You know what really burns my britches


Veteran Seminole Insider
May 7, 2008
the level of documentation needed to validate FSA card swipes for medical reimbursement. Daughter's renal exam was $288.00. The hospital's receipt said "Hospital Encounter" $288.00 and had a document reference number. That gets rejected as insufficient. Mofo - what do you think I spent $288.00 on at a hospital - pudding. So I sent them the itemized "estimate" they sent to me. Which was for $287.50, listed the procedure and code. That gets rejected because didn't match the amount that was swiped.....and don't get me started about how long it is to get hospital billing records sent to you.

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the level of documentation needed to validate FSC card swipes for medical reimbursement. Daughter's renal exam was $288.00. The hospital's receipt said "Hospital Encounter" $288.00 and had a document reference. That gets rejected as insufficient. Mofo - what do you think I spent $288.00 at a hospital - pudding. So I sent them the itemized "estimate" they sent to me. Which was for $287.50, listed the procedure and code. That gets rejected because didn't match the amount that was swiped.....and don't get me started about how long it is to get hospital billing records sent to you.


I sent in a supplemental insurance coverage for my sons ER visit from his crash at mountain biking practice. The co-pay was $250 and the insurance company wanted the line-item break down. I didn't have it so I went to the hospital to get a copy about a month ago. It looked like a scene out of Outbreak with everyone in masks and all the flu patients lining the halls. I decided to eat the costs and fled that place like Tom Cruise in World War Z.
Do mine in minutes. Take pic of receipt, upload to app and done.
A few of my private practice patients have been put through the ringer by the FSA reimbursement process recently. Most recently, I had to create a receipt on letterhead with everything from the time of the appointment and the time of billing to my NPI and EIN numbers, and the kicker is that they required an original hand-written signature in a particular ink before they would accept it and reimburse.

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