Originally posted by NDallasRuss:
Originally posted by kc78:
Yeah at this point as a college male, you are better of just staying abstinent. If you have consensual sex with the wrong woman who later gets mad, all she has to do is say its rape to ruin your life.
Had this happen to one of my best friends in college.
He was having consensual sex with this girl in his dorm room, when she called him by the wrong name. He got mad, got up and left his own room, leaving her there. Minutes later, people heard her screaming "stop it", etc, and she left the room. She cried rape, he was arrested - his crappy school ID photo was immediately on the local news, and he was basically forced to lock himself in a friend's apartment.
It turns out that she had done this same thing before to another guy - only that didn't matter. Once the police actualy bothered to investigate anything (which only occurred at the pressing of his attorney), they found out she was full of crap. The police were so bad that they ignored the fact that he wore a condom during the sex, and the condom was still available in his room. Being the good friend I am, I had to go to his place and "collect the remains" into a plastic bag to give to his lawyer. It went as far as a grand jury, who no-billed it
very quickly. Strangely, the local news never bothered to update the story to say that my buddy didn't do anything wrong.