Trying to make a little extra $$$ this weekend - so not worth it!


Veteran Seminole Insider
Dec 5, 2002
Purcellville, VA
With the holidays coming up I thought it'd be good to try and make a few extra dollars - you know, so I could get my kid the G.I. Joe with the kung-fu grip. Anyway, I've got a buddy who has a business photographing nice houses for local "home and garden"-type magazines, and sometimes he'll pay me to go take pictures for him.

I agree to help him out, and he sends me to this one house that was supposed to be real nice. I get through the gates no problem: it's a nice, secure neighborhood, but I'm driving my white Mercury Sabel Premier, so I look like I belong in the neighborhood. I find the address where I'm supposed to be, but there's nobody home. I called my buddy to see what he wants me to do, and he says to just get what I can, and he'll follow up with the owners later.

I work my way around the house, taking plenty of outside shots, and I decided to see if I could get some of the inside. I found a window with the curtains open and take a look inside.... Well, it looks like these people have been processing deer (God, I hope it was only deer!) in their living room. It's hard for me to really describe it, but it was like someone had taken red paint and lit the whole room up. That, and there was "bits" (the only way I can describe them) strewn about everywhere. It's hard for me to even believe this was something that could've been the result of an accident - it looked like someone spent a lot of time and effort getting that much gunk evenly distributed throughout the room.

Man, I don't know a lot, but I know that this isn't normal, and at this point my spidey senses are definitely tingling! So, I take a few pictures of what I'm seeing - partly so my buddy will believe me when I tell him what happened, and partly in case I ever get called in for questioning. Once I've taken enough, I turn to head back to the Sabel (Premier!) and I'm immediately confronted by this guy in a HazMat suit. The guy's got his arms out and is walking towards me saying something about being infected, so I kneed that guy in the groin, hopped in the car, and took off! Man, I hope I never have to go back there again - people nowadays are just too weird!

I still got paid, but it really wasn't worth it! Here's kinda what it looked like, but with a lot more hair and stuff:

You're suspect. I don't know what your reputation is in this town, but after the shite you tried to pull the other day, you can bet someone will be looking into you.
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funny, but my buddies and I painted a whole dorm floor similar to that. Back in 88 at Texas Tech someone got the silly idea to let the students paint the walls of their dorm halls - after design approval of course. Well someone on our floor came up with a cool design where it looked like the walls were done in granite. Lots of little stipples of grey and black. Well, we were a bunch of 18-20 year old idiots, so how well did tiny little stipples last? About 5 minutes. Dorm hall was about 100 yards long. It ended up looking like the above in black and grey. We loved it. The school, not so much. Students came from across the campus to see the thing, it was viral before the internet. Paint spotches were so thick in places I can't imagine what they'd had to do to get rid of it.
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Russ, there's some crazy chick with a G19 Gen 3 looking for you as we speak.
How do they keep the floor so pristine? That is skilled “bit work”. I rate the sling/fling/spread rate on the walls and ceilings only at a solid 10.
Download your pix on a secure site or hard drive. Be safe, my friend.
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