"Teacher's pet" sure doesn't mean what it used to

Formerly Rockymtnole

Ultimate Seminole Insider
Feb 9, 2013
Kids these days...

NEW YORK -- Texas teacher Haeli Wey was on a trip to Africa with the family of one of her students when she and the 17-year-old first became intimate, the teenager told police, according to an affidavit obtained by 48 Hours' Crimesider.

Wey, a former math teacher at Westlake High School, in Austin, Texas, was arrested on Dec. 17 on two counts of felony improper relationship between educator and student, for a pair of alleged months-long relationships with teenage boys. Police say the alleged crimes occurred during the summer and fall of 2015. Under Texas law, it is illegal for teachers to have sex with students, even if they are at least 17 years old, the state's legal age of consent.
I'm more shocked how many slutty tatted up chicks there are in the teaching ranks. I guess education is an easy major and teaching jobs are in high demand? I don't think I had a female teacher under 90 when I was in school.
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I do not. Stories like these prove that adolescent boys' fantasies do sometimes come true. Things like this never happened to me, but they give me some validation that my wishing (back then) was not all in vain.

I'll go on record and say there IS a double standard, as there should be.

If the roles were reversed, it WOULD be creepy and wrong, and I don't have a problem with saying it. It's not the same, it's just not.

These boys are NOT victims, I don't care what the law says.

I had a 29 year old English teacher my sophomore year of high school. Woulda loved for her to victimize me.
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I'll go on record and say there IS a double standard, as there should be.

Some people apply a different standard when the issue is just sex. But it sounds like the official charge could be unrelated to age of victim or sex of victim, but more to the fact that Texas has decided it won't allow teachers to sexually fraternize with students. I think it's a very good idea. There are issues there that go beyond sex, and would be issues even if the student was 25, or 30. There's good reasons colleges discourage relationships between profs and students currently studying under them (no pun intended)

I guess if it's not someone in a position of authority, power to give grades or show other favoritism / punishment, I'd consider applying different standards. But to paraphrase the Trumpster, any teacher who goes around Schlonging students they teach needs to go.
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I hadn't even seen this part

One victim allegedly told police he met Wey at a "student ministry program"

I'm sorry that's just wrong, lol, she was the equivalent of his Sunday school teacher.
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I'll go on record and say there IS a double standard, as there should be.

If the roles were reversed, it WOULD be creepy and wrong, and I don't have a problem with saying it. It's not the same, it's just not.

These boys are NOT victims, I don't care what the law says.

I had a 29 year old English teacher my sophomore year of high school. Woulda loved for her to victimize me.

If a 17 year old girl was consensual it wouldn't be more wrong than with a 17 year old boy. It's a fact that more girls date older guys, especially at that age. Studies show that girls are emotionally advanced at those ages than boys. So, they would be better suited to deal with any emotional trauma that the minor might suffer. A girl who is getting her jollies off just like the 17 year old boy would would be less damaged, if at all. The only difference is that less boys find themselves in these circumstances than do girls. My only question is that if it is consensual, then is there a crime being committed? The law is saying that if they are under 18, then it is a crime. So, that's it. It has nothing to do with how happy the boy might be. And, don't you think that girls in these situations aren't bragging to their friends about being with the older guy, because they most definitely are.
If a 17 year old girl was consensual it wouldn't be more wrong than with a 17 year old boy. It's a fact that more girls date older guys, especially at that age. Studies show that girls are emotionally advanced at those ages than boys. So, they would be better suited to deal with any emotional trauma that the minor might suffer. A girl who is getting her jollies off just like the 17 year old boy would would be less damaged, if at all. The only difference is that less boys find themselves in these circumstances than do girls. My only question is that if it is consensual, then is there a crime being committed? The law is saying that if they are under 18, then it is a crime. So, that's it. It has nothing to do with how happy the boy might be. And, don't you think that girls in these situations aren't bragging to their friends about being with the older guy, because they most definitely are.

