The Villages Florida


Jun 1, 2003
Looks like I'm going to be stuck there for 4 days in a few weeks...visiting with elderly family of the spouse. Any suggestions of things to do? Restaurants? I'm not a golf player. The person we are visiting is almost like a shut-in and I don't want to go stir crazy
you just have to make it to 4 oclock, then head to dinner for the early bird special.
Checkout the square (but bring your spouse...see NoleinBama's comment above). At the very least, you might enjoy seeing the number of decked out golf carts...looks like Bikeweek in Daytona, only with golf carts instead. Some of them are pretty nice.
Check it Brownsville, the newest town center. You'll feel like you're in the old west! They have both kinds of music, country and western.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Statistically, the highest incidence of STDs in America,

Based on this figure alone, presumably a serial stroker could poke grey whiskers endlessly.
Believe it or not it's not that bad of a place. There is always something to do even if you don't like to golf. Lots of happy hours and the rec centers have lots of stuff to enjoy. The golf carts can be tricked out and the gyms are great! The average age is 55 so it's not all blue hairs.
Originally posted by FSU&WFU Grad:
Looks like I'm going to be stuck there for 4 days in a few weeks...visiting with elderly family of the spouse. Any suggestions of things to do? Restaurants? I'm not a golf player. The person we are visiting is almost like a shut-in and I don't want to go stir crazy
Do you like shuffleboard?
Don't remember the shuffleboard rules...maybe I'll play Canasta !

I had no idea about this place.......
What others said about he square. Been a few years but last time I visited, I couldn't believe how cheap the drinks were on HH from the square vendors.

And remember, the old folks NEVER used a 1.5 oz jigger to maximize bar profits, unlike the crappy trend of today. They were full tilt.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My dad and step mom live there and they love it.

If you don't like golf and are not looking forward to being around old people, it will not be much fun for you.
Imagine what the Viagra rep for the Villages makes $$$$$$$ annually.
I say get outside and get some exercise, the weather is great this time of year. Just dress like this:

Get on some rollerblades, and chase the geezers around, it won't seem like exercise at all.
Originally posted by noleit:
Imagine what the Viagra rep for the Villages makes $$$$$$$ annually.
Tons of great business opportunities in the village catering to health care/old age. I want to open up a themed funeral home and have viking boat and sports team themed funerals, etc. Into gardening? Turn the plot into a mini garden and have each person plant a begonia, maybe a bird feeder or garden gnome to keep them company. If the guy was in the navy? You could sink him in a submarine coffin reenacting Midway or someshit. If they liked to hunt? Put the ashes in clay skeets and have friends and family take shots while their remains are flung over a lake.
Take the Cadillac for a ride up to Silver Springs, enjoy a glass bottom boat tour. Maybe head into the Ocala National Forest on US 40, eat at the restaurant on the St. Johns River, double back north on 19 for a few miles and visit Silver Glen Spring.