there is almost certainly an element of truth there.
Will watch it, thanks for the heads up. I definitely think the US is way over medicated...
There is a pill for everything, it's absurd.
There's a clear slant in the documentary and it's easy to see that. The artist kid, I feel he has problems beyond pills. The rest is a small sample size of what seems to be a prevalent issue in the U.S.
There's a clear slant in the documentary and it's easy to see that. The artist kid, I feel he has problems beyond pills. The rest is a small sample size of what seems to be a prevalent issue in the U.S.
Too many of the recent "documentaries" have presented a slanted viewpoint.

I appreciate documentaries that can tell a story, while providing both sides of the argument. The Croods was a great film about how the continents shifted, but didn't shove it in your face.
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One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small;
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all.
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Just watched it. Thought it was pretty poorly organized, maybe like someone with ADHD made it. What was the take away? Too easy to medicate? Greedy corporations are greedy and don't care about the well being of the general population?

I didn't think the documentary did a very good job of illustrating the negatives of Adderall and conventional medications for treating ADHD, at least to a point where one might be afraid of medicating their kids. Surprisingly, the documentary seemingly starts to introduce using LSD and mushrooms as a better alternative to Adderall ... Hmmm

Takeaways I got were :

  • ADHD meds are commonly abused, particularly in college and competitive business
  • Big pharma is greedy
  • ADHD medication is used as a quick fix
  • The side effects are bad... Not entirely sure what the bad part is other that feeling like "not yourself" or losing creativity ...
  • At the same time, painting ADHD meds as magic brain pills that relate to cheating and performance enhancing
  • Lots of empirical evidence and results that seem to gloss over situations with many variables and attribute directly to ADHD medication as largest influence
  • Our society is too competitive and causing people to push themselves past their normal limits (ironic given how older generations view these weakling and lazy millennials)

I found the Wallstreet guy that had face blurred as the least relatable guy. Acted as if his co-worker's breakdown was 100% due to the lifestyle and somehow also mainly ADHD.

The football guy who had all that list of problems and basically saying Adderall is cheating and now he feels guilt, overlooking all the drugs and head trauma that may have also been impacting how he felt.

There's the artist kid that claims he can deal with ADHD now after years of being on Adderall and due to his personal experience, he would never give it to his kids. That's all good and well, but I didn't hear anyone address how people with ADHD can change how their minds and bodies are affected by ADHD as their brains mature and they reach adulthood.

Interesting premise, does show both sides of the coin but didn't have a compelling argument for one direction or another.
I don't care much for any medicine, even Advil, but I'll admit some of these news specials and documentaries about Adderall make me want to try it, recreationally. I'm too old to use molly or x as a party drug, but this might fit the bill.
I don't care much for any medicine, even Advil, but I'll admit some of these news specials and documentaries about Adderall make me want to try it, recreationally. I'm too old to use molly or x as a party drug, but this might fit the bill.
The couple times I've taken adderall I didn't feel any dramatic difference. It was more like I just didn't get tired as early when I knew I was going to have a long day socializing.