it in a heartbeat, would go straight in to get knocked out first punch, and then when I got out of the hospital I'd roll my somewhat rich, crippled azz to the bank.
If I’m in my prime as well yes.
Also do I still get the knockdown money if I tackle or trip him?
How much did Michael Spinks get for doing that?
I'll eat his heartrush him, tie him up and bite him on the it's a bearclaw.
Hell no. Very real chance that a punch to the side of the head from him could (if not would) kill me.
Yeah, I think most people underestimate the punching power of a top level pugilist. Tyson is likely the hardest hitting ever. And perhaps overestimate their ability to take a punch.
And just a visual reminder of what he does to pros.
When I was younger, I would have said yes. Now that I am less full of piss and vinegar, nope.
I think you are very overestimating how much damage Tyson is going to do to you with one or two punches before you're out. Nobody is claiming they can take his punch, just that they'll recover from it.
Not one of Tyson's opponents was seriously harmed by him in a fight. More to the point, he never killed anyone in the likely hundred street brawls he was in, the women he hit, nor did he kill any of the old ladies he sucker punched to steal their purse as a teen. The idea that he would do permanent damage to you in a padded ring, with gloves, and a ref to stop it if somehow you didn't go down immediately, it is just super super small. If Tyson was capable of killing someone with a single punch...well, he would have done it over 50 pro fights, 50 amateur fights, and probably at least 100 street scraps.
And I don't think he was the hardest hitter ever, although he obviously carried great power. The truth is he was really great at delivering his punches from angles, and great combinations. His skill level is highly underrated...and once you got a taste of it, as you can see from that highlight clip, most of them (smartly) want nothing more to do with it. Not just because he hits hard, which he definitely does, but because you never saw it coming. Who wants more of that?
But I think there were several harder hitters than Tyson. But who cares, if he's the 5th or 10th or 20th biggest puncher who ever laced them up, that's still one of the most powerful ever considering all that have laced them up.
Lou pretty much covered it, but Tyson had a rare combination of power, speed, and uncanny precision that allowed him to knock guys out with one punch. Usually they were out like somebody flicked a switch, but a minute later were up and wondering when the bell was going to ring for the next round until somebody told them they'd been knocked out. There were definitely guys with heavier hands, but were bigger and slower. I remember watching George Foreman at 40 hit Bert Cooper so hard with a body punch that Cooper quit the fight. I think he broke his ribs with one body shot. That's power.
Tyson's opponents were all at least decent boxers. They weren't your average middle-aged out-of-shape LR poster.