What are your hobbies now?


Veteran Seminole Insider
May 7, 2008
It's opening day for dove season here. I was never a huge hunter, but got into shooting doves with friends, especially over the holiday weekend. Some deer hunting, when invited and there was more to do. Used to play some golf. But that was in my younger days, at a time when my stepdaughter was pretty self sufficient in terms of doing things on her own or with friends and work didn't seem to take up all my time.

Now, I have a 2 1/2 year old and work a ton. I find that I'm doing pretty good if I am able to hit the gym/workout regularly, take my little girl places on the weekend, get a bit of house work done and find a few hours to squeeze in the Texans or Noles (I never have time for both games). That's all I have time for. I haven't picked up a golf club in 5 years or shot a bird in 3+ years.

Is this the natural progression of life--essentially I'm entering my extremely busy but economically productive time of my life.
Pretty much. I used to play 50-60 rounds of golf a year. This year- 7 so far. Kids take up a ton of time between ages 7-15. I am doing a ton of work on the house and work a ton as well. Leaves just enough time for CFB and bourbon. Life after 40!
I'm with you. I have a 4-year-old daughter. My gym has a huge indoor playground with slides and toys. We get our workouts in and aside from that, it's the park, the mall and the house. I'll take in live music whenever I can, but that's about it.
My kids are older so I have a little more time than I used to. However what I have found is I like doing nothing a lot more than I used to. We like to work in the yard a couple hours each weekend but as I have said many times, I am a terrible Coloradoan. I don't hunt, fish, ski, snowboard, hike, bike, camp or smoke pot. I am perfectly content wasting away a few hours on the porch (with tea or beer depending on the time) doing nothing.
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They used to look like this:


and now they look like this:


And flight sims that used to look like this:


Now look like this:

If I can get out on the motorcycle a couple of times a month, and make a handful of road trips annually, then I'm a happy camper. Rode to New Orleans in July and have rides to Savannah and the Smoky Mountains in October.
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Go to Home Depot. Buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.

Weekday evenings and weekends ends are spent doing yardwork/house stuff, but I've realized that 90% of what I do outside of work involves something with the kids. And I absolutely love it. My kids can drive me crazy at any given moment but they're my escape from the work stuff. I know a number of people who say they can't wait until their children are on their own, but I'm dreading those days.
They used to look like this:


and now they look like this:


And flight sims that used to look like this:


Now look like this:


I've never been into flight simulators but I've loved tactical and especially strategic war games since I was an 80s kid playing Avalon Hill board games like Little Road Top and Victory board games like 7th Fleet.

I just recently modded a PSP and have been playing a lot of old Amiga strategy games plus a lot of old PS1 games like Panzer General and Allied General.

I've also been spending a fair amount of time playing my professional copy of Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. It's used by the Naval Academy and strategic think tanks to run realistic scenarios and is as close as you can get to the real thing. It makes Jane's Fleet Command look like tic tac toe. As a result, that thing is a HUGE commitment. Running a full scenario with a full fleet under your command takes the better part of the day (at least me) because of the time compression required as you don't have a full staff to input your orders and it's only automated so much. You can command a single ship or small squadron relatively quickly but those are not quite as interesting for the most part (depending on scenario, a single destroyer or frigate running a pirate or terrorism scenario is pretty fun). If you've been training yourself on the simpler games like Janes Fleet Command and Sixth Fleet then you can always step up to the real deal.
I used to fish a ton until I had kids. Then I got into RC planes until we moved into the new house 2 years ago. Now I have no hobbies. I have some honey-dos and I have kids sports and a couple of times a year I get to go out and do one of my old hobbies but it's been so long that I find I suck at them.
Before marriage and kids, I played golf, went out with the boys and did whatever the hell I pleased. Now, the highlight of my weekends consists of grocery shopping, errands, yard work, house work and anything else that needs to get done.

Trying to get out of the house to do said errands with my wife and daughter in tow is nothing short of a pain in the ass. My wife crams every friggin thing in the house into the diaper bag or car just in case any unforeseen circumstances, realistic or not, might arise. She can be an OCD control freak about feeding and nap times so it makes for short windows to get anything done. This Saturday we're going to the JAX Zoo and getting out of the house for that will be no less of a shit show.

