Arrest made in FSU Law Prof Dan Markel murder case

So how long until we get the affidavit he wrote the police in his confession?
He really only got 7 years... and avoided the death penalty... for admitting to a murder-for-hire. Maybe splitting hairs but in my book that is a "walk" ;)
Fair enough. The original article I read simply said 19. Nothing about it being an additional 7.
"In a stunning development, one of the men accused of killing Florida State University law professor Dan Markel has "flipped," pleading guilty to second-degree murder and cooperating with investigators in exchange for a more lenient sentence."

Pretty amazing reading. They really can all rot in hell. Can't believe the way they removed not only the last name but the middle name of his grandma. My god, as if murdering their son was not enough....complete sociopaths. I bet none of them feel any remorse. Just fear.

I was talking about this with my wife... It takes a special kind of evil bitch to do something like that... Markel's ex is a nasty evil human who obviously came from a family of nasty evil humans...

I seriously hope the courts put those kids with Markel's parents... They are screwed regardless but I can't imagine them growing up in the clutches of the family that killed their dad.

Hopefully justice will be served.

Irony: Dan told Wendi in private that she had everyone fooled but that he knew what an awful human being she really was. What has unfolded here is perhaps the only way the rest of the world would have found out that he was right. Just knowing the fear and anxiety flowing through the sadistic veins of the Adelson clan right now brings some degree of satisfaction.
No way that single mom doesn't turn.

She is likely going to be in jail for a long time either way... Her baby daddy is going away for longer... Her kids are going to be with family or in the system regardless...

I imagine that Charlie has told her he will take care of the kids financially as long as he doesn't go down.

That may be her best chance...

I certainly hope she gives up the Adelsons but I won't be shocked if she doesn't... And if she doesn't they will likely get away with it apparently.

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She is likely going to be in jail for a long time either way... Her baby daddy is going away for longer... Her kids are going to be with family or in the system regardless...

I imagine that Charlie has told her he will take care of the kids financially as long as he doesn't go down.

That may be her best chance...

I certainly hope she gives up the Adelsons but I won't be shocked if she doesn't... And if she doesn't they will likely get away with it apparently.

At least she got some nice titties out of the deal. Will serve her well in prison, if Orange is the New Black has any basis in fact.
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She is likely going to be in jail for a long time either way... Her baby daddy is going away for longer... Her kids are going to be with family or in the system regardless...

I imagine that Charlie has told her he will take care of the kids financially as long as he doesn't go down.

That may be her best chance...

I certainly hope she gives up the Adelsons but I won't be shocked if she doesn't... And if she doesn't they will likely get away with it apparently.


I think Charlie goes down hard. The wire-recorded statements he made are devastating (as are the private meetings "outside" because he was seemingly aware of the surveillance risk.....who takes his relatives outside for hushed conversations???). Good luck providing any credible (non-criminal) explanation for all of that. Further, Leon County jurors will hate (rich) dentist/doctor/Miami-types, especially those who can be tied to sleazy behavior.
I cannot see how she goes to jail and Charlie does not. She was just the go between right?

Now we have Wendi on record stating that Charles wanted to hire someone to kill Dan. We already have him making arrangements. Giving her cars, "selling" a boat.

So, Chuck has to be next. Then hopefully Grandma is the final one.

Not sure how or if they can tie Wendi.
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I think she is extremely manipulative and had the cunning to somehow give her blessing that such a thing would make her happy and then contentedly sit back and let mama bear and brother do it while she filed her nails.
I think she is extremely manipulative and had the cunning to somehow give her blessing that such a thing would make her happy and then contentedly sit back and let mama bear and brother do it while she filed her nails.

This may be exactly right. Going to be impossible to convict her of anything based on a wink and a nod. Which means she keeps the kids. The ultimate justice for Dan would have been the kids going to his parents and having their names changed back to Markel.
I think she is extremely manipulative and had the cunning to somehow give her blessing that such a thing would make her happy and then contentedly sit back and let mama bear and brother do it while she filed her nails.
This seems very likely to me. I can't imagine she wasn't aware of it but they might have left her out of the planning because they knew she'd be the first person the police looked at.
I cannot see how she goes to jail and Charlie does not. She was just the go between right?

Now we have Wendi on record stating that Charles wanted to hire someone to kill Dan. We already have him making arrangements. Giving her cars, "selling" a boat.

So, Chuck has to be next. Then hopefully Grandma is the final one.

Not sure how or if they can tie Wendi.
We have all seen how reluctant Meggs is/was to move forward with the existing evidence... Until Rivera decided to cooperate they hadn't executed an arrest warrant on Magbanua... I can't imagine that he will arrest Charlie Adelson without Magbanua explicitly implicating him as the client in the murder for hire plot...

I think it is obvious, at this point, what happened here. But the Adelsons will have very competent legal representation so the State is going to want an iron-clad case.

What will be interesting is when push comes to shove will Wendi be implicated or will the family shield her and take one for the team.

It really is a "made for tv movie" type of case.

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Wait, so they had come up a year earlier to kill him and failed somehow? Was this already known information?
Also, did law enforcement get a warrant for Katie's computer and phone? I'm interested in the correspondence they find there.
This is all well and good, but the real question is: The wife. Wouldja?


I wouldn't want to fall asleep in her presence or piss her off, but I think she's pretty attractive.

Relationship? Hell no

Conjugal visit? Most certainly.
His statement is pretty amazing.

Scumbag 1 "so what are we going to do, rob some people"

Scumbag 2 "no, we are going to kill this guy"

Scumbag 1 " Really, I don't know man, that sounds harsh"

Scumbag 2 "We need to kill him so this lady can take her kids to south FL'

Scumbag 1 "I don't know, seems harsh. But I guess I will help you kill him bro"

It was like discussing what movie they wanted to see.
So, what I don't understand is this, so bear with me.

These guys have no motive to kill Dan other than the money. The money comes from the Adelson family. The brother and scumbag's sister are involved. The Mom wrote the checks from the business account. There are phone and text conversations.

Why isn't the Mom and Brother arrested yet?
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There's no law against writing checks and giving money away. Until it can be officially linked as to the why the checks were written it is purely speculation. While we inherently know, there was no memo on the check that said "payment for DM hit"
There's no law against writing checks and giving money away. Until it can be officially linked as to the why the checks were written it is purely speculation. While we inherently know, there was no memo on the check that said "payment for DM hit"
Since from a business account and it seems to be for an invalid expense based on info provided from who the check was written to, can they get them for some kind of tax fraud if it was written off as an expense and should not have been. I am not sure what kind of penalty comes with that but just wondering if there is some other way to hit them with something else if they can't connect the murder for hire?
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Since from a business account and it seems to be for an invalid expense based on info provided from who the check was written to, can they get them for some kind of tax fraud if it was written off as an expense and should not have been. I am not sure what kind of penalty comes with that but just wondering if there is some other way to hit them with something else if they can't connect the murder for hire?

Elliot Ness perks up...
There's no law against writing checks and giving money away. Until it can be officially linked as to the why the checks were written it is purely speculation. While we inherently know, there was no memo on the check that said "payment for DM hit"
The memo line would say "Professional Cleaner" or "Wetwork"
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