Wreckage from MH370 jet may have been found


Seminole Insider
Apr 1, 2002
A PIECE OF airplane that appears to match the missing MH370 jet that went missing in March 2014 was found on the island of Réunion, in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Madagascar. If it’s really from that airplane, it is way far from where it was last spotted, near the southern tip of Vietnam—roughly 3,800 miles away. Which means it’s also way far from where the search for the plane has been concentrated.

It's literally the plot of Madagascar or the Penguins of Madagascar movies.
Maybe now that they know where to look we should send planes & Coast Guard out looking for survivors. We're as likely to find them alive as we are those two kids.
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Maybe now that they know where to look we should send planes & Coast Guard out looking for survivors. We're as likely to find them alive as we are those two kids.

I agree. When I read the statements from the Coast Guard saying they were not suspending the search but in fact extending it to to South Carolina and that $400 an hour for chopper fuel was not limiting the search I rolled my eyes. I suppose that's what family would want to hear and better to have the Coasties out practicing rather than sitting in a barracks somewhere eating cake and watching Springer reruns but they're dead.
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