Dear Fellow Seminoles,
As the 2018 Legislative Session moves along, we continue to share our priorities and accomplishments with state lawmakers. The unprecedented successes we achieved last year, with legislative help, provide the momentum we need to convince the legislature to continue moving our preeminent university forward.
Our vision to become a Top 25 public university is now well within our reach, and with the legislature’s support I know we will get there. I am optimistic because our lawmakers know that Florida State is one of the most efficient universities in the country, and they understand that supporting FSU students and faculty is a wise investment in the future.
As members of the
Advocate for Florida Statenetwork, your voice and advocacy on behalf of FSU will continue to make a difference in achieving our goals for excellence and help state decision-makers develop a greater appreciation for our University. We would hope that you also encourage others to lend their support to FSU and our agenda by joining
Advocate for Florida State.
Thank you for your willingness to lend your assistance on our behalf. We heartily appreciate your support. For a comprehensive look at our 2018 Legislative Priorities, please go to the
Advocate for Florida State website.
John ThrasherPresident