Watchmen: Under-rated Movie with a Great Soundtrack


Seminole Insider
Apr 1, 2002
Here come Tribe and myself...the two main Watchmen defenders on the board.

I think this is a great movie. It's the only DC movie I'm into and the only Zac Snyder movie I like...I even think 300 is trash. I'm a big big fan...I think it honored the comic well, and improved upon it substantially, regarding the ending (heresy I know). Great soundtrack, good acting, coherent story and theme. While changes were made from the comic, I thought he really captured the idea of it and brought it to life close to perfectly. That opening montage is absolutely stellar.
Here come Tribe and myself...the two main Watchmen defenders on the board.

I think this is a great movie. It's the only DC movie I'm into and the only Zac Snyder movie I like...I even think 300 is trash. I'm a big big fan...I think it honored the comic well, and improved upon it substantially, regarding the ending (heresy I know). Great soundtrack, good acting, coherent story and theme. While changes were made from the comic, I thought he really captured the idea of it and brought it to life close to perfectly. That opening montage is absolutely stellar.

Watchmen is my favorite DC movie and one of my favorite superhero movies period (definitely top 5). So you’re absolutely right, I am a staunch defender of it.

As far as Zack Snyder, I love his early movies ie Watchmen, the remake of Dawn of the Dead (which is my favorite zombie movie other than Shaun of the Dead and maybe Zombi 2) and the 300 (which is cheasy and overblown but for some reason it’s the right level of both for me), but every single movie he’s made since Watchmen I have absolutely hated.
How can you not be a HUGE fan of movie with a big blue naked guy and a heroine wear garterbelt?

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Yep it’s included on my directors cut edition. It’s quite good. And honestly I like blue balls being the scary big bad over the space squid.

To me, that was a huge improvement over the comic. My biggest complaint with the comic was that squid situation was confusing, silly, and kind of dumb. If people love it, that's fine...I'll defer to people who are invested in comics and that universe much more than I am. But from a narrative perspective, the way it played out in the movie made SO much more sense and was so much tighter with the narrative.
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