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Ultimate Seminole Insider
Jul 23, 2004
This sounds like a line from just about every mauling you hear of committed by a pit bull.

I don't think they're necessarily more aggressive or more likely to snap than most dog breeds now, but the difference is as opposed to a bloody finger from a dachshund or a terrier of some sort you get your throat and testicles ripped out.
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This sounds like a line from just about every mauling you hear of committed by a pit bull.

The fact is that the vast majority of pit bulls don't snap and kill people.

Many of the pit bulls that bite were abused or raised by awful owners.

German Shepards bite people, too. I know 2 that have. I guess we should put them all down :)
Hey, guys, it's not the breed, it's how they were raised.
Many of the pit bulls that bite were abused or raised by awful owners.

Awful owners must exclusively own pit bulls, because they are overwhelmingly the subject of these stories.

German Shepards bite people, too. I know 2 that have. I guess we should put them all down :)

Please show me stories where the family German Shepard snapped and mauled a beloved family member to death. I'll wait here.
Most won't snap. Here's an interesting article:
Your pit bull advocacy page attempts to dilute the damage done by pit bulls by linking in a bunch of other breeds, knowing that those aren't the dogs we're talking about.

No one is raising pugs and Boston terriers to kill each other for money.

"In the 13-year period of 2005 to 2017, canines killed 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (284) of these deaths. Within this period, deaths attributed to pit bulls rose from 58% (2005 to 2010) to 71% (2011 to 2017), a 22% rise."
Hey, guys, it's not the breed, it's how they were raised.

Awful owners must exclusively own pit bulls, because they are overwhelmingly the subject of these stories.

Please show me stories where the family German Shepard snapped and mauled a beloved family member to death. I'll wait here.

Here you go. Those German Shepherds are a bunch of baby killers.

We should put all German Shepherds down.

LOL. Debating you is easy.
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Your pit bull advocacy page attempts to dilute the damage done by pit bulls by linking in a bunch of other breeds, knowing that those aren't the dogs we're talking about.

No one is raising pugs and Boston terriers to kill each other for money.

"In the 13-year period of 2005 to 2017, canines killed 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (284) of these deaths. Within this period, deaths attributed to pit bulls rose from 58% (2005 to 2010) to 71% (2011 to 2017), a 22% rise."

Well, yeah. Pitbulls are strong and some can be very dangerous.

If you can prove that most pit bulls bite people, I'd be interested in seeing it. You proved my point because many people raise pitbulls to be vicious and this is tragic. It's not the pitbulls fault that they've been adopted as the official breed of criminals.
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So what I'm hearing is owners need a bigger breed to keep the unruly pit bulls in check. Carry a bigger stick so to speak.
Well, yeah. Pitbulls are strong and some can be very dangerous.

If you can prove that most pit bulls bite people, I'd be interested in seeing it. You proved my point because many people raise pitbulls to be vicious and this is tragic. It's not the pitbulls fault that they've been adopted as the official breed of criminals.

"...many people raise pitbulls because they are vicious..."
I don't think they're necessarily more aggressive or more likely to snap than most dog breeds now, but the difference is as opposed to a bloody finger from a dachshund or a terrier of some sort you get your throat and testicles ripped out.

This..........when they do snap there's a far greater chance you can lose your life.
Here you go. Those German Shepherds are a bunch of baby killers.

We should put all German Shepherds down.

LOL. Debating you is easy.
I realize you're trolling, but I'm trying to avoid work, so I'll bite.

That article is almost two years old. In addition to the OP's post, here's a story about a pit bull killing a baby earlier in Florida earlier this summer > link.

This is one of many. For every German Shepard/Rotweiller/Dachsund death story, there are 10 pit bull stories.
Pit bull apologists are the friggin' worst.

Up there w/anti-vaxxers to me.

They are a close second, but idiot anti-vaxxers are not only putting society at a greater risk, but their own damn kids...........all based upon doctored "science" and idiot celebrities.
They are a close second, but idiot anti-vaxxers are not only putting society at a greater risk, but their own damn kids...........all based upon doctored "science" and idiot celebrities.
I don't disagree. But usually these pit bull stories involve a child, frequently a child in the pit bull's home, being mauled to it's not altogether that different either.

Either way, both groups can pound sand, IMO.
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The fact is that the vast majority of pit bulls don't snap and kill people.

Many of the pit bulls that bite were abused or raised by awful owners.

German Shepards bite people, too. I know 2 that have. I guess we should put them all down :)
I'm on my third German Shepherd, I find it amusing you compare the two breeds. I guess you aren't a big fan of statistics.
This weekend in Home Depot I saw two guys, each with a pitbull, inside the store. Those things just make people nervous, even when leashed.

Part of the fun of having a dog is interacting with other people and other dogs. I wouldn’t want a dog that everyone is scared of.
  • 39 U.S. dog bite-related fatalities occurred in 2017. Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 900 U.S. cities, pit bulls contributed to 74% (29) of these deaths. Pit bulls make up about 6.5% of the total U.S. dog population.
  • During the 13-year period of 2005 to 2017, canines killed 433 Americans. Two dog breeds, pit bulls (284) and rottweilers (45), contributed to 76% (329) of these deaths.
Conway’s family is mourning and is at a loss for words.
“Everybody is devasted,” LeClair said. “I don’t know that there are lessons to be learned or not,”
There are hundreds of breeds of loyal, friendly dogs. There's one or two that have shown the tendency to snap and kill you/your child. If you choose that one you're a moron.
As straight and truthful as it can be said.
Some Pitbulls are amazing. I understand there's a lot of fear and ignorance surrounding the breed because most Americans generalize all of them based on the bad ones, which are a minority.

The Pitbulls I have known have been incredible dogs and much better than other breeds because they are very athletic, loyal, and highly intelligent.

I would put a great Pitbull against a great dog of any other breed in terms of ownership benefits.

I don't expect to convince anyone because this is the internet and debating has never convinced anyone of anything ever :)

I'm just stating my personal experience.