I went to that Blockbuster Bowl against PSU with my buddy, Osceola63. We stayed at some odd hotel somewhat near the stadium; the workers - from the front desk to the maids, were all dressed in similar uniforms, with turbans and some odd symbol. In the room there was a book about their religious leader, who was "being persecuted by the US government."
The day after the game, we drove home; I was sitting in my living room, describing the place & people to my wife, with 60 Minutes on in the background. On comes a segment about....the very cult that owned the hotel, their dealings, their leader - Yahweh Ben Yahweh - and the crimes of which he was accused (including a dozen or so murders - some that were simply random, as an initiation into the cult, and some that were murders of people who were in the cult & tried to leave).
I reached for the phone to call O63 & tell him to turn on his tv; before I could get ahold of it, it rang. My wife said "I bet that's Lou." As soon as I said hello he yells "TURN ON 60 MINUTES!!!" I laughed & told him I was reaching for the phone to call him but he beat me to the punch.