Strippers have rights, too!

I have always been struck by the sad irony of the Milgram experiments. Milgram's initial predictions were actually wrong. Likely due to his collaboration with Solomon Asch and his involvement with Asch's research on the influences of social identity and conformity, he thought that Americans would not submit to orders that were contrary to their beliefs or ethics. He thought that Americans would refuse to harm, torture, and kill other people; rather than to comply with an authority that directed them to do so. His initial hypothesis was that the actions of the Nazis during WWII were attributable to a character flaw in the German culture that would not be present in the American culture. As the competent scientist he was, he followed the data and ultimately revised his hypothesis. His classmate, Philip Zimbardo, infamously built upon that work in the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Yea, we studied all of that in My Geographic Thought class in grad professor definitely thought it was all flawed from the start. I wonder what his thoughts are now.

Strippers have rights, too!

Just going by what you posted.
Insurance companies aren't charities, they have paid out a ton of money over the last few years. I guess they could just pull out of Florida like they are in Kalifornia and not cover your house.

They're still making profits hand over don't give me that. Why didn't premiums go up rapidly back in the early 2000s when Florida had those few years of multiple extreme hurricanes.

Yea, they're pulling out hurricane policies, to limit their risk. But keeping other policies. What kills me is that he knows this is happening, but not even trying to address it. This is lack of leadership from our elected officials, because they don't care.
