Tulum Mexico

Reread all the %*%* you just said about me over your past ten posts and then imagine I said that about you. Now imagine I also brag about chasing some guy down in my car with them to the dump because they gave me “a look”, that I bragged about almost getting into a violent physical alteration because someone in a bar accidentally brushed into me and bragged about my gun collection all things you’ve done. Not sure your google skills are up to par here. I owned the dump issue and not to get bogged down but we both know I wasn't bragging; not sure what the other stuff is. Post the thread if you disagree. Of course that is the problem with lies, they just compound and you can't keep up.

You’re not properly hinged. I would have suggested nonpublicly that you get some trauma-informed care to deal with your anger management issues but the stalking really stalking, if you don't respond then how am I stalking; google also has a dictionary by the way- is getting a little out of hand when I just said there’s a simple solution of putting me on ignore and leaving me alone. Pull yourself together.
Why should I have to change my life for you; do people do that for you based on the lies you tell? Unhinged? Are you now a doctor? Generally when people say it is all you they have their own issues; are you ok tribe, are your lies catching up to you? Maybe you should consult all your CIA friends or go bench press 225lbs 14 times to clear your head. I really wish I could help you; but you seem to be coming, what's the word....Unhinged???? Keep it coming brother I have a couple more days; of course you could just go silent and then when I am busy again continue your lies. You didn't used to have a different screen name did you? Next up let me guess racists, alt right stuff?
Now to offset the racist handwringing, Quintana Roo which includes Tulum had about 250 murders in a one year period. Chicago which almost exactly double the size had 650 killed last year and 771 the year before.

"[there was a] spike in homicide rate in Chicago between 2015 and 2016 -- an increase of from 478 homicides in 2015 to 758 in 2016, a jump in homicide rate from 17.5 to 27.8" (per 100,000).
Mexico's nationwide murder rate is 20.5 in 2017.
"The World Health Organization considers a murder rate of more than 10 per 100,000 to be an "epidemic.""

Chicago did do better than the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Looks like Central America sweeps the top 5 spots globally.
Bad Hombres?