5 studies (5) show COVID just isn't very deadly

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Virologist on Twitter,
Chris von Csefalvay

Has posted thread about the IHME (?) Model that all this was based on. *I THINK* he's saying the model, as originally written, has uh, it up, and if I'm incorrect in my opinion, let me know.

If I'm right in my interpretation, this Ferguson (?) guy who wrote the code, and sent the world into an economic death spiral AND broke his own quarantine recommendations to hook up with his mistress, needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Two things:

My father is 80, overweight, lifelong smoker, cancer survivor and lives in the so called "epicenter" of the virus here in the US, New Rochelle, NY. It doesn't get much more susceptible than that, but even he thinks we shouldn't shut down the economy for everyone just because he's in a high risk group.

Second, it was called the Wuhan virus, even by the liberal media until something changed (Chinese influence, run of the mill PC stupidity, etc.), then it somehow became racist. Don't believe me? Do a quick Google search, you'll see it's true.
And this is the problem. Healthy people become super spreaders. They go around with no symptoms carefree and not giving a shit and literally killing people with underlying health issues. I guess some just really don't have empathy for gradma and grandpop or uncle Fred that's diabetic.
That didn't take long. On the 6th post, all healthy people who don't share in the panic "don't give a s**t and are killing people. THAT post is a pretty good summary of the problem.
You know, I'm a lot more mellow on this board (and in my personal life) than I used to be...I'll just say you might be up past your bedtime very soon, sweetie. Move on. :D
Goldmom getting her intensity back!
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The "Chinese Virus" lol. Wonder if you were one of those "mighty fine people" up in Michigan clutching an assault rifle protesting your right to be infected. The wad of tobacco in your jaw is larger than your brain and that's unfortunate.
Every major media outlet called it either the "Wuhan Virus" or the "Chinese Coronavirus" for weeks, until a 'virtue signaler' sent out the word that those words were RACIST! Suddenly, those correct and useful terms became verboten. Now we say "The Coronavirus" - which actually describes an entire family of viruses, which ends up confusing people, or "Covid-19," which is China's preferred term and is actually the name of the disease, not the virus, or the "SARS-CoV-2," which IS the specific virus and which you will rarely hear anyone say. Confused? You should be. Wuhan Virus was simple, clear, and correct. The virus originated in Wuhan. Everyone knows the story, everyone understood what you were talking about.

But now, ignorant rubes, blissfully unaware yet secure in their 'superiority,' make fun of people who say Wuhan Virus or Chinese Virus.
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