Brian Williams

He's a complete asshat and should lose his job. Further proof of the sham that passes for journalism these days. And NBC is the worst.
I love how when he apologizes for misremembering, he says his helicopter was in fact, FOLLOWING the one that actually got shot at. That makes it sound like he was right behind the firing. Actually, the one Williams was in was a full hour behind the one that got shot at. That's like being in Tampa and telling people that you were actually involved in a crash that happened in Sarasota. He can't even be honest in his apology. I'm surprised the service people that where there let him get away with this for so long. Guess they got sick of seeing him trot out his heroism over and over again. Did you see the video of his appearance on letterman where letterman (another asshat) calls him a hero and Williams is just smugly basking in his glory? Makes me wanna vomit.

This post was edited on 2/6 11:36 AM by fsugrad
Funny thread and meme's... reminds me of the old LR
Originally posted by FSUTribe76:

Originally posted by RTM58:

Originally posted by FSUTribe76:

Originally posted by nynole1:

Originally posted by FSUTribe76:

Originally posted by NoleInBama:
I would love to see Brian Williams interview Lance Armstrong . . .
Only if hosted by Foxnews Geraldo Rivera, Eric Bolling and Bill O'Reilly.
O'Reilly? Explain...
Bill also REPEATEDLY lies about his upbringing even writing fake sections in his "autobiographical" books about a hardscrabble, lower income upbring. Meanwhile in reality he was middle class at worse as his family almost made the modern day equivalent of six figures which is double the average American family household income.

"In March, editor Michael Kinsley infuriated O'Reilly by suggesting the Fox host's background was less proletarian than he lets on (Washington Post, 3/1/01). O'Reilly makes much of his "working class" upbringing in Levittown, Long Island. His book's dust-jacket bio begins: "Bill O'Reilly rose from humble beginnings to become a nationally known broadcast journalist," and O'Reilly says his father, who retired in 1978, "never earned more than $35,000 a year in his life."

But O'Reilly's mother told a reporter her son actually grew up in Westbury, Long Island, a "middle-class suburb a few miles from Levittown," where he attended a private school (Washington Post, 12/13/00). And his father's $35,000 income in 1978 is equivalent to more than $90,000 today in inflation-adjusted dollars."
Sounds more like you misunderstood and mischaracterized. He said his father never made more than $35k and his mother seems to agree.

My old man made more than $35k in 1978 and we were poor white trash. I can't imagine what that would be like in NY. If I was making what he makes now, stating that I "rose from humble beginnings to become a nationally known broadcast journalist (making millions)" would seem accurate.

I like Brian Williams but it seems so unnecessary to lie in this instance. That said, it is what it is and he got caught with is hand in the cookie jar.
First of all, that quote is outdated. Adjusting for inflation, $35,000 in 2014 dollars is actually $127,082.

If you're making six figures that's not "humble beginnings". Second of all, O'Reilly has repeatedly lied about being poor not just that one solitary quote I pulled out from someone else. Here's another one of his quotes. "I'm as lower-middle-class as they come". Really? His father wasn't some bluecollar schlub. His dad was an accountant for a large oil company making the equivalent of six figures. Even using 1978 figures, the average HOUSEHOLD salary was only $15,000. So Bill's father was making more than double the household income, not exactly "as lower middle class as they come". I'm sure his mother who was a licensed physical therapist added a couple of extra thousands to the $35,000. His parent's sent him to a pretty expensive New York Private School. I realize private schools in Florida are pretty cheap as according to my five second google search the average cost is only $4k a year. But Chaminade High School in New York where Bill went costs $10,500 per semester. So $20k for high school is not something a "lower middle class" family could afford today. Especially since the AVERAGE American household income is $51k (my $44k figure was for Florida). By the accepted definition a lower middle class individual TODAY in 2014 makes....$34,000. Not 1978 $34,000, but current day about a quarter or what Bill's dad made by himself as an OIL COMPANY ACCOUNTANT.

So yeah, if you don't see the lies you're being purposefully obtuse.
O'Reilly grew up in Levittown on Long Island. NOT well to do. My aunt and uncle bought one of those after the War, like O'Reilly's parents did. They lived a few blocks from O'Reilly's family.
My cousin graduated with O'Reilly in 1967 and I can assure you Chaminade didn't cost 10.5 a semester back then, because HIS father, who was an accountant with the old Esso wasn't making that much money. It wasn't until he went into politics that he became a fat cat. (LOL)
In New York, another cousin made detective in NYC about 15 years ago and his salary was $120K. Did well by FL standards, but in NY that's half of a two family income because that's how much it costs to live there.

By the way, that little tiny house in Levittown where Uncle Bud and Aunt Catherine (now both deceased) paid about $7K? Their daughter, who is another cousin and her husband now own it and it's worth about $500K because it's been added on to and improved.

What folks made in 1978 has so little to do with who was rich or who is now rich. And if you made $35K in 1978 and lived in Florida, you were NOT poor white trash. You were solid middle class on your way up.
Originally posted by goldmom:

What folks made in 1978 has so little to do with who was rich or who is now rich. And if you made $35K in 1978 and lived in Florida, you were NOT poor white trash. You were solid middle class on your way up.
slight hyperbole, forgive me...we were middle or slightly below middle in my estimation, but definitely not upper middle and that was in Florida. I pulled an all-nighter and WC kept me awake. Our proximity to 33480 probably made it feel worse than it was.

Originally posted by NYCNole:
Not bragging, I am damn fortunate my parents gave me an easy adolescense. Makes me work hard to give my kids the same. It infuriates me when people play the "rose from the ashes" routine when that was clearly not the case.

This post was edited on 2/6 9:33 AM by NYCNole
Ok. I thought you said it was not middle class, that it was very prestigious. My bad...
I used to give a lecture at Harvard how people project their fantasies as a way to cope with feelings of inadequacy.
Originally posted by squiffynole:
I used to give a lecture at Harvard how people project their fantasies as a way to cope with feelings of inadequacy.

Ironic post is ironic.
You have to be amazed at the way people are defending him. Half the people I see on TV talk about how bad they feel for him, what a nice guy he is, can't believe he would do such a thing, blah blah blah. Newsflash the dude flat out lies about a lot of things. He is no better than the chump in school who tells lies all day in class. Even worse I bet his lies helped him get a job that pays 10 million a year and worse yet there are obviously a bunch of people who did not have the balls to call him out. He was not alone when he was on the helo in Iraq, he was not alone in Israel, he was not alone in N.O. after Katrina, yet those with him all played along and never said a word. It is also starting to come out that NBC may have known about some of this and never did a thing; guess that should not be a surprise either. I am sure some folks may say oh what is the big deal; to me when you have millions of people who form opinions based on what and how you tell them things it is a big deal. I guess it should not be such a shock we are lied to by politicians and other so called journalists daily and do nothing about it and when all this stink is over BW will more than likely still be able to go out and make millions; heck he will probably get 200k per speech to talk about ethics in journalism from some Ivy League school.
Clearly ESPN does not hold them self to the same standards as NBC. They would have know one on staff if so.
do all our heroes have to fall before we realize that we are all human?....

true brian williams is at the top of the mountain of professional achievement in a field that is based on integrity.... but the challenge to climb that steep slope demands far more than intellect and drive... it requires an extraordinarily large backpack to hoist an immense ego... the pressure and discomfort of this rarefied air is constant and unrelenting... we all can become increasingly detached from reality in an extreme environment... hopefully brian williams will set an example of courage that many previous public figures have failed to achieve... true confession and attrition... no spin... no agenda or strategy of future self promotion...

destruction of denial... and the ability to be honest with ourselves is a final step of true human adulthood that eludes even the best of us...
I hear ya, but who really gets their news from the 630 slot anymore besides those that are sitting on their own piss in a pair of depends. Basically he's just a joke anyway, no one trusts these dipshits on tv like our great grandparents and grandparents did- He's no Cronkite, Brinkley, or Murrow. We do not rely on them for up to date news like we used to and it's an archaic format that is only there out of tradition. I honestly couldn't tell you who the other anchors are, and would be hard pressed to name Williams if it weren't for the recent press and his hot daughter getting her butt eaten out on that hbo show. The only way I would ever purposely watch the nightly news again would be if they put Robin Meade in the prime time slot, sitting on a sybian.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by PoopandBoogers:
I hear ya, but who really gets their news from the 630 slot anymore besides those that are sitting on their own piss in a pair of depends. Basically he's just a joke anyway, no one trusts these dipshits on tv like our great grandparents and grandparents did- He's no Cronkite, Brinkley, or Murrow. We do not rely on them for up to date news like we used to and it's an archaic format that is only there out of tradition. I honestly couldn't tell you who the other anchors are, and would be hard pressed to name Williams if it weren't for the recent press and his hot daughter getting her butt eaten out on that hbo show. The only way I would ever purposely watch the nightly news again would be if they put Robin Meade in the prime time slot, sitting on a sybian.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
True dat.

Maybe we need a hottest female newscaster to replace Brian Williams thread?
Originally posted by Finance85:
Brian Williams is no hero.
Agreed. He's a guy on TV that reads from a teleprompter about things that happened to other people in other places. What in the world is heroic about that?
Originally posted by poewilly:

Originally posted by Finance85:
Brian Williams is no hero.
ok then... who is...?
Are you serious? Or are you just messing with us?

Take every person who's on TV or the radio for a living, or who makes music or movies, and remove them from your list of heroes - unless they've done something unrelated to warrant being considered heroic. Now, do the same thing with every professional athlete - getting paid $20M to throw, hit, or catch a ball is not heroic. It's probably safe to also remove anyone who's ever referred to themselves as a hero, or heroic - it seems that the people that are really heroes are the same ones wh'd never see themselves as such.

"A hero or heroine is a person or character in literature who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, displays courage or self-sacrifice-that is, heroism-for some greater good."

There are literally millions of people that could be considered heroes for something that they've done in their lives. Brian Williams is not one of them.
Originally posted by PoopandBoogers:
I hear ya, but who really gets their news from the 630 slot anymore besides those that are sitting on their own piss in a pair of depends. Basically he's just a joke anyway, no one trusts these dipshits on tv like our great grandparents and grandparents did- He's no Cronkite, Brinkley, or Murrow. We do not rely on them for up to date news like we used to and it's an archaic format that is only there out of tradition. I honestly couldn't tell you who the other anchors are, and would be hard pressed to name Williams if it weren't for the recent press and his hot daughter getting her butt eaten out on that hbo show. The only way I would ever purposely watch the nightly news again would be if they put Robin Meade in the prime time slot, sitting on a sybian.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Someone echoed these remarks to me the other day. In fact they told me that it was obvious as all of the commercials were for catheters and depends. I was not aware of that as i never watch these mouth pieces. Not sure why this is a big deal as anyone who believes anything that is spewed anywhere is clueless anyway. There will always be lemmings.

"Hero"...Oprah's a hero, Williams is a hero, This one that one...blah blah blah. And poor brian Williams has to take six months to do whatever the hell he wants with his banked multi millions. Poor sucker. Meh.....more BS .
I hear ya Russ. I was at a crowded bar over the weekend, like 3 rows deep of people fighting for drinks and space. A guy gets up for a second and somehow in muscles this old, little short guy, easily in his 80's, wearing a members only style jacket, red marine corp
hat, and a zero effs given smirk on his face when he sat down and grabbed the seat.

When the guy came back to claim his spot, the old guy said something like "you snooze you lose so go f yourself" and handed the guy his drink and cell phone. He macked on every hot piece of 20 yr old ass and had the girls all over him with minimal effort (other than showing pictures of his grandkids and dead wife, which he still kept safely stored in his wallet). He fought and claimed that spot like it was his personal Iwo Jima, like a bauce. Had a few guys want to talk to him about wars and shit, but he said he just wore the hat to protect his old head from the sun, but it was nighttime and with the look he gave them, you could tell it was more than that.

We bullshitted for nearly 2 hours, half the time not even really hearing each other over the noise, didn't matter, both just nodded over sips. In his eyes he was just another guy at the bar, chasing tail, and getting a few before he went home to go to bed. He didn't buy a drink that night, I made sure that didn't happen. That guy was a hero.
Most folks like the guy. He is a family guy (rooting for his daughter on her broadcast of Peter Pan). He is a "dog" person. Not afraid to spoof himself or take himself too serious (see SNL). Let's face it, he is not a reporter (anymore).

He is a newscaster. He reads the news stories that others create.

I general, I hate to see a good guy crash and burn. But there are those that live for that (See Jameis, Jimbo, FSU).

He is not a hero, but he is a personality that was liked and admired by most.
Originally posted by NDallasRuss:
Originally posted by poewilly:

Originally posted by Finance85:
Brian Williams is no hero.
ok then... who is...?
Are you serious? Or are you just messing with us?

Take every person who's on TV or the radio for a living, or who makes music or movies, and remove them from your list of heroes - unless they've done something unrelated to warrant being considered heroic. Now, do the same thing with every professional athlete - getting paid $20M to throw, hit, or catch a ball is not heroic. It's probably safe to also remove anyone who's ever referred to themselves as a hero, or heroic - it seems that the people that are really heroes are the same ones wh'd never see themselves as such.

"A hero or heroine is a person or character in literature who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, displays courage or self-sacrifice-that is, heroism-for some greater good."

There are literally millions of people that could be considered heroes for something that they've done in their lives. Brian Williams is not one of them.
my fault for using overly colorful language... bw is no hero in the spectrum of people risking their lives to save others or acts of altruism... i used the word to describe our elite... our high achievers whos name adorn buildings and in our written histories... athletes ... movie stars... captains of industry are those among us who have risen above the herd....

joe paterno.... even bobby bowden to a lesser extant have been cast in dimmer light... their foibles... self interest and inability to reasonably avoid the traps of personal delusion and believe their own superficial hype... they are just like the rest of us... liars to the core... usually when it matters the most...
Originally posted by PoopandBoogers:
I hear ya Russ. I was at a crowded bar over the weekend, like 3 rows deep of people fighting for drinks and space. A guy gets up for a second and somehow in muscles this old, little short guy, easily in his 80's, wearing a members only style jacket, red marine corp
hat, and a zero effs given smirk on his face when he sat down and grabbed the seat.

When the guy came back to claim his spot, the old guy said something like "you snooze you lose so go f yourself" and handed the guy his drink and cell phone. He macked on every hot piece of 20 yr old ass and had the girls all over him with minimal effort (other than showing pictures of his grandkids and dead wife, which he still kept safely stored in his wallet). He fought and claimed that spot like it was his personal Iwo Jima, like a bauce. Had a few guys want to talk to him about wars and shit, but he said he just wore the hat to protect his old head from the sun, but it was nighttime and with the look he gave them, you could tell it was more than that.

We bullshitted for nearly 2 hours, half the time not even really hearing each other over the noise, didn't matter, both just nodded over sips. In his eyes he was just another guy at the bar, chasing tail, and getting a few before he went home to go to bed. He didn't buy a drink that night, I made sure that didn't happen. That guy was a hero.
The hits keep coming...

I flew into Baghdad, invasion plus three days, on a blackout mission at night with elements of SEAL Team 6, and I was told not to make any eye contact with them or initiate any conversation," Williams said on Letterman in 2012. Williams shared a story in which he told a commando how much he admired his knife. "Darned if that knife didn't show up at my office a couple weeks later," Williams said. The suspended anchor had told stories of receiving other memorabilia from SEAL Team Six -- including a piece of fuselage from the blown-up Black Hawk that was among the helicopters used in the bin Laden mission.

CNN reported it's all but impossible that Williams traveled with SEAL Team Six, because the elite unit doesn't embed journalists. And the mailing of memorabilia by members of the unit "doesn't pass any sniff test," according to CNN analyst Peter Bergen, who spoke to sources in the SEAL community.
....seems germane to the discussion...

Here's what I think... this is one of those things, where there is an unwritten code among journalists and news personalities, kind of like sports; in that everyone does something, and they all know that everyone does it, inside their little clique, or world. Something that would be considered cheating, bad, dirty, whatever, if the general public found out about it; but there's this unspoken agreement that 'I won't tell on you, if you don't tell on me.'

But every now and then, someone tells on someone, and it starts to unravel, pulling in other people.

I never really thought the BW stuff was that big of a deal, partially because I have absolutely no trust or respect for almost everyone who reports news for a living; so it's not like I had some expectation of dignity or morals from BW or anyone else for that matter. And also in part because of my belief that most people embellish their stories to some degree, or use language that can be interpreted many different ways.

All that being said, seems pretty clear that BO'R is guilty of lying just as much as BW did, and therefore should be punished similarly; he won't be, and it won't be that big of a story, but it should be. And FTR, I don't think that it doesn't happen because of any bias or anything, I just think the general public gets bored with certain themes/stories, like repeats of a show 'Oh, we've already seen the lying reporter scandal, we're bored with that, give us something else...'

BO'R has his own Brian Williams problem...?
Originally posted by tommynole3476:
....seems germane to the discussion...

Here's what I think... this is one of those things, where there is an unwritten code among journalists and news personalities, kind of like sports; in that everyone does something, and they all know that everyone does it, inside their little clique, or world. Something that would be considered cheating, bad, dirty, whatever, if the general public found out about it; but there's this unspoken agreement that 'I won't tell on you, if you don't tell on me.'

But every now and then, someone tells on someone, and it starts to unravel, pulling in other people.

I never really thought the BW stuff was that big of a deal, partially because I have absolutely no trust or respect for almost everyone who reports news for a living; so it's not like I had some expectation of dignity or morals from BW or anyone else for that matter. And also in part because of my belief that most people embellish their stories to some degree, or use language that can be interpreted many different ways.

All that being said, seems pretty clear that BO'R is guilty of lying just as much as BW did, and therefore should be punished similarly; he won't be, and it won't be that big of a story, but it should be. And FTR, I don't think that it doesn't happen because of any bias or anything, I just think the general public gets bored with certain themes/stories, like repeats of a show 'Oh, we've already seen the lying reporter scandal, we're bored with that, give us something else...'
I agree with you mostly, but I think the reason that Williams gets punished while O'Reilly doesn't is a little different. Williams is/was a big-time network news anchor. Those are the people that are the widest-seen, and who historically are supposedly endowed with the trust of the nation, etc. Those network news anchors are the ones that are held to a higher standard. Conversely, O'Reilly has a cable news show. Everyone knows that all of the cable news channels are biased one way or the other. Also, I think everyone expects cable news show hosts to be entertaining, more than trustworthy. It's like if Greta Van Sustern or Nancy Grace or Rachel Maddow turned out to be embellishing - no one is going to care. They'll care a little more for Anderson Cooper, but not a lot more. That's my opinion, at least.
I can agree with that and understand it too. Although I would say BO'R lies are a bit different too. BW lied just to make himself look better; BO'R did too, but then also used it to shame other people for not doing the things he had done, and as some kind of reasoning for why his side of the argument is superior.

It's one thing to say "I have a fifteen inch yack..."

And another to say "I have a fifteen inch yack, and you don't, so that makes you a POS for even thinking you deserve to be ahead of me in this Pub-Sub line!"