I wonder if any one has ever done a study of those underage victims years after the affair with the teacher and whether or not there is some mental disorder that has developed because of the teacher preying on the student or in this case students. Certainly there were lasting repercussions with the students Pamela Smart manipulated.
I wonder if any one has ever done a study of those underage victims years after the affair with the teacher and whether or not there is some mental disorder that has developed because of the teacher preying on the student or in this case students. Certainly there were lasting repercussions with the students Pamela Smart manipulated.

Maybe not full blown personality disorder, but if you did a general psychological test and compared that cohort to the general populations scores, they might be skewed a bit. But it doesn't matter if it's just one boy out of a dozen who ends up with issues from this stuff. A horny teacher out to satisfy her own desires is in no position be the psychological expert to figure out which one that is. Now if it's a 17 year and she's not his teacher, odds are that it's no big deal. But you have middle school teachers and baby sitters doing this with 12 and 13 year olds. I remember one case like that that got out, and the other parents in the area would no longer let their daughters get anywhere near the kid. He was ostrasized.
I wonder if any one has ever done a study of those underage victims years after the affair with the teacher and whether or not there is some mental disorder that has developed because of the teacher preying on the student or in this case students. Certainly there were lasting repercussions with the students Pamela Smart manipulated.

Yes, they are likely placed on a pedestal by their classmates, they likely get lots of free drinks when the story comes out at college, and all the other dudes watch to see which prof he spends time with in college. And they likely have the regret for the rest of their lives that the coolest thing they have done their entire lives was accomplished at 17.

Is it wrong legally? Yes.
Is it wrong having your "child" in the protection of their teacher and they violated that trust? Absolutely.
Do most guys in HS dream or talk about the "hot teacher(s)"? Hell yes, heck, I just had a conversation with a HS mate about our "it" teacher, but that didn't happen for anyone. Instead it was the creepy biology guy.
I like the no teacher student relationship much more than the straight age of consent. I wonder if the teacher - student scenario ends up getting them branded as a sexual predator.
Funny, so many talk about all the guys that dream about doing it, but so few do. Meanwhile, the girls all think, talk, and actually do it. Very few of them dream about it. They are more emotionally prepared to deal with it. So, they date the older guys.
So I guess I'll be the case babysitter was in high school when I was around 12. She was a hot, popular, cheerleader etc. We had this game where she would act like she was asleep and I would take off all her clothes and hid them around the room. One time I hid her panties in my moms panty drawer and she freaked because she couldn't find them for a while. My parents owned a condo and she would come stay with us all summer. I couldn't WAIT for my parents to go out!!
I can't remember doing the actual deed, but I do have a vivid memory of an up close and personal clam. This went on for a couple of years until she went to college I assume
Today Im no sex addict or anything like that, but I do love me some sex. I have a family, a house, a job, ect.
The next babysitter didn't stand a chance, after her My parents decided I was old enough to be left alone when they went out.

Hope that helps
So I guess I'll be the case babysitter was in high school when I was around 12. She was a hot, popular, cheerleader etc. We had this game where she would act like she was asleep and I would take off all her clothes and hid them around the room. One time I hid her panties in my moms panty drawer and she freaked because she couldn't find them for a while. My parents owned a condo and she would come stay with us all summer. I couldn't WAIT for my parents to go out!!
I can't remember doing the actual deed, but I do have a vivid memory of an up close and personal clam. This went on for a couple of years until she went to college I assume
Today Im no sex addict or anything like that, but I do love me some sex. I have a family, a house, a job, ect.
The next babysitter didn't stand a chance, after her My parents decided I was old enough to be left alone when they went out.

Hope that helps
Helped me. Helped me on my way to......HELLLLL!!!!
The problem is that the double standard doesn't just apply to this, it applies to much more serious crimes as well. If you're a women and want to kill someone, bring a male to be the look out. If caught the state will give you probation in exchange for your testimony against the man Custody disputes? Claim the man is a molestor or abuser, no proof needed. And if you want to kill your husband or boyfriend, great. Just cry self defense, it works more than it doesn't.

Take a look at this year Christmas "comedy" with Mark Wahlberg. A father has to compete with the step father for the love of his own child while the mother sits back and enjoys it all. Do you think a movie with those roles reversed would ever go over??

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