The Fox bit on Jameis and ESPN.


Veteran Seminole Insider
Dec 4, 2003
St Petersburg
hope I don't get banned, but my jaw is still on the floor.

Was on the TC earlier today and read a thread that linked a fox video about Jameis and ESPN on draft day; won't link but it's an easy Google.

First off the lady was interviewing an ex NFL player who said at one point " he is the property of the NFL now". The man was black, I can't imagine how on earth a black man just claimed another was property.

For the most part the bit followed the script of bashing JW; Blowing stuff out of proportion and ignoring or not researching the facts.

She closed with this though, "hopefully, he won't take a picture of himself trying to rape a girl."

The person interviewed just shook his head and muttered, "oh my God"

I don't know if it was the subject matter or something posted that I didn't see, but the thread was deleted.

I simply can't understand why Fox hasn't already fired her and issued an apology. I don't care if you've read the reports and realize that he did not rape the girl, or you have bought the narrative of the feminists and haters. That is offensive to both Jameis and the accuser, and all real victims of rape.

I guess there isn't really that much to discuss about it, but I just can't get over that right now. The hate for our boy is freaking disgusting and I wish there could be some bit of justice for those promoting it.
Those two people are knuckleheads.

Im upset I gave them a click.
I'm not sure what to say, that segment was unbelievable.

If she didn't know the NFL network hosted the draft too, you can't expect her to be up on the other facts...
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wow. you would have to work hard to be more uninformed about almost everything "discussed" in that clip. Who is she, and what is her background?
wow. you would have to work hard to be more uninformed about almost everything "discussed" in that clip. Who is she, and what is her background?
She seemed like a high school reporter. Not very good and she's dumb. Not a good combo...
The report was the worst I have seen. Comments like this help nothing though.

I offer you number 3 from Websters and a STFU! :)

Definition of WHORE

: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also : apromiscuous or immoral woman
: a male who engages in sexual acts for money

: a venal or unscrupulous person

and to further the definition:


adjective un·scru·pu·lous \-ˈskrü-pyə-ləs\
: not honest or fair : doing things that are wrong, dishonest, or illegal

She seemed like a high school reporter. Not very good and she's dumb. Not a good combo...

This is how it came across to me as well. Very high schoolish and low quality in general ....I would hope the "agent" of the nfl player is regretting having his client sit down with that lunatic. Kind of ironic
wow. you would have to work hard to be more uninformed about almost everything "discussed" in that clip. Who is she, and what is her background?

Here ya go:

Tamara Holder joined Fox News Channel (FNC) in 2010 as a contributor.

Holder is an Illinois criminal defense and civil rights attorney. Additionally, Holder is the founder of, a site for those seeking to clear a criminal record. Holder has filed hundreds of petitions to expunge/seal criminal records and for clemency/pardon. In 2010, Holder received Illinois Governor Pat Quinn's first commutation of sentence for a client who was dying of cancer in prison.

In 2007, Holder was recognized during a Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing with regard to her representation of fired railroad workers. She also testified as an expert witness before the Congressional Committee of Transportation, Subcommittee of Maritime and Infrastructure.

In 2008, Holder was named by the Chicago Sun-Times as one of "50 People Who Make Chicago a Better Place."

Holder has provided legal opinions on cases such as Governor Blagojevich, Casey Anthony, Michael Jackson. Holder also provides political commentary from a Democratic perspective.

Holder has written for The Huffington Post, The Daily Caller and GrassRoots Magazine (a medical marijuana publication). She is a frequent radio guest on "Hannity." In 2012, she appeared in the movie "Atlas Shrugged: Part II," where she played herself alongside Sean Hannity, Juan Williams and Bob Beckel.

Holder is a graduate of The University of Arizona and The John Marshall Law School.

Holder was initially based in Chicago, however she is now based in New York City. In addition to her work at FNC, Holder continues to file executive clemency and pardon petitions.
John Marshall law, there's your problem right there. Basically the law school that only accepts those rejected by every law school in the Top 150. It was notoriously %*%* when I was applying to law schools in the late 90s and was the joke school of the time along with Thomas Cooley and Nova Southeastern. I doubt it's much better now.