Lately I've been on home improvement kicks and I've only played golf 2, maybe 3, times in the last two years.
As far as my other hobbies, I usually rotate through as I get bored and leave them behind and then get reinvigorated after a year or two. The only "hobbies" I do 24-7-365 are reef and fish keeping (I've got two soon to be three tropical reef tanks, one Coldwater reef tank (anemones and corals from Oregon and fish from Catalina Island and Japan), one larger freshwater tank and two betts tanks and will soon add a freshwater pond at one of my businesses); landscape photography/travel and gourmet/gourmand cooking and eating with a special interest in regional and historical foods. My other hobbies like goldsmithing (really started as a way to set various gemstones I've bought over time and during travel for my wife), woodworking, foraging (not in garbage cans, but finding and eating local plant and seafoods not normally consumed), strength training, tennis, fishing and both brewing and winemaking all kind of come and go over the years. I always go back to my hobbies, but I do rotate through then relatively often.
Work out
Craft beer
Sunday drives in jeep
Fsu football
Sunday night television

That's all I got nowadays, everything else is family. And all but "work out" has at least my wife included, if not wife and kids. These are just my choice of things to do.
I have a place now in the western NC mountains. Try to go up there and work on something, then chill. We have a camper, but only go when the weather is cool (fall and spring).

I will watch a ton of CFB now that season is starting. Wife lets me have at it. She has lunch with friends, goes out shopping, etc.

But all day watching college FB on Sat. and she says no to the NFL on Sunday (unless we can get the Bucs on TV as she likes the Bucs).
Kids sports; most of the year, I spend 5-6 days a week at the field/court of whatever the boys are playing at the time.

I used to do at least a couple of dive trips a year & golf every Sunday. Now I'm not sure I'd remember how to breath underwater, and I play golf a few times a year.

Effing kids.
During the past 2 years, I have done much more Scuba diving then ever before. I took a huge leap to get cavern certified (I was never, ever going to go into a cave or cavern before) and really liked it. I got to dive with manatees, see tons of turtles and love to dive with sharks. I had one or two times the dive could have ended in disaster, but due to my training, I came out alive. It helped me realize that I can overcome any fears and makes me feel great knowing that I really can take care of myself. I am now a Master Scuba Diver and plan my vacations around good places to dive.

I also love to ride motorcycles. I took the course, passed with flying colors, dropped a new 2015 Harley during my first demo ride and now it is one of my favorite things to do. I actually prefer to be the passenger so I can sight see but there is nothing like the riding with the wind in your face for so much needed therapy I always wear a helmet, mostly so I can have an open casket at my funeral..
Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations

Good game. Seems like a worthy successor to the Harpoon lineage. I don't mess with flight sims near as much, but I do love them.
Command has taken a backseat to War in the West for me since last December. I love WW2 history above all, and particularly the chance to match wits with people around the world. The really nice thing is that I can do it rain or shine, after everyone else in the house goes to bed, or when they're doing something else. I can pause playing at any time to respond to whatever is going on, and if I'm stuck somewhere bored I can even let my mind wander to how I'll parry my opponent's next move, or how I'm going to set him up for what I intend.
Best thing about it is that I spent $90 back in December and I'm probably at the point where I've gotten more than an hour of entertainment per dime spent.
Games like WitW also give me impetus to explore things I hadn't considered (e.g. why in the hell was 90th Panzergrenadier Division on Sardinia in the first place?). Grigsby wargames are definitely not the beer and pretzels variety...
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Good game. Seems like a worthy successor to the Harpoon lineage. I don't mess with flight sims near as much, but I do love them.
Command has taken a backseat to War in the West for me since last December. I love WW2 history above all, and particularly the chance to match wits with people around the world. The really nice thing is that I can do it rain or shine, after everyone else in the house goes to bed, or when they're doing something else. I can pause playing at any time to respond to whatever is going on, and if I'm stuck somewhere bored I can even let my mind wander to how I'll parry my opponent's next move, or how I'm going to set him up for what I intend.
Best thing about it is that I spent $90 back in December and I'm probably at the point where I've gotten more than an hour of entertainment per dime spent.
Games like WitW also give me impetus to explore things I hadn't considered (e.g. why in the hell was 90th Panzergrenadier Division on Sardinia in the first place?). Grigsby wargames are definitely not the beer and pretzels variety...

