Southwood vs Golden Eagle


Oct 3, 2007
We want a golf course community where we can run, bike, etc miles from our front door, back up to a golf course or lake, not have any above ground power lines anywhere near our home, and buy a home that we don't have to touch. What does everything think regarding our two main options in Tallahassee?
I don't live in either one and have never played on either of the golf courses, but some other factors may be how big of a place you want (and lot size) and whether you prefer the privacy of a gated community versus one with parks and trails that are open and accessible to the public. To my knowledge, the smallest home you may find in Golden Eagle may be around 2,500 square feet, while Southwood has a much larger range, although not many of the smaller ones back up directly to the golf course. While GoldenEagle does have more homes that back up to a lake, Southwood has more trails (especially paved) that surround the ponds, though these are also open to the public.

Both are very nice...good luck!
Golden Eagle, not even really that close either. The fact that Golden Eagle is a gated community helps, too.

Only downside is location, really.
Both are nice. Southwood homes can be cookie cutter depending on price range. But the location, clubhouse, activities and pool are better IMHO. Golden Eagle is my favorite course to play (SW is second) in town. The clubhouse needs updating but the neighborhood has more character and is gated.
Golden Eagle all the way...dirty secret about Southwood is that it is not in a very nice part of buddy built a house out there and he said it was a big mistake...his house has been broken into 3 times and he has lost the usual's even with having a security system the last two times....a few of his neighbors have experienced the same...The only crime Golden Eagle has is the occasional doctor killing his wife because she complained too much
Not true, there are always thefts going on in Golden Eagle. Usually cars broken into. Being behind a fence doesn't mean you are safe from crime.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by squiffynole:
At Golden Eagle you can be neighbors with the Trickett and Fisher families.
I saw Trickett talking with Greg Hudson just outside Hudson's house before Xmas 2012, which ended up being right before the defensive staff moved on. I like to think you can get some onside knowledge on the FB team just by watching who's out having meetings by their mailboxes on their motorcycle.
Both of them have their issues. Golden Eagle has the most expensive houses and they are older. Southwood is in a horrible school district and houses cost more per sq foot as they are newer. I would say crime is higher in Southwood.