Willie Meggs: "I own this town"

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A "personal interest" as you say it would have been him talking to the gentleman himself as soon as he heard about it, which is what a real leader would do, since it is HIS office. And after he did so it would have been settled for the man in question in 15 min.
meh why not just presume their guilt and turn the screws on them to see if they crack, then continue playing with MS Paint until lunch.
Does anyone here besides me watch First 48?
The way they show the story you WANT them to lie to the perps.
Here in Jax we've had an ongoing heartbreaker about a 21 month old baby who was murdered and the mama (stripper) is lying and covering for her boyfriend who killed that little guy. I HOPE the cops lie their asses off to get that guy the death penalty.
If you disagree I don't really care.
I admit every case is different but don't write off all LEO's.
But who gets to decide when a person is bad enough that the cops should lie to get a conviction? You or the stripper?
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Does anyone here besides me watch First 48?
The way they show the story you WANT them to lie to the perps.
Here in Jax we've had an ongoing heartbreaker about a 21 month old baby who was murdered and the mama (stripper) is lying and covering for her boyfriend who killed that little guy. I HOPE the cops lie their asses off to get that guy the death penalty.
If you disagree I don't really care.
I admit every case is different but don't write off all LEO's.
I'm not even sure to begin on how asinine this is. The "mama" profession is irrelevant, and how do you know the boyfriend killed the baby? If it is that cut and dry why would cops have to lie about it? Then you hope that the police lie to get the result you desire based on what, the facts or what you have decided happened. So the ends justify the means in your mind, where has history heard that type of thinking before. Then you close by saying not to doubt law enforcement, that you just admitted you want to lie to get your desired result. Bravo

First of all, I am not asinine nor is my statement asinine. The mama profession IS relevant are you joking? So is her boyfriends profession (drug dealer). So is what the cops have on videotape.
I'm not going to make some personal insult so
Google " Lonzie Barton". Innocent baby. Never had a chance.
Wow my butt.
I do NOT mean perjure themselves on the stand. I mean the old interrogation trick where the two are separated and the cops tell each that the other has given them up.

They know where that little baby's body is dumped. At least get that out of them.
They've refused to talk and when trash woman has spoken it's all lies.
Neither of these lowlifes have an ounce of human decency. But some are throwing up the old "I'd rather have a guilty man go free". Blah blah blah. Don't want that guilty POS going anywhere but a gurney with a needle.
Willie Meggs knows he is a dick. He just can't hide, for he is the guy that never got the good looking girl. The guy the good looking girls walked by without looking his way. The guy that had his Lincoln Logs taken from him as a youngster. The guy that artificially boast to suppress his insecurities. Yea, that's him. That guy!
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Wow is all I can say to that article, and this should give people new light into the way Meggs and his office processes a crime with an accuser. This type of law enforcement in today's time should be illegal and proof of these types of situations should have had his a$$ thrown out years ago and bared from any form of law enforcement for the rest of his life for those types of accusations. Someone could be in the woods and get robbed in pitch black dark, the assailant not say a word, and if your name is of the accused Meggs will show a photo lineup with your picture in it and have you pressured and interigated into lieng and saying it was you that did the crime. How could any judge in Leon county that knows he does these types of things covict anyone without strong evidence should be thrown out as well. It's the most illegal backwoods bumkin system I've ever heard of and who knows how many innocent lives he's ruined before proving they were guilty with solid witnesses and evidence. If I was the judge in Dalvins case or any other person in this county that he came with a case on I would tell him every time if he doesn't have solid witnesses and proof I will throw him and his team out every time and file violations against him and his office. He's gotten away with it so many times is why he continues to do it. Does anyone know the statistics on charges brought vs denied under his tenure? The state of Florida should have run him off years ago and never let him return. And I believe he said those exact words that he owns this town. It's such a disgrace and I can't fathom the thought of him using his backwoods pressure, lieng, sleezy tactics to charge or try to charge innocent people through false conviction and the state of Florida believe 1 thing his office brings to the courtroom. If he really does these things and get's away with them and then goes and sits in church every Sunday he will have a final seat at the table with the devil when his day comes. I'm disgusted and sick to my stomach right now. These articles should be posted on every website in America so people can see how he opperates. Sorry to ramble but my last comment is I hope Dalvin does the chop and lauggs in his face as he leaves the courtroom Monday if cleared. And I pray the judge files the complaint and has him investigated if he really did use a fake Twitter account and Dalvins juvenile records to persuade conviction. The state of Florida should fire him for history of crooked law and not pay him 1 penny more in salary or retirement moving forward. I hope he pays for what he's done to innocent people if the claims like these are true and I really believe in my heart they are.
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Wow my butt.
I do NOT mean perjure themselves on the stand. I mean the old interrogation trick where the two are separated and the cops tell each that the other has given them up.