So the PC version of War in the West is turn based like a gargantuan Panzer General? I haven't looked into it other than a quick check right now. I've been playing more on my iPad, PS4 and modded PSP than on my PC. As a matter of fact the only PC game I've been playing is Command and Europa Universalis.
My main hobby for all of my life has been scuba diving. I will soon be 58. I started my first scuba class the day after my 16th b'day, which you had to be 16 at the time. Have made over 5500 dives and it is as much fun today as it was the 1st time I put the gear on. I no longer make the 160-200' dives but still do a lot of dives. Have had a lot of lesser expensive hobbies thru the years as the kids were growing up and money was tight but have never had the passion for any of it like I do diving.
My main hobby as you call it would be boating. Wife and I like to fish.
One kid a sophomore at FSU and the other a sophomore in High School. This one is about to turn 16 so learning to drive.
My main hobby for all of my life has been scuba diving. I will soon be 58. I started my first scuba class the day after my 16th b'day, which you had to be 16 at the time. Have made over 5500 dives and it is as much fun today as it was the 1st time I put the gear on. I no longer make the 160-200' dives but still do a lot of dives. Have had a lot of lesser expensive hobbies thru the years as the kids were growing up and money was tight but have never had the passion for any of it like I do diving.

I'll have to hit you up for the best spots. My wife and I just started not too long ago as...mainly I have a shark phobia. I was "tastetested" by what was most likely a smallish bull as a wee rugrat and have always been uncomfortable on the water since. Not enough to make me panic or NOT do it when I'm surf fishing, snorkelling, scalloping or surfing but I'm never completely 100% comfortable and feeling "safe" until I'm out of the water. Basically the theme to Jaws is playing in my head 24-7 when I'm in the water and any fish or seaweed that brushes me gets an immediate panicky sidekick. BUT....we've still dove at Key West, Grand Cayman and Belize.
So the PC version of War in the West is turn based like a gargantuan Panzer General?

I suppose the best analogy would be comparing the naval combat system in the board game Axis & Allies with Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations.

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations' real time aspect with the ability to compress is great for single player, but I don't really enjoy games like Command multiplayer because I find myself by necessity doing too much of the thinking to get the best out of my resources, and by necessity pausing and un-pausing the game a lot.

Too many ways I saw people 'game' the online Harpoon to even try to get into that community, and the scale of many of the engagements that are more interesting to me need the chance to speed things way up and slow them back down to keep it a game instead of pretending to be the officer on watch as a hobby.

In complex wargames like WitW some of the AI can be scripted to act responsively and intelligently, but the thrill obtained from tricking an AI routine into a pocket or withdrawal can never match the satisfaction when you 'mystify, mislead, and surprise' a human opponent. It's like mind wrestling. And the anticipation when something plays out over weeks - it's like xmas.

It's what Lee meant when he said, "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."

You can read some of my after action reports on this forum for more detail on the game's mechanics:

Battleground Italy
Battleground Italy II
Operation Market Garden
Operation Mongoose
Grand campaign
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Heh, doesn't help that when swimming back to the boat off the reef in Keywest there were a bunch of big hammers hanging around the boat idly picking off yellowtail snapper that milling about in the tens of thousands and I had to basically swim through the school to get back. And of course the reef drops off before the boat so far you can't see the bottom. So while some people would be like "Ah the miracle of life, look at the huge school of fish hovering under and over the boat" while I was thinking "Jebus Christmas! Look at the shark soup I have to swim through." And that's with me "knowing" that Hammers are for the most part completely uninterested in you, but having to swim through their food did NOT make me happy. I might have beat Michael Phelps on that day.
I suppose the best analogy would be comparing the naval combat system in the board game Axis & Allies with Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations.

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations' real time aspect with the ability to compress is great for single player, but I don't really enjoy games like Command multiplayer because I find myself by necessity doing too much of the thinking to get the best out of my resources, and by necessity pausing and un-pausing the game a lot.

