Their purpose of the second amendment was not to allow citizens to protect their homes from thieves and criminals. It was to provide a standing militia. In other words an army.
I'll bet every Israeli on October 7th wished he had an AR-15. Don't believe a violent well-armed crowd could never come here and attack an individual one day.
"The Second
Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
"More than four decades later, in
United States v.
Schwimmer (1929), the Supreme Court cited the Second Amendment as enshrining that the duty of individuals “to defend our government against all enemies whenever necessity arises is a fundamental principle of the Constitution” and holding that “the common defense was one of the purposes for which the people ordained and established the Constitution.”
If our military is ever defeated in a local battle near you you're going to want your AR-15.
I'm also sure ever Ukrainian wishes they had an AR-15 now.