They know where that little baby's body is dumped. At least get that out of them.
They've refused to talk and when trash woman has spoken it's all lies.
Neither of these lowlifes have an ounce of human decency. But some are throwing up the old "I'd rather have a guilty man go free". Blah blah blah. Don't want that guilty POS going anywhere but a gurney with a needle.
It's one thing in a TV drama. It's another in real life. I highly suggest you read "the innocent man", a nonfiction, by John Grisham. The techniques you are promoting have led to a number of false confessions that have led to death sentences of innocent people. Real life is not TV, and this countries justice system is founded on the principle that it is more important to not wrongly convict the innocent than it is to convict the guilty. Other valid reasons have already been given here as well. Cops and prosecutors should be honest, upfront and not corrupted, period. Better a thousand guilty men go free than have one innocent man have his life ruined over dishonest and corrupted law enforcement. One case does not justify such a rape of our principles.
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I worked for a number of years as an assistant director, then director, tor two state agencies with responsibility for enforcement of standards within the education profession. I get it that you might want to pull some stops, and do some heavy leaning, in a case where a serious offense (say drugs sales to students, or sexual molestation by a teacher). The moreso from the point beyond which you are fairly certain of your case. But I would have a hard time justifying the kind of conduct described by OP. I suppose you could overlook most nicities if the bombs are set to go off in 20 minutes, but for a misdemeaner? I don't think so. I couldn't even dream of abusing staff of mine that might be suspected of wrong-doing, based on a similar body of evidence as described here.
It's become repetitive around here as to why do they re-elect this guy? I dare anyone to do some kind of research on the guy. Meggs just scraped by in a buddy-buddy system. He mostly had non seats and basically had few non-incumbents challenging his title.

It's easy to win when most aren't brave enough to run for your title.
First of all, I am not asinine nor is my statement asinine. The mama profession IS relevant are you joking? So is her boyfriends profession (drug dealer). So is what the cops have on videotape.
I'm not going to make some personal insult so
Google " Lonzie Barton". Innocent baby. Never had a chance.
you speaking
First of all, I am not asinine nor is my statement asinine. The mama profession IS relevant are you joking? So is her boyfriends profession (drug dealer). So is what the cops have on videotape.
I'm not going to make some personal insult so
Google " Lonzie Barton". Innocent baby. Never had a chance.
I think the more you comment the more you prove my point
you speaking

I think the more you comment the more you prove my point

First, 4:02 AM?? Get some sleep!
And maybe get some sleep before you attack a long time well-respected poster like goldmom, who in many debates on these boards over the years has been a welcome voice of reason.

Is her passion and opinion regarding the Jacksonville case legally misguided? I have no idea. I am not an attorney and haven't read about the case up here in the northeast.
But I will point out that for eons investigators at all levels of law enforcement have used the interrogation technique of separating suspects and telling individuals they have more information than they do and/or that their accomplice(s) have flipped on them. Right or wrong, "lying" or not, it has been a well-worn strategy.

In any case, this thread has been a good, informative debate. The only thing asinine is the disrespect you displayed to goldmom.
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Let me tell you my little "incident" that happened just a couple weeks ago... First off, let me say I'm not anti-authority or anti-police. I respect the job they do, & I'd never want to do what they do, or put up with some of the things they have to put up with. I have friends that are officers, & they are outstanding guys.

I was headed to Chattanooga for the weekend, when I encountered a little bog down on the interstate. A guy had decided that 50-60 mph was fast enough for the left lane. With all the semi trucks on the road at the time, it took awhile for me to take my turn to get around this special person. A black Escalade saw his chance in front of me, & I followed right behind. Right under the exit ramp sat a small town cop. He popped me passing the guy at 96... I drive an off-road slightly modded 4WD. I was doing 60. I couldn't believe I could get to 96 in the short amount of time it took to pass the special person.
I was polite...yes sir...I apologize sir... He goes back to his car & 15 min later returns with a ticket. "Here's your ticket for Reckless Driving. Here's the court date." I'm stunned... I tell him I apologize again, what am I supposed to do? It's my word against his. I mean, I was speeding, but I may have gotten to 88 tops, but 96??? Not a chance... Even though I'm not a habitual speeder, & doesn't seem fair, speeding is speeding, regardless.

