I'm sure "those people' got a fair shake in this lady's classroom.....I do love the hashtag at the end of her rant....
To me, this post and the fact she's a teacher really displays why racism is so hard for us to get passed in America, and the effect it has on people everyday.
She probably genuinely feels she's not racist. And I think that's the way a lot of people feel about themselves, or even people they know; because racism is perceived as a switch by most. Either you're a part of the KKK or you're not, you either actively engage in racist activity or you don't. But the reality is, racism is a 180 degree gauge, and no one is full on 180, or at 0; and that goes for all races.
This lady probably isn't even above 90 degrees (if there were some way to truly measure it), but it's that deep seeded, subconscious racism that exists in so many people that causes them to act in ways they don't even realize. She's a 4th grade teacher, how many kids' lives over her nearly 20 years do you think she's treated differently because of their race? And it was probably subconscious and even plausibly valid actions at times. It is her choice when to send a kid to the office and when not to, which kids to spend more time with, encourage more, etc.
And the thing is, she's not unique in any way. There's people all over the country in positions of power, authority, leadership, etc that are 20s, 40s, 60s on the 180 degree scale, and it's the cumulative affect of all those people's actions that cause so much damage and game the system for and against the various races.
Even this cop probably isn't a 90+ kind of person. I doubt he went on this call thinking he couldn't wait to bust some black kids, but a perceived slight from a black girl (let's also not discount her sex being a factor as well) set him off differently than the same actions and/or words from a white girl or boy.
To me that's the problem, the perception that racism is this big on/off thing, and that needs to change before we can really deal with it at all.