Game of Thrones: Season Finale

All this energy we have put into that damn wall and Jon Friggin Snow and its all been for nothing!

Holy crap man, so ridiculous!

And Sansa finally gets a candle in the window and the female robo-knight turns her head...of course she did!

Still a good episode though!
James Jenkins @CrzyJenks
Well after that episode of game of thrones, I want the white walkers to kill everyone

Chris Barron @ChrisRBarron
If you are mad about Game of Thrones you haven't been a fan of Game of Thrones.

daveweigel @daveweigel
Watching "Game of Thrones" and whining about the deaths is like watching basketball and whining about all the tall people.

Et tu, Olly? (I don't remember who wrote that to give them credit)
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Good episode. Cersei with the killer boobs for her age. Was expecting flatter ones than that. Pleasant surprise.

As for the other deaths in the episode, next season is going to be fun, can't wait.

Silicon Valley finale was up and down, was hoping Richard would end up on top for once.

Guessing a Big Head + Richard reunion is lurking, Maybe.
James Jenkins @CrzyJenks
Well after that episode of game of thrones, I want the white walkers to kill everyone

Chris Barron @ChrisRBarron
If you are mad about Game of Thrones you haven't been a fan of Game of Thrones.

daveweigel @daveweigel
Watching "Game of Thrones" and whining about the deaths is like watching basketball and whining about all the tall people.

Et tu, Olly? (I don't remember who wrote that to give them credit)

Ollie was necessary if Jon is going to

be Azor Ahai/The Prince who was Promised. He needs to be born again under salt and fire and the salt would be Ollies tears.
All this energy we have put into that damn wall and Jon Friggin Snow and its all been for nothing!

Holy crap man, so ridiculous!

And Sansa finally gets a candle in the window and the female robo-knight turns her head...of course she did!

Still a good episode though!

Don't worry the wall isn't done.

At the absolute least Jon will permanently warg into Ghost and will still be important. But I'm betting he's going to be the Azor Ahai and will be reborn relatively quickly. Plus his body's sacrifice as it has kings blood through Rhaeghar will likely wake ice dragons hidden in the stone...,of frozen water.
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Love the Spolier code. Nice having the opportunity to decide what to read.

And Arya. At first I was like yeah that is what I though was coming ever since Ser Meryn was sent to escort Mace Tyrell to Braavos. One name crossed off in epic fashion. The next second I was like d-a-y-u-m not Arya you evil...
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I believe Lena used a body double for her nude walk of shame.....

Yeah it was actually very expensive cgi and a body double. Lena was actually pregnant during the shoot or she would probably have done it. It's not like she hasn't been nude tons of times before. Plus I'm real life she's ridiculously tatted soon they would have had to cgi her for the closeup so anyway as I dont think they could layer enough paint on her without it looking bad.

See most of her tattoos here, also her baby feeders are mere speed bumps in real life.
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Great episode.

I knew the Jon scene was coming, but I still wasn't prepared to see it. Heartbreaking. But the Red Bitch err Witch is there to have him born a new. And with his death, his watch has ended. We are in unknown terroritory with his story. I'm still scared we won't know his fate though next season. I read an article from EW where Kit Harrington said that Jon Snow is dead and that he won't be back next season. I can deal with no Bran and Hodor, but not that cliff hanger.

Arya went crazy go nuts. And has, as expected, paid her price.

Welcome back Theon. We can assume they survived the jump and hopefully will be running into Brienne and not one of Ramsey's hounds.

I'm not 100% Brienne took out Stannis. But if she did, then the Baratheon line is done. ( Except of all the bastards of course!). That battle was kind of a letdown too.

I knew Myrcella was poisoned! Had to wait all season for those ladies to be useful. Poor Jaime, the look on his face was so sad.

Dany gone and found herself a new Khalasar! But she needs to slow her role and let Drogon heal.

Varys and Tyrion together again! Should be entertaining.

Great season! It's going to be a long 42 weeks.
It would be nice if they put some space between episodes. Maybe run them every other week...just so the season lasts a little longer.

So much happened in one episode. There have never been so many story lines advanced like that in one episode before.

I wonder if Arya's blindness is permanent? Or if she can regain her sight after she truly is "ready." Either way, that was a friggin' great murder scene!

I'm glad that Ramsey's dog-keeper whore got killed. I had forgotten how much I didnt like her until she reappeared last night. Way to go, Theon.

