Wish you'd help me with mine, it's in the toilet. I used to be all world in high school and college now I'm happy if I can get a basic chip shot within ten feet...
Ah, your effed! Give it up and take up pottery.
I have a friend named Robert (@vevois23 @Bav803 and @smhnole know him and have played with him). Been playing golf with him since college, but he hasn't really improved much because he only goes to play golf and doesn't spend time on the range. To add to that, he has a hack-style chipping approach to his short game. Everything is an abrupt stop and the ball goes flying wildly. It's terribly embarrassing when we're on the course and he's playing pong going back and forth over the green.
About 4 years ago after a particularly frustrating round, I finally tell him, "This is ridiculous man. Saturday and Sunday, we're going to spend 2 hours each day only working on chipping".
First hour of that first day was painful. I mean brutal. His brain just wasn't getting it. Finally started channeling my memories from that chipping lesson and got him to remember some tricks. by the 2nd day, he was rolling the ball pure and had less wild shots.
Had a similar lesson with another friend of mine that was just starting out. That friend went from just learning golf and shooting in the 110's to mid 80's in about 6 months. Most of that was natural ability, but a lot of his was his short game went from complete chaos to bump and runs.
I may not always execute on the course, but I do enjoy teaching others. Looking forward to the day soon when my son joins me out on the course/range.