Too many ways I saw people 'game' the online Harpoon to even try to get into that community, and the scale of many of the engagements that are more interesting to me need the chance to speed things way up and slow them back down to keep it a game instead of pretending to be the officer on watch as a hobby.

In complex wargames like WitW some of the AI can be scripted to act responsively and intelligently, but the thrill obtained from tricking an AI routine into a pocket or withdrawal can never match the satisfaction when you 'mystify, mislead, and surprise' a human opponent. It's like mind wrestling. And the anticipation when something plays out over weeks - it's like xmas.

It's what Lee meant when he said, "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."

You can read some of my after action reports on this forum for more detail on the game's mechanics:

Battleground Italy
Battleground Italy II
Operation Market Garden
Operation Mongoose
Grand campaign

I'll check it out. I'm always game for the more detailed war games and strategy games but I usually do single player as its tough for even ME to devote that amount of time...and I've got a lot of downtime, let alone a group of people and none of my current friends are war gamers.
I do a half-assed vegetable garden, that's a hobby in the late spring until I get too busy/bored to deal with it late in the summer.

Watching college football and boxing.

I kind of consider discovering/watching quality TV as a bit of a hobby. I don't really watch any "just for noise" programming, and probably watch less than 10 hours a week (outside college football). So I put some thought into it.

It's probably a stretch to call it a hobby, but I enjoy cooking/grilling. I don't really go after new recipes and techniques that often, but I do enjoy making even relatively (by our standards) demanding meals that I wouldn't have to make if I didn't enjoy doing it.

Was into collecting vinyl for awhile but that's tailed off.

It goes in cycles, but thrifting and selling the finds on ebay has been a recurrent hobby of mine since the early days of ebay. I'll find something and chase that for six months or a couple years, then take a year off, and then start looking for something else.
none of my current friends are war gamers.

I'm playing a retired Lt. Col who was also a texas legislator.
I'm playing two other people in Germany, and another fellow from Vancouver.
I've never met any of them, except on this place called the Internet.
It's a real help to niche wargames like this. The server located, turn based nature works well with interruptions. Because of the games complexity I don't think most people play it in a rapid fire fashion. But if you wanted more you can just accept more games, so you always have a turn pending to ponder and act upon.
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Heh, doesn't help that when swimming back to the boat off the reef in Keywest there were a bunch of big hammers hanging around the boat idly picking off yellowtail snapper that milling about in the tens of thousands and I had to basically swim through the school to get back. And of course the reef drops off before the boat so far you can't see the bottom. So while some people would be like "Ah the miracle of life, look at the huge school of fish hovering under and over the boat" while I was thinking "Jebus Christmas! Look at the shark soup I have to swim through." And that's with me "knowing" that Hammers are for the most part completely uninterested in you, but having to swim through their food did NOT make me happy. I might have beat Michael Phelps on that day.

I don't think anyone really fully appreciate diving and beauty of our oceans until sharks become an "oh look at that" event. Not saying I am not aware and cautious but you reach a point where you realize you are not on their dinner menu. I grew up in the Jaws years so that was a long time coming state of mind. Of course I am very aware of bulls and keep a close eye on them when they are around. I spearfish a lot so I encounter them more than I like. HHs are just neat fish in my opinion. I have encountered many but have never had any type of serious concern with them.

I dive out of Panama City most of the time. If ya'll are in the area let me know. I can help with you with some #s of good spots. Do you have your own boat?
I don't think anyone really fully appreciate diving and beauty of our oceans until sharks become an "oh look at that" event. Not saying I am not aware and cautious but you reach a point where you realize you are not on their dinner menu. I grew up in the Jaws years so that was a long time coming state of mind. Of course I am very aware of bulls and keep a close eye on them when they are around. I spearfish a lot so I encounter them more than I like. HHs are just neat fish in my opinion. I have encountered many but have never had any type of serious concern with them.

I dive out of Panama City most of the time. If ya'll are in the area let me know. I can help with you with some #s of good spots. Do you have your own boat?
I never minded sharks all that much when I could see them but when they'd move in and out of your range of view I'd get nervous.
Golf, live music, craft beer, reading, baseball, football, gambling, travel.

I have a 2 year old and still have time for all these things.
City league flag football
Crossword, cryptogram and sudoku puzzles and "shat" talking....