Here's the racket... Come to find out, the only ticket they can write on the interstate here is Reckless Driving, & that 96mph is the exact number it has to be. They're writing tickets for income knowing their exit is right after a steep mountain incline, so people are doing the same thing I did. If he would have clocked me another mile down the road, he would have gotten me doing maybe 74 tops in my gas guzzler. Plus, you HAVE to show up for the court date. If you just pay it & don't show up to dispute it (who would?) they get you for a FTA, then suspend your DL, then you have to go up there & give them more money. It's nothing more than a money generator for the rinky dink town.

I wasn't going to dispute it, but a buddy of mine is an ex-cop-now-lawyer. And not 2 days later, another guy told me the same thing happened to him in the same spot, & that he lost his DL over it, just like my lawyer buddy said would happen. He told me he thinks he can get me out of it, so my fingers are crossed. :rolleyes:
If you show up for court get your story right. The special person was going 50-60 and you were going 60 no way you pass this person going almost the same speed and then you might have gotten up to 88 mph tops? There isn't much difference in going 88 or 96 you can go from one speed to the next without knowing at that rate in seconds. Just admit it you were trying to keep up with the Escalade and got popped !!
Does anyone here besides me watch First 48?
The way they show the story you WANT them to lie to the perps.
Here in Jax we've had an ongoing heartbreaker about a 21 month old baby who was murdered and the mama (stripper) is lying and covering for her boyfriend who killed that little guy. I HOPE the cops lie their asses off to get that guy the death penalty.
If you disagree I don't really care.
I admit every case is different but don't write off all LEO's.
I know the case you are talking about. Did they find his body yet? You want even worse, that little guy is the cousin of another missing toddler. She has been missing for years. Her stepmother was supposedly sleeping in the mobile home when the little girl disappeared. Her body has never been found. If I remember correctly her father and stepmother were both arrested and ended up in jail on drug charges but that baby is still missing. This was somewhere near Daytona.
I know the case you are talking about. Did they find his body yet? You want even worse, that little guy is the cousin of another missing toddler. She has been missing for years. Her stepmother was supposedly sleeping in the mobile home when the little girl disappeared. Her body has never been found. If I remember correctly her father and stepmother were both arrested and ended up in jail on drug charges but that baby is still missing. This was somewhere near Daytona.

Of of the true white trash meccas of the world.
If you show up for court get your story right. The special person was going 50-60 and you were going 60 no way you pass this person going almost the same speed and then you might have gotten up to 88 mph tops? There isn't much difference in going 88 or 96 you can go from one speed to the next without knowing at that rate in seconds. Just admit it you were trying to keep up with the Escalade and got popped !!

To pass him in the mere short time it took to go around him in a lifted 4wd there's no way I got to 96. I have an FJ, not a Vette.

I already admitted it. My problem with this is, the laws should be used to keep people safe. Laws should not be used to create revenue. He knew what I was doing. He saw the opportunity to make a few bucks, which is why he is there, & he took it.
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I know the case you are talking about. Did they find his body yet? You want even worse, that little guy is the cousin of another missing toddler. She has been missing for years. Her stepmother was supposedly sleeping in the mobile home when the little girl disappeared. Her body has never been found. If I remember correctly her father and stepmother were both arrested and ended up in jail on drug charges but that baby is still missing. This was somewhere near Daytona.
I had to check on this. He is a cousin to Haleigh Cummings, missing from Palatka when she was five years old. The lead detective on that case still goes over the case daily.
Great post - eye opening! I am in the medical field and very ignorant as to the workings of the legal system. However, having followed a number of cases handled by the Mr Meggs' office I came to the thought long ago that they are more interested in gaining convictions in their cases than necessarily achieving justice. I was appalled several yrs ago when I had to testify in a case where a local college student was handling a gun that happened to be loaded and accidentally discharged the weapon and unfortunately killed his best friend. This was tragic and careless. They were BOTH reportedly handling this weapon before it went off. This young man will have to live with this tragic incident for the rest of his life. The office of Mr Meggs put this kid on trial (I don't remember the charge "involuntary manslaughter " maybe? I remember thinking, okay this kid did a stupid thing but he was NOT a criminal that needed to go to prison for rehabilitation. Are there not enough true criminals out there to prosecute? I completely lost respect for his office and the female prosecutor on the case who just happens to be the daughter of one of FSU's all time great quarterbacks. In her defense if Willie decides to prosecute a case then she has to follow through I guess.
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To pass him in the mere short time it took to go around him in a lifted 4wd there's no way I got to 96. I have an FJ, not a Vette.

