Anyone ever replaced a screen on a laptop?


Mar 29, 2002
I've got an HP Dv6635dx laptop and yesterday the s screen was flickering and now won't come on at all. Is that the problem or could it be something else? Any of you techies know?
It could be the screen or the video card. Plug an external monitor to the laptop and see if it still flickers. I have changed a laptop screen and it was pretty easy.
Could just be the connection and not the screen at all. the damn thing is working. Earlier the screen had dark spots followed by flickering and then no screen at all. I turn it off and go outside and play a little football with the boys, come back in and turn it on, and now it works. What the hell???
Like someone else mentioned earlier, test with external monitor. Make sure your video card is not going kaput. Also, in most cases, the video card is easier to replace than the screen
I still have an old HP laptop that I use every now and then, screen stopped working so I use a monitor. Started doing what your does then just crapped out, if you tap the screen folding sensor it will come on but only stays on for a few seconds.
Its been doing this for a while but it just became more frequent the last several days. Normally the screen would just go out but recently the top right and top left corner and some of the middle of the screen would be very dim while the rest of the screen was bright. Then, it would all of a sudden just go completely out. So, yesterday when this happened, I turned it off and went and played some football with the boys for about an hour, turned it back on and it worked fine. Very frustrating to say the least. So a question......If the screen goes black again and I hook it up to an external monitor and it works, is that the video card or screen going out???
If external works fine then it sounds like the laptop screen is at fault