Same ole Kos!!!
I don't think anyone really fully appreciate diving and beauty of our oceans until sharks become an "oh look at that" event. Not saying I am not aware and cautious but you reach a point where you realize you are not on their dinner menu. I grew up in the Jaws years so that was a long time coming state of mind. Of course I am very aware of bulls and keep a close eye on them when they are around. I spearfish a lot so I encounter them more than I like. HHs are just neat fish in my opinion. I have encountered many but have never had any type of serious concern with them.

I dive out of Panama City most of the time. If ya'll are in the area let me know. I can help with you with some #s of good spots. Do you have your own boat?

No, the HOA doesn't allow it and I don't go out often enough to warrant the slip/storage fees. So we always charter or rent a boat.

I'll have to see if I can find the PCB biotope aquarium someone showed off on one of the reef forums I visit. Maybe not quite as showy as the Mediterranean, Australian or South Pacific reef tanks but on par with the Oregon and California Coldwater tanks that are coming into vogue with the more dedicated hobbyist.
No, the HOA doesn't allow it and I don't go out often enough to warrant the slip/storage fees. So we always charter or rent a boat.

I'll have to see if I can find the PCB biotope aquarium someone showed off on one of the reef forums I visit. Maybe not quite as showy as the Mediterranean, Australian or South Pacific reef tanks but on par with the Oregon and California Coldwater tanks that are coming into vogue with the more dedicated hobbyist.

If you are in PC the hit me up sometime, I have my own boat and try to dive at least weekly.
Absolutely, thanks for the offer!

Here's the PCB biotope tank I was talking about.

I have dove all over FL on both sides of the state. If I had to pick one dive that stands out above all others including the Keys it would be a dive at the jetties one day. The viz was far beyond any dive I have ever made, the water color was the deepest blue from an unusual flow of deep blue water coming in all the way shore. We saw the most diverse sea-life population I have ever encountered in FL waters. I have tried many times to find those conditions again but it has never happen.
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My Corvette and the guys I hang out with.
Getting ready to do some motorhome trips.
Projects/yard work around the house.
FSU football

You guys can have your desk chair simulators. Just a procedural trainer to me.
Similar to dq, I find that the chill out zone is a good place for me more and more. It helps me charge back up. My old Kenwood turntable finally quit, so spinning the vinyl during chill time is out, but I still enjoy making up playlists on itunes.
Hiking and camping are still way up on the list and I think a bit more often about an extended trip on the AT. I have been going lighter and more compact with my gear and searching for new stuff is fun.
I used to play indoor volleyball several nights a week, but several of the old crew left and I kind of drifted away from it. The old knees were part of the drift process.
Yard work, gardening, and building rock walls are a great release...
I spend a lot of time at the gym, either lifting or classes with friends. Between that, kids activities and church activities, I'm pretty much covered. I do spend some time watching sports (mostly college FB and the NFL) as well as FF, but those represent a small fraction of the entire year.
Divin, have you ever gone out to the underwater cypress forest off the coast of Mobile?
Offshore Fishing - Just finished up the tournament billfish season here in the mid-atlantic, last year we won a ton of money, this year was a disaster.

Deer hunting - Getting geared up and doing chores on the hunting property, bow season starts Oct 3. Getting the deer lodge ready (camper) to take and get set up.

FSU Football - Will be planted in front of the TV Sat at 8 with Mount Gay Rum and tonic cocktail(s). Looking at a direct TV subscription to put in the deer lodge to watch games while away hunting.

Getting my 25 yo son prepared for the married life, he's engaged and will be ending life as he knows it sometime in April or May.

Keeping my daughter grounded and straight while she is away at college.

Chasing my wife around the house naked now that we are empty nesters.
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Reading Warchant message boards, sadly, is probably my main hobby these days. College football and basketball. More recently finding ways to set up my tv watching to my satisfaction after ditching Directv. I've enjoyed researching about antennas, configuring my setup, testing out some devices, and finally coming up with a configuration that serves my needs well and saves me a lot of money too. Otherwise it's just work, taking care of my twin kindergartners after school and whatever work needs to be done around the house. Going out and socializing is pretty much a thing of the past, unfortunately.