I already admitted it. My problem with this is, the laws should be used to keep people safe. Laws should not be used to create revenue. He knew what I was doing. He saw the opportunity to make a few bucks, which is why he is there, & he took it.
I had a black FJ myself when living in NC and cruised all over the state even the mountains with all the power I needed its a heavy vehicle but not a tank. If you got to 88
you could easily get in the 90's !
First, 4:02 AM?? Get some sleep!
And maybe get some sleep before you attack a long time well-respected poster like goldmom, who in many debates on these boards over the years has been a welcome voice of reason.

Is her passion and opinion regarding the Jacksonville case legally misguided? I have no idea. I am not an attorney and haven't read about the case up here in the northeast.
But I will point out that for eons investigators at all levels of law enforcement have used the interrogation technique of separating suspects and telling individuals they have more information than they do and/or that their accomplice(s) have flipped on them. Right or wrong, "lying" or not, it has been a well-worn strategy.

In any case, this thread has been a good, informative debate. The only thing asinine is the disrespect you displayed to goldmom.
Don't worry about my sleep habits son, do you know where I live what I do why my post is at what you see at EST, you don't. And the time of the post doesn't take away from the message, I have no idea who this goldmom person is how long they have been posting or whatever you think is relevant, if you think it is ok to lie to get what you have pre determined an outcome then you are not a rational person and I have no use for you.
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I had a black FJ myself when living in NC and cruised all over the state even the mountains with all the power I needed its a heavy vehicle but not a tank. If you got to 88
you could easily get in the 90's !

You ride stock bro? :D

Let me put it this way... It would be the first time mine hit 96. :)
Does anyone here besides me watch First 48?
The way they show the story you WANT them to lie to the perps.
Here in Jax we've had an ongoing heartbreaker about a 21 month old baby who was murdered and the mama (stripper) is lying and covering for her boyfriend who killed that little guy. I HOPE the cops lie their asses off to get that guy the death penalty.
If you disagree I don't really care.
I admit every case is different but don't write off all LEO's.

The people at First 48 are even bigger scumbags than dishonest corrupt police and prosecutors
"If a police officer is asking you questions in a room at the police station, the only words out of your mouth should be “I want a lawyer.” End of story."

It's a shame that this advice isn't more widely accepted. Most people think they are not criminals so they are fine talking without an attorney. Unfortunately this leaves out the possibility that the investigator may be lazy, incompetent, vindictive or otherwise not "fair" and that by talking the investigator can easily find ways to get the innocent charged. The next step is either take a plea and accept guilt or put oneself in the hands of a jury facing potentially significantly greater punishment than the plea deal.
Cops can lie during the interrogation (I.e, hey, your buddy over there in the next room told us everything (when they didn't) and looks like miser one for you. Do you have anything to say?), and I think most people are ok with that. They can't lie under oath.
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Cops can lie during the interrogation (I.e, hey, your buddy over there in the next room told us everything (when they didn't) and looks like miser one for you. Do you have anything to say?), and I think most people are ok with that. They can't lie under oath.
Considering that many false convictions are the result of forced confessions, I'm not really okay with it.
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FWIW, I was doing a whole bunch of criminal defense in Leon County in 2008 and I don't remember or recognize the author of the blog post at all.
frightening when people
Cops can lie during the interrogation (I.e, hey, your buddy over there in the next room told us everything (when they didn't) and looks like miser one for you. Do you have anything to say?), and I think most people are ok with that. They can't lie under oath.

It is sad if most people are ok with law enforcement officials lying to just get through with their job versus doing their job, hopefully that will change

just to add

If a cop can lie during an interrogation, why does he/she need to lie under oath, their lie has already produced what they wanted, lying under oath is inconsequential at that point
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FWIW, I was doing a whole bunch of criminal defense in Leon County in 2008 and I don't remember or recognize the author of the blog post at all.

He was an intern/student at the time. Can't imagine he would have communicated all that often with defense attorneys.
frightening when people

It is sad if most people are ok with law enforcement officials lying to just get through with their job versus doing their job, hopefully that will change

just to add

If a cop can lie during an interrogation, why does he/she need to lie under oath, their lie has already produced what they wanted, lying under oath is inconsequential at that point

He was an intern/student at the time. Can't imagine he would have communicated all that often with defense attorneys.
Yes he would have. Interns are given a caseload and are in court as often as the bar-admitted prosecutors.
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