This is a narrative that I've noticed too, and I honestly couldn't disagree with it more. There have been funny women throughout my lifetime, and well before, and I can think of countless examples. Gilda Radner, Carol Burnett, Beverly D'Angelo, Victoria Jackson, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Meghan Mullaly, Jan Hooks, etc all span several decades.
I'd be the first to agree that generally speaking women aren't truly equals in our country, or in most places in the world, but the comedic world ain't one of them. Especially when that narrative is used to defend and/or promote the marginally funny like McCarthy.
And you should self impose a week ban for the Murray comments. I'm just going to have to forget those, because I kind of like you and want to keep liking you, but it'll take me a while to get over that.
I like Bill Murray a lot. I think he's a great, maybe even underrated actor (which is hard given how much he's hyped/beloved). But I wouldn't categorize his work in Rushmore and the other Wes Anderson movies as hilarious. It's charming and amusing, and excellent. That's what he does now...that's what he wants to do and he's great at it. And he's a funny guy in real life...he's just left that shtick behind on film a long time ago. Really, you're going to laugh your ass off at Steve Zissou busting ghosts?
That's not a knock on the guy...that's evolution, and his choice. There's a reason why he's always refused to do Ghostbusters again...Bill Murray is the reason it hasn't happened. What's the last movie he was laugh out loud hilarious in...Kingpin probably? That's 19 years ago now. No knock on him...he's still great and he's an American treasure.
Now, the female thing...I think you are way off. First of all, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Meghan Mullaly are fully part of the current group of women I am talking about. I'm counting them. Carol Burnett is an all-timer. But really, the rest of your list? I'll grant you Gilda Radner, even though I don't think she's very funny, because people I DO think are funny insist that she is. But you're pulling out Jan Hooks? Beverly DeAngelo? Victoria freaking Jackson? Are you kidding me? Beverly DeAngelo was funny opposite Chevy Chase in the Vacation movies. Fine. What on earth did Jan Hooks do outside SNL (or Radner for that matter), and what did Victoria Jackson do at ALL, even on SNL.
I'm not saying those women aren't talented...but where were their TV shows? What movies did they write? What ground did they break?
You're really comparing them to the likes of Tina Fey, Amy Pohler, Mindy Kaling, Amy Schumer and their creative output? You really think they are as gifted comedic actors as Kristen Wiig or Melissa McCarthy or Jenny Slate? And female think Ellen, Elaine Boozler, Poundstone, Margeret Cho and Roseanne are funnier than Chelsea Peretti, Shumer, Iliza Shlesinger, Maria Bamford, etc? I don't.
There's a million more working Comedy Central, Adult Swim, web series, and standup that you've probably never heard of, but I could list them, and there are certainly others that I just haven't picked up on. The fact that you went to Victoria Jackson in your top five all-time just proves just how shallow that pool has been. Seriously, what was ONE funny thing Victoria Jackson ever did...maybe be the least funny thing in UHF?
But I'll say this....maybe all those women were super talents...just as talented as what's out there today. And maybe the state of the industry kept them from starring in their own TV shows, writing movies and TV shows, etc. But even then, my point stands...there are more hilarious women on the scene today, with VERY different types and voices and points of view, than there ever has been before. I can't even imagine that it's arguable, unless you just haven't been exposed to them.