Brotherhood was an awesome show (the Caffee brothers).
I also don't think my opinion on S1 is very very far from general consensus. It's tough to judge since it is an anthology style show but none of the "top tier" programs listed were heralded as such for many many years after their release or well into a multi season run. Season 1 of Breaking Bad is weak but it built up steam at the end of S2 and took off in S3, if we were to solely judge BB on 1 season, which would be better TD S1 or BB S1? Again, it's tough b/c of the nature of TDs style.
BB or Sopranos didn't make me go and read Robert Chambers stories, diving back into H.P. Lovecraft mythos and step outside the "idiot box" for more information. The Wire made me go and consume David Simon's writings, Band of Brothers had me wanting to learn everything about Easy Company. We conversed on here about this during S1, you were drawn in to the mythos too. My best guess is you were "let down" by this side effect and knock the show but I've never talked to anyone that loves Breaking Bad that just didn't love the show. There's no complexity there, it's just a great show. True Detectives S1 was way more than that. I was absolutely immersed in it, from watching episodes multiple times, reading easter egg information, what inspired the writer of the show, texting with friends on theories, delving into aspects of the forgotten society of people, cults etc.
BB and Sapronos is just typical albeit great TV. "Oh my GOD did you see what happened on last nights show?!?!?!!?" Again, I love this stuff too and I put these shows in the top tier but it's surface entertainment.
I think people have short memories, I think it's short due to the style of TD, I think people are/were pissed that the easter eggs didn't pay off (which I disagree with) and I think some people just live to be a contrarian (not saying this is you).
How could you not love Curb Your Enthusiasm, something else controversial that I think. Curb >>>> Seinfeld