Advice Needed: Suit ruined at wedding


Feb 7, 2007
I need some help on how to handle a situation. I just got back from a high school buddies wedding in Bend, OR. While dancing to the last song of the night the groom was either bumped or hit and launched his entire glass of red wine all over the tan suit I was wearing. He didn't notice and as it was the last song of his wedding night I didn't want to bother him with it. I immediately went to the bathroom and got water on what looked like I was stabbed all over. I was able to get the suit into the wash cycle on gentle and hang dry it. I know you are supposed to dry clean only but I had no choice in my attempt to save it. The shirt it ruined but the suit actually looks okay from what I can tell. I sent it in for dry cleaning today but don't know how to proceed if it comes back in bad shape or no longer fitting since I had to put it in the wash.

Do I ask the groom to pay for the cleaning of it? If the suit doesn't fit now do I ask him to buy a new one or contribute to one? This is a guy I don't really care to see in the future and don't anticipate him doing the right thing and volunteering to pay for any portion of it.
You need to call somebody, and right quick. He's a douchebag.

I'm somewhat surprised at the notion you would actually contemplate asking the groom to replace your suit. If it's ruined, he did you a favor. Tan suits are so 2002.
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Wow you are a cheap ass. I'm glad I don't have you in my circle of friends. Chalk it up to a loss and move on.
Sadly, it's probably a Van Heusen Shirt and suit that you can get from Men's Wearhouse for about $200.
While I'm quite as big of a reactionary horse's ass as pete seems to be, I'll second most other peoples' comments to chalk it up as a cost of doing business and not spend the time and energy following up on it. The groom won't pay for a suit - or probably even the cleaning. Especially if he was bumped or pushed - not really his fault. Just let it go. If you can get it cleaned and salvage it, then cool - otherwise, Let it goooooooooooo...
I am far from a cheap skate FSUPete but didn't know what normal protocol is for something like this. Also, Brooks Brothers shirt and Jcrew Suit for those that were wondering.
I am far from a cheap skate FSUPete but didn't know what normal protocol is for something like this. Also, Brooks Brothers shirt and Jcrew Suit for those that were wondering.

But per your comments the groom didn't even notice the spilled wine. So what protocol, normal or otherwise, would involve calling him up, telling him what happened and asking him for money?

Were you seriously considering doing this if the old reliable LR had suggested it as normal protocol?
If you don't know the normal protocol why do you consider paying for your new suit "doing the right thing" ?
It is pretty mindblowing that you'd even consider asking him to pay for a new suit -- or to pay for anything. It's not as if he walked up to you and poured a glass of wine on your chest. Shit happens. The world is an imperfect place.
I agree with everyone else. I mean come on, the last song of the night at a wedding there's gonna be people shitfaced on the dance floor. An accidental bump that you even admitted he knew nothing about and some wine gets spilled. That sounds like most weddings ever. Suck it up big boy and laugh it off, no harm no foul.
You have to be kidding! Man, if having a drink spilled on me and having to eat a cleaning bill
was the worst thing that ever happened to me, I would fall on my knees and give thanks.
Life is full of bumps and bruises. This is one of yours. Take all the advise given above, move on,
and keep the friendship of a guy that you thought enough of for you to go to his wedding. In time,
you will be glad that you did. Good luck!
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Don't listen to these idiots. The guy ruined your shirt, suit and your big night. He owes you big. Not only should he buy you a new suit and shirt, he should compensate you for the time you had to deal with this mess, including your time trying to clean your suit, the time you will have to spend getting a new one and the time posting the question on Warchant, although that one is debatable because up until now, you have gotten bad advice. If he drags out payment, you should also get interest.
You have to be kidding! Man, if having a drink spilled on me and having to eat a cleaning bill
was the worst thing that ever happened to me, I would fall on my knees and give thanks.
Life is full of bumps and bruises. This is one of yours. Take all the advise given above, move on,
and keep the friendship of a guy that you thought enough of for you to go to his wedding. In time,
you will be glad that you did. Good luck!
Falling to your knees notwithstanding, the OP didn't say it was the worst thing that ever happened to him. He just asked if there was a protocol for addressing what happened. He didn't even come on here saying that he'd confronted the groom, and wanted to know why he was mad. He just asked for advice. You don't know anything in life until you know it. He didn't embarrass himself, he came on here to get a feel for what others thought.
Don't listen to these idiots. The guy ruined your shirt, suit and your big night. He owes you big. Not only should he buy you a new suit and shirt, he should compensate you for the time you had to deal with this mess, including your time trying to clean your suit, the time you will have to spend getting a new one and the time posting the question on Warchant, although that one is debatable because up until now, you have gotten bad advice. If he drags out payment, you should also get interest.
The only reasonable course of action is to burn the groom's house to the ground with his new bride still trapped inside.
Did you ask the bridesmaid to split the hotel room after banging her?

Who am I kidding, you were probably to preoccupied with the wine to pick up a girl.
I'm still trying to figure out how an entire glass of red wine goes flying on the dance floor - nailing you in a tan suit - and nobody looked to see where the wine went?
Of course you don't ask for them to pay the cleaning bill. You ask them to return your wedding present.
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Was going to say sleep with his wife and make her bleed...fair is fair. But Fiji kind of beat me to it.
The question is if this is a dude you never plan on seeing again why did you go in the first place? If this is your first write off for something like this consider yourself lucky, there will be more to come...

My thoughts exactly.
Hopefully this suit isn't a jos A Bank suit.
on the other hand, if it was, he'd have 7-8 more just like it ready to go ... all for the price of one!!!

btw, OP you should tell willie meggs this story, you seem highly credible and if you describe the groom as someone who has a football player's physique and an FSU student or grad, i'm about 90% willie will handle this on your behalf. he's caring like that.
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I would file a lawsuit, for sure. Maybe name the groomsmen too, since I strongly suspect it was a conspiracy. Hell, maybe the bridesmaids and the minister were in on it too. Would need more facts to identify all potential defendants. But litigation is the answer.

Take a stand. Do not be a milk-toast personality who shrugs and quietly absorbs other peoples' mistakes. We spent millions of dollars building the courthouse.....go use that damned thing!!
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You should have got your wedding gift back if you felt that strongly about it. Wait. Did you even get a wedding gift? From the sounds of it. No and he probably knew that and wanted to make you pay one way or the other.

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