The Mountain is back. I had hoped to see more of him to see what Qyburn had come up with. Perhaps in due time next year.

I thought Stannis' army immediately getting surrounded and routed so quickly made perfect sense, but why not show Brienne kill Stannis (if she did kill him)? That annoys me. Did she show him mercy for some reason?

Jamie watching his daughter die was far more difficult than I would have expected it to be. I was glad they just cut away to the boat, instead of diving deeper into his emotional response. As a dad, that was really tough to watch. Not Shireen tough, but definitely tough.

Speaking of Shireen again...Why did the Red Witch have to sacrifice Shireen, if Stannis really wasn't the one true king? I imagine that storyline will be explained later. It had better! Otherwise all of the references and plot focuses on "king's blood," of which there have been MANY, are all for naught.

I'm disappointed to hear that Lena Headey's walk was CGI/body double. Very disappointed. That was (I thought) a very brave performance. The scene was intense w/everyone yelling "Brother-f*cker!" and throwing stuff at her. It's drastically reduced how good I thought it was if she didn't really do it herself though.

I didn't think there was going to be enough time left at the end of the episode to wrap up Jon Snow's character. I guess I was wrong. What makes no sense at al though, and this really bugs me is this...I totally get how the Night's Watch feels betrayed, even to the point of killing him...but why the F did they let all the Wildlings through the gate first? Ridiculous!

Off-topic...I'm re-watching the series from start to finish right now and am in the middle of Season 3. The Brotherhood Without Banners is the coolest bunch of characters, particularly Beric Donderion and Thoros of Mir. I'm surprised those two have been abandoned. Thoros is Bronn-level good w/his drunken wit, and Beric has been raised from the dead 6 times. How do you not focus more on someone like that?
Dang how did forget about Cersei and The Mountain!

And like every Jon Snow scene....where the funk is Ghost?!
Re: Dany and the new assumption is not that it's her new Khalasar, but rather that one is going to kill her.

Drogon, wake up! Your services are needed again, pronto!

Also glad to see Tyrion and Varys together again.
I didn't think there was going to be enough time left at the end of the episode to wrap up Jon Snow's character. I guess I was wrong. What makes no sense at al though, and this really bugs me is this...I totally get how the Night's Watch feels betrayed, even to the point of killing him...but why the F did they let all the Wildlings through the gate first? Ridiculous!

I wonder what happens to the Wildlings? Do they get slaughtered or attack now that Snow is dead?
Did he though....

Apparently the original cut showed him going white eyed warning while the blood flowed into an obvious wolf shape howling next to him but they recut it to no make it more ambivalent
Lena's nude scene was real. The tabloids wrote about the town being shutdown to do that scene. I read it but , I'm unable to find the link
Re: Dany and the new assumption is not that it's her new Khalasar, but rather that one is going to kill her.

Oh they might want to kill her now, but I'm thinking she can turn that around. All things are possible with Drogon! Also, I'm drawing a blank...did anyone from her old Khalasar survive? I remember she sent one out in every direction trying to find people/towns.
Lena's nude scene was real. The tabloids wrote about the town being shutdown to do that scene. I read it but , I'm unable to find the link

It was partially real in that she wore a nude colored full body suit while her body double was actually naked. They filmed the scene three times, once with Lena in skin tight nude body stocking, once with body double in nothing and the third with a moving small green screen rectangle. I saw a behind the scenes thing about this very scene a couple of months ago.
Oh they might want to kill her now, but I'm thinking she can turn that around. All things are possible with Drogon! Also, I'm drawing a blank...did anyone from her old Khalasar survive? I remember she sent one out in every direction trying to find people/towns.

In the books yes quite a few. In the show, I don't think they showed more than a handful leaving her.
Yeah I remember the books, just not the show. Writers went rogue so anything is possible. Maybe someone there remembers her.
I figured Stannis' story was done when that crap with Shireen happened. Now I'm just annoyed that there is some question as to whether he's dead. I seriously can't see any point in his character going forward. And Brianne putting him down would be the perfect way to tie it up. But this is GOT and it's Brianne, so she probably spared him. I really don't care to see any storyline where they try to redeem him as a character.

I'll admit, as a book reader I was more confident that Jon would somehow survive than I am now. Maybe it's just the shock of seeing it. But the actor coming out and saying he's dead is troublesome. I guess maybe that's what they'd have him say even if it weren't true.
For me the Snow death was a new low point on the show. I didnt feel pity i thought it was stupid and unrealistic. With him goes the only storyline that carried the show this season. Now i dont care about the wall, buh bye.

I will say the scene with Jamie and his kid was well done but how did no one see the poison coming my word. No one changes their true intentions in one scene, she was always out for revenge.
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For me the Snow death was a new low point on the show. I didnt feel pity i thought it was stupid and unrealistic. With him goes the only storyline that carried the show this season. Now i dont care about the wall, buh bye.

I will say the scene with Jamie and his kid was well done but how did no one see the poison coming my word. No one changes their true intentions in one scene, she was always out for revenge.

I think it was more that no one saw her being that stupid after her liege publicly warned her.
I figured Stannis' story was done when that crap with Shireen happened. Now I'm just annoyed that there is some question as to whether he's dead. I seriously can't see any point in his character going forward. And Brianne putting him down would be the perfect way to tie it up. But this is GOT and it's Brianne, so she probably spared him. I really don't care to see any storyline where they try to redeem him as a character.

I'll admit, as a book reader I was more confident that Jon would somehow survive than I am now. Maybe it's just the shock of seeing it. But the actor coming out and saying he's dead is troublesome. I guess maybe that's what they'd have him say even if it weren't true.

Like I said, he's not dead dead. Just kinda dead. Worst case he's a puppy from now on, middling case is he stays a wolf before becoming a dragon, best case is the Red Witch brings his body back to life and he wargs back into it.
Yes Jon Snow is dead and when he gets brought back to life, he will no longer be Jon Snow. That is what I'm hoping the actor is talking about.
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if they killed Jon Snow, I'm probably done......

Why not just called the show: Battle of Mostly Evil People for Power Where the Good Guy Always Dies????
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if they killed Jon Snow, I'm probably done......

Why not just called the show: Battle of Mostly Evil People for Power Where the Good Guy Always Dies????

What they should call it is Battle of the Mostly Realistic Show Where Evil People with Power Realistically Triumph over Poor and Good Guys.
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Episode was great with all of those cliffhangers. Is the book and the show completely neck and neck now? I guess people will be looking all year to hear of any contract news w kit Harrington.

While I don't disagree, we can't really be sure of that. You're stating it as if it's fact, but there is nothing beyond this. We're left to speculate.
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Episode was great with all of those cliffhangers. Is the book and the show completely neck and neck now? I guess people will be looking all year to hear of any contract news w kit Harrington.

Pretty much neck and neck but not completely. The huge surprises are caught up though. Some things will probably happen next season that haven't happened yet. Then there are some things that were cut that could still show up.

While I don't disagree, we can't really be sure of that. You're stating it as if it's fact, but there is nothing beyond this. We're left to speculate.

GRRM (and the show runners kept in) made a Wildlings character for no reason other than to demonstrate that Wargs can survive their body's death in one of their familiars (remember eagle dude?). It would be bad writing form to introduce a concept and show the audience and then NOT use it. Just like the resurrection featured elsewhere.
For me the Snow death was a new low point on the show. I didnt feel pity i thought it was stupid and unrealistic. With him goes the only storyline that carried the show this season. Now i dont care about the wall, buh bye.

I will say the scene with Jamie and his kid was well done but how did no one see the poison coming my word. No one changes their true intentions in one scene, she was always out for revenge.

Seemed like Snow getting killed was completely realistic. You have to remember who the men of the Night's Watch are currently. Most of them guilty of horrible crimes that landed them there. Thorne has wanted to see Jon dead for quite some time. And Jon letting the sworn enemy of the Watch through the gates after so many years of violence and hate building up certainly wouldn't go over well. Keep in mind that Jon only won the vote for Lord Commander by Aemon's deciding vote. He wasn't universally supported to begin with.
GRRM (and the show runners kept in) made a Wildlings character for no reason other than to demonstrate that Wargs can survive their body's death in one of their familiars (remember eagle dude?). It would be bad writing form to introduce a concept and show the audience and then NOT use it. Just like the resurrection featured elsewhere.

But isn't one of those still pointless in this conversation? We don't think BOTH things happen do we? Maybe Mel needs some time to learn the skill? Like I said, I don't disagree, but I don't think anyone can say for certain. One of my concerns was that Mel wasn't at The Wall in the show like she was in the books. Her showing up last night was a positive as far as Jon's fate.

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