Burt Reynolds Dead

Solely responsible for some of Hollywood's goat movie posters.




Check out the ones from Semi-Tough


Burt Reynolds turned down the following roles:

1. Han Solo
2. James Bond
3. Michael Corleone
4. Richard Gere’s Role in “Pretty Woman”
5. Jack Nicholson’s Role in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”
and more

Burt Reynolds auctioned off lots of his possessions in 2014. Including this sign ($1280) which hung outside his house.
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If in 1976, you told me what the movie was about, and said it would be a highlight in Jackie Gleason's career, I would have thought you were nuts. But that's not really germane to the subject.
Perhaps it's not germane, but Gleason's performance in Smokey to this day remains one of (if not) the greatest comedic movie role executions of all time IMO.
It would be really cool if FSU would paint the Bandit logo somewhere on the field for Saturday's game!

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I just noticed that...How awesome!! I'd buy merchandise with that logo.

I would too. Business opportunity until FSU/NCAA shuts us down? Sell the #burtchieflogo at the game.

edit - this is the type of thing that makes me with I was better with photoshop. Would love to have this logo, but have Bandit's had on tipped way back.
edit again, does anyone know if Jodi Slade's logos were copywritten?
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They are running Smokey and the Bandit at most AMC theatres September 12-20th. Plan on tanking my kids.
I know someone in the media department. My daughter is in the 4th quarter hype video, and he was able to give us a copy of that one - so I'm hoping this one isn't an issue. I'll let you know if I'm able to get it.

if you know someone in the media department, can you please, please ask them to play some better music at the stadium during the games. The music choices are TERRIBLE.
if you know someone in the media department, can you please, please ask them to play some better music at the stadium during the games. The music choices are TERRIBLE.

I've already made that complaint, actually. Not sure what's going on there. Seems that things went downhill after they put in the new jumbo-tron and sound system a couple years ago.
I've already made that complaint, actually. Not sure what's going on there. Seems that things went downhill after they put in the new jumbo-tron and sound system a couple years ago.

The sound is a significant downgrade from the previous sound system....they must have a guy running production who is probably in his 20s which is fine...but think about your audience. The stands are filled with a variety of people - I'm guessing I'm not alone in thinking that being bludgeoned with Lil Wayne is not welcome.
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Literally the last thing I have paid attention too in the stadium in the music outside of the Chiefs.
The sound is a significant downgrade from the previous sound system....they must have a guy running production who is probably in his 20s which is fine...but think about your audience. The stands are filled with a variety of people - I'm guessing I'm not alone in thinking that being bludgeoned with Lil Wayne is not welcome.

Got a bunch of kids running on your grass, Spock?
yeah, and I'd be happy to ignore it if it weren't terrible. Maybe they can play the sound of silence.
I'm not saying it isn't terrible, I just don't pay attention to it. I guess the product on the field has distracted me from the actual goings on around the stadium.
see that's the thing, in years past, the music was a nice distraction if things were going wrong on the field. This stuff is like walking home in soaked clothing and every once in a while someone jumps out of the bushes to play unwelcome music that makes it worse. I think they should throw in some classics....and watch the crowd the energy return. This I predict